bsµqu ihMfol mhlw 4 ]
aucwrx bsµqu ihMfol mh`lw cauQw
basanth hinddol mehalaa 4 ||
Basant Hindol, Fourth Mehl:
mnu iKnu iKnu Brim Brim bhu DwvY iqlu Gir nhI vwsw pweIAY ]
man khin khin bharam bharam bahu dhhaavai thil ghar nehee vaasaa paaeeai ||
Each and every moment, my mind roams and rambles, and runs all over the place. It does not stay in its own home, even for an instant.
guir AMksu sbdu dwrU isir DwirE Gir mMdir Awix vsweIAY ]1]
gur ankas sabadh dhaaroo sir dhhaariou ghar mandhar aan vasaaeeai ||1||
But when the bridle of the Shabad, the Word of God, is placed over its head, it returns to dwell in its own home. ||1||
goibMd jIau sqsµgiq myil hir iDAweIAY ]
gobindh jeeo sathasangath mael har dhhiaaeeai ||
O Dear Lord of the Universe, lead me to join the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, so that I may meditate on You, Lord.
haumY rogu gieAw suKu pwieAw hir shij smwiD lgweIAY ]1] rhwau ]
houmai rog gaeiaa sukh paaeiaa har sehaj samaadhh lagaaeeai ||1|| rehaao ||
I am cured of the disease of egotism, and I have found peace; I have intuitively entered into the state of Samaadhi. ||1||Pause||
Gir rqn lwl bhu mwxk lwdy mnu BRimAw lih n skweIAY ]
ghar rathan laal bahu maanak laadhae man bhramiaa lehi n sakaaeeai ||
This house is loaded with countless gems, jewels, rubies and emeralds, but the wandering mind cannot find them.
ijau Efw kUpu guhj iKn kwFY iqau siqguir vsqu lhweIAY ]2]
aucwrx Efw: 'f' sihq bolo; guhj: polw bolo (ASuD: guh`j)
jio ouddaa koop guhaj khin kaadtai thio sathigur vasath lehaaeeai ||2||
As the water-diviner finds the hidden water, and the well is then dug in an instant, so do we find the object of the Name through the True Guru. ||2||
ijn@ AYsw siqguru swDu n pwieAw qy iDRgu iDRgu nr jIvweIAY ]
jin aisaa sathigur saadhh n paaeiaa thae dhhrig dhhrig nar jeevaaeeai ||
Those who do not find such a Holy True Guru - cursed, cursed are the lives of those people.
jnmu pdwrQu puµin Plu pwieAw kaufI bdlY jweIAY ]3]
janam padhaarathh punn fal paaeiaa kouddee badhalai jaaeeai ||3||
The treasure of this human life is obtained when one's virtues bear fruit, but it is lost in exchange for a mere shell. ||3||
mDusUdn hir Dwir pRB ikrpw kir ikrpw gurU imlweIAY ]
madhhusoodhan har dhhaar prabh kirapaa kar kirapaa guroo milaaeeai ||
O Lord God, please be merciful to me; be merciful, and lead me to meet the Guru.
jn nwnk inrbwx pdu pwieAw imil swDU hir gux gweIAY ]4]4]6]
jan naanak nirabaan padh paaeiaa mil saadhhoo har gun gaaeeai ||4||4||6||
Servant Nanak has attained the state of Nirvaanaa; meeting with the Holy people, he sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||4||4||6||