bsµqu ihMfol mhlw 4 ]
aucwrx bsµqu ihMfol mh`lw cauQw
basanth hinddol mehalaa 4 ||
Basant Hindol, Fourth Mehl:
myrw ieku iKnu mnUAw rih n skY inq hir hir nwm ris gIDy ]
maeraa eik khin manooaa rehi n sakai nith har har naam ras geedhhae ||
My mind cannot survive, even for an instant, without the Lord. I drink in continually the sublime essence of the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.
ijau bwirku rsik pirE Qin mwqw Qin kwFy ibll iblIDy ]1]
aucwrx ib-lIDy
jio baarik rasak pariou thhan maathaa thhan kaadtae bilal bileedhhae ||1||
It is like a baby, who joyfully sucks at his mother's breast; when the breast is withdrawn, he weeps and cries. ||1||
goibMd jIau myry mn qn nwm hir bIDy ]
gobindh jeeo maerae man than naam har beedhhae ||
O Dear Lord of the Universe, my mind and body are pierced through by the Name of the Lord.
vfY Bwig guru siqguru pwieAw ivic kwieAw ngr hir sIDy ]1] rhwau ]
aucwrx kWieAW
vaddai bhaag gur sathigur paaeiaa vich kaaeiaa nagar har seedhhae ||1|| rehaao ||
By great good fortune, I have found the Guru, the True Guru, and in the body-village, the Lord has revealed Himself. ||1||Pause||
jn ky sws sws hY jyqy hir ibrih pRBU hir bIDy ]
jan kae saas saas hai jaethae har birehi prabhoo har beedhhae ||
Each and every breath of the Lord's humble servant is pierced through with love of the Lord God.
ijau jl kml pRIiq Aiq BwrI ibnu jl dyKy suklIDy ]2]
aucwrx Aiq: polw bolo; suk-lIDy: 'd'-'D' dI sWJI Avwj
jio jal kamal preeth ath bhaaree bin jal dhaekhae sukaleedhhae ||2||
As the lotus is totally in love with the water and withers away without seeing the water, so am I in love with the Lord. ||2||
jn jipE nwmu inrµjnu nrhir aupdyis gurU hir pRIDy ]
jan japiou naam niranjan narehar oupadhaes guroo har preedhhae ||
The Lord's humble servant chants the Immaculate Naam, the Name of the Lord; through the Guru's Teachings, the Lord reveals Himself.
jnm jnm kI haumY mlu inksI hir AMimRiq hir jil nIDy ]3]
janam janam kee houmai mal nikasee har anmrith har jal needhhae ||3||
The filth of egotism which stained me for countless lifetimes has been washed away, by the Ambrosial Water of the Ocean of the Lord. ||3||
hmry krm n ibcrhu Twkur qum@ pYj rKhu ApnIDy ]
aucwrx Ap-nIDy: 'd'-'D' dI sWJI Avwj
hamarae karam n bicharahu thaakur thumh paij rakhahu apaneedhhae ||
Please, do not take my karma into account, O my Lord and Master; please save the honor of Your slave.
hir BwvY suix ibnau bynqI jn nwnk srix pvIDy ]4]3]5]
har bhaavai sun bino baenathee jan naanak saran paveedhhae ||4||3||5||
O Lord, if it pleases You, hear my prayer; servant Nanak seeks Your Sanctuary. ||4||3||5||