SGGSAng 1402Bhattaa De SwaiyeSwaiye Mahalley Chauthey Ke6 linesBhatt Gayand Ji

sMswru Agm swgru qulhw hir nwmu gurU muiK pwXw ]

aucwrx pwXw: pwieAw bolo

sansaar agam saagar thulehaa har naam guroo mukh paayaa ||

The Name of the Lord, from the Mouth of the Guru, is the Raft to cross over the unfathomable world-ocean.

jig jnm mrxu Bgw ieh AweI hIAY prqIiq ]

aucwrx B`gw

jag janam maran bhagaa eih aaee heeai paratheeth ||

The cycle of birth and death in this world is ended for those who have this faith in their hearts.

prqIiq hIAY AweI ijn jn kY iqn kau pdvI auc BeI ]

paratheeth heeai aaee jin jan kai thinh ko padhavee ouch bhee ||

Those humble beings who have this faith in their hearts, are awarded the highest status.

qij mwieAw mohu loBu Aru lwlcu kwm kRoD kI ibRQw geI ]

thaj maaeiaa mohu lobh ar laalach kaam krodhh kee brithhaa gee ||

They forsake Maya, emotional attachment and greed; they are rid of the frustrations of possessiveness, sexual desire and anger.

Avlok´w bRhmu Brmu sBu Cutk´w idb´ idRis† kwrx krxµ ]

aucwrx Avlok´w: Av-loikAw bolo; bRhmu: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo; Cutk´w: CutikAw bolo; idb´: idibA bolo; idRis†: idRsit bolo

avalokyaa breham bharam sabh shhuttakyaa dhiby dhrist kaaran karanan ||

They are blessed with the Inner Vision to see God, the Cause of causes, and all their doubts are dispelled.

siqguru guru syiv AlK giq jw kI sRI rwmdwsu qwrx qrxµ ]3]

aucwrx Al`K

sathigur gur saev alakh gath jaa kee sree raamadhaas thaaran tharanan ||3||

So serve the Guru, the True Guru; His ways and means are inscrutable. The Great Guru Raam Daas is the Boat to carry us across. ||3||