Awnµdu inq mMglu gur drsnu sPlu sµswir ]
aanandh nith mangal gur dharasan safal sansaar ||
The Blessed Vision of the Guru's Darshan is fruitful and rewarding in this world; it brings lasting bliss and joy.
sµswir sPlu gMgw gur drsnu prsn prm pivqR gqy ]
aucwrx gqy: polw bolo
sansaar safal gangaa gur dharasan parasan param pavithr gathae ||
The Guru's Darshan is fruitful and rewarding in this world, like the Ganges. Meeting Him, the supreme sacred status is obtained.
jIqih jm loku piqq jy pRwxI hirjn isv gur g´win rqy ]
aucwrx g´win: igAwin bolo; r`qy
jeethehi jam lok pathith jae praanee har jan siv gur gyaan rathae ||
Even sinful people conquer the realm of Death, if they become the Lord's humble servants, and are imbued with the Guru's spiritual wisdom.
rGubµis iqlku suµdru dsrQ Gir muin bMCih jw kI srxµ ]
aucwrx ds-rQ
raghubans thilak sundhar dhasarathh ghar mun banshhehi jaa kee saranan ||
He is certified, like the handsome Ram Chander in the house of Dasrath of the Raghwa dynasty. Even the silent sages seek His Sanctuary.
siqguru guru syiv AlK giq jw kI sRI rwmdwsu qwrx qrxµ ]2]
aucwrx Al`K
sathigur gur saev alakh gath jaa kee sree raamadhaas thaaran tharanan ||2||
So serve the Guru, the True Guru; His ways and means are inscrutable. The Great Guru Raam Daas is the Boat to carry us across. ||2||