Bhai Nand Laal JiAng 1Divaan-e-Goya (Ghazals)Divaan-e-Goya (Ghazals)10 linesBhai Nand Lal Ji

bdr pyiS rUie qU SrimMdw Asq

badhar paesh rooe thoo sharamindhaa asatha

The moon is abashed when compared to your (beautiful) face,

blik ^urSIid jhW hm bMdw Asq ] 9 ] 1 ]

balak khurasheedh jehaan ham bandhaa asath || 9 || 1 ||

In fact, even the world's sun is also mortified before your radiance, O Guru! its glow and light is subservient to yours. (9) (1)

cSim mw hrigz bgYr Az h`k nw dId

chasham maa haragiz bagair az hak naa dheedha

Goyaa: My eyes have never recognized anyone other than the Akaalpurakh.

AY ^uSw cSmy ik bIinMdw Asq ] 9 ] 2 ]

ai khushaa chashamae k beenindhaa asath || 9 || 2 ||

Blessed are the eyes which can possibly see the Almighty.? (9) (2)

mw nmI lw&ym Az zuhdo irAw

maa namee laafaem az zuhadho riaa

I do not brag about my meditation or sanctimony,

gr gunwh Zwrym h`k b^iSMdw Asq ] 9 ] 3 ]

gar gunaah ghaaraem hak bakhashindhaa asath || 9 || 3 ||

But if I am ever guilty of this sin, the Waaheguru is all-Forgiving.? (9) (3)

dIgry rw Az kujw Awrym mw

dheegarae raa az kujaa aaraem maa

Where can we find another one,

Sor dr Awlm Xky A&gMdw Asq ] 9 ] 4 ]

shor dhar aalam yakae afagandhaa asath || 9 || 4 ||

When there is so much of noise and ado about the Only One. (9) (4)

hriP ZYr Az h`k inAwied hIcgwh

haraf ghair az hak niaaeidh heechagaaha

No word, other than the Naam of the Waaheguru ever comes to the lips of Goyaa,

br lib goXw ik h`k b^iSMdw Asq ] 9 ] 5 ]

bar lab goyaa k hak bakhashindhaa asath || 9 || 5 ||

because of His divine attribute being All-forgiving. (9) (5)