Bhai Nand Laal JiAng 1Divaan-e-Goya (Ghazals)Divaan-e-Goya (Ghazals)14 linesBhai Nand Lal Ji

drimAwin bzim mw juz ik`swie jwnwnw nIsq

dharamiaan bazam maa juz ksiaae jaanaanaa neesatha

In (the chamber of my heart) our gathering, no sermon or discourse other than that about Akaalpurakh is delivered,

by hjwb Aw AMdrIN mjils ik ks bygwnw nIsq ] 10 ] 1 ]

bae hajaab aa andhareen majalis k kas baegaanaa neesath || 10 || 1 ||

Come in and join this congregation. There is no stranger here (in the secrecy of this rendezous). (10) (1)

ibguzr Az bygwngIhw E b^ud AwSnw sO

biguzar az baegaanageehaa ou bakhudh aashanaa saaua

Without worrying about others' personalities, try to understand your own;

hr ik bw Kud AwSnw Sud Az ^udw bygwnw nIsq ] 10 ] 2 ]

har k baa khudh aashanaa shudh az khudhaa baegaanaa neesath || 10 || 2 ||

Anyone who has understood his own self is no longer stranger to the Akaalpurakh. (10) (2)

SOik mOlw hr ik rw bwSd hmW swihb-idl Asq

shaauak maaualaa har k raa baashadh hamaan saahiba-dhil asatha

Anyone who has a longing to meet the Creator is the master of his own self.

kwir hr dwnw nw bwSd kwir hr dIvwnw nIsq ] 10 ] 3 ]

kaar har dhaanaa naa baashadha, kaar har dheevaanaa neesath || 10 || 3 ||

This kind of determination does not belong to any intelligent person nor to any maniac. (10) (3)

nwshw qw cMd goeI ik`swhwie vwAzo pMd

naasehaa thaa chandh goee ksiaahaae vaaazo pandha

O sermonizer! How long shall you continue to deliver your sermons?

bzim msqwn Asq jwie ik`sw E A&swnw nIsq ] 10 ] 4 ]

bazam masathaan asath jaaei, ksiaa ou afasaanaa neesath || 10 || 4 ||

This is a group of inebriated drunks (of Waaheguru's Naam): It is not a place for telling stories and tales. (10) (4)

eIN mqwie h`k b-pyiS swihbwin-idl bvd

een mathaae hak ba-paesh saahibaani-dhil bavadha

This divine treasure is only with the men of heart, the masters of their minds,

cUM b-sihrw mIrvI dr goSwie vIrwnw nIsq ] 10 ] 5 ]

choon ba-sehiraa meeravee dhar goshaae veeraanaa neesath || 10 || 5 ||

Why are you wandering in the wilderness? He does not abide in the nooks and corners of the desolate and ruined places. (10) (5)

eIN mqwie SOk rw Az AwSkwin h`k b^wh

ee mathaae shaauak raa az aashakaan hak bakhaaha

Ask the true devotees of Waaheguru about the treasures of fondness for Him;

jW ik dr zwnS b-juz nkiS rui^ jwnw nIsq ] 10 ] 6 ]

jaan k dhar zaanash ba-juz nakash rukh jaanaa neesath || 10 || 6 ||

Because, there is nothing else but their concentration on His facial features all their lives. (10) (6)

cMd mI-goeI qU AY goXw ^muS So zIN s^un

chandh mee-goee thoo ai goyaa khamush sho zeen sakhuna

O Goyaa! How long are you going to indulge in such discussions; it is time for you to shut up;

SOik mOlw munhisr br kwAbw E buq^wnw nIsq ] 10 ] 7 ]

shaauak maaualaa munehasir bar kaaabaa ou buthakhaanaa neesath || 10 || 7 ||

A keenness of the desire for Waaheguru is not confined either in Kaaba or a temple. (10) (7)