SGGSAng 654Raag SorathBhagat Kabir Ji10 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

byd purwn sBY mq suin kY krI krm kI Awsw ]

aucwrx s`BY; m`q

baedh puraan sabhai math sun kai karee karam kee aasaa ||

Listening to all the teachings of the Vedas and the Puraanas, I wanted to perform the religious rituals.

kwl gRsq sB log isAwny auiT pMfq pY cly inrwsw ]1]

aucwrx gR`sq

kaal grasath sabh log siaanae outh panddith pai chalae niraasaa ||1||

But seeing all the wise men caught by Death, I arose and left the Pandits; now I am free of this desire. ||1||

mn ry sirE n eykY kwjw ]

man rae sariou n eaekai kaajaa ||

O mind, you have not completed the only task you were given;

BijE n rGupiq rwjw ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx BijE : polw bolo

bhajiou n raghupath raajaa ||1|| rehaao ||

You have not meditated on the Lord, your King. ||1||Pause||

bn KMf jwie jogu qpu kIno kMd mUlu cuin KwieAw ]

ban khandd jaae jog thap keeno kandh mool chun khaaeiaa ||

Going to the forests, they practice Yoga and deep, austere meditation; they live on roots and the fruits they gather.

nwdI bydI sbdI monI jm ky ptY ilKwieAw ]2]

aucwrx ptY: polw bolo

naadhee baedhee sabadhee monee jam kae pattai likhaaeiaa ||2||

The musicians, the Vedic scholars, the chanters of one word and the men of silence, all are listed on the Register of Death. ||2||

Bgiq nwrdI irdY n AweI kwiC kUiC qnu dInw ]

bhagath naaradhee ridhai n aaee kaashh kooshh than dheenaa ||

Loving devotional worship does not enter into your heart; pampering and adorning your body, you must still give it up.

rwg rwgnI ifMB hoie bYTw auin hir pih ikAw lInw ]3]

raag raaganee ddinbh hoe baithaa oun har pehi kiaa leenaa ||3||

You sit and play music, but you are still a hypocrite; what do you expect to receive from the Lord? ||3||

pirE kwlu sBY jg aUpr mwih ilKy BRm igAwnI ]

aucwrx s`BY

pariou kaal sabhai jag oopar maahi likhae bhram giaanee ||

Death has fallen on the whole world; the doubting religious scholars are also listed on the Register of Death.

khu kbIr jn Bey Kwlsy pRym Bgiq ijh jwnI ]4]3]

kahu kabeer jan bheae khaalasae praem bhagath jih jaanee ||4||3||

Says Kabeer, those humble people become pure - they become Khalsa - who know the Lord's loving devotional worship. ||4||3||