SGGSAng 655Raag SorathBhagat Kabir Ji19 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

Gru 2 ]

aucwrx Gru dUjw

ghar 2 ||

Second House||

duie duie locn pyKw ]

dhue dhue lochan paekhaa ||

With both of my eyes, I look around;

hau hir ibnu Aauru n dyKw ]

ho har bin aour n dhaekhaa ||

I don't see anything except the Lord.

nYn rhy rMgu lweI ]

nain rehae rang laaee ||

My eyes gaze lovingly upon Him,

Ab bygl khnu n jweI ]1]

ab bae gal kehan n jaaee ||1||

And now, I cannot speak of anything else. ||1||

hmrw Brmu gieAw Bau Bwgw ]

hamaraa bharam gaeiaa bho bhaagaa ||

My doubts were removed, and my fear ran away,

jb rwm nwm icqu lwgw ]1] rhwau ]

jab raam naam chith laagaa ||1|| rehaao ||

When my consciousness became attached to the Lord's Name. ||1||Pause||

bwjIgr fMk bjweI ]

baajeegar ddank bajaaee ||

When the magician beats his tambourine,

sB Klk qmwsy AweI ]

sabh khalak thamaasae aaee ||

Everyone comes to see the show.

bwjIgr sÍWgu skylw ]

aucwrx sÍWgu: suAWgu bolo

baajeegar svaang sakaelaa ||

When the magician winds up his show,

Apny rMg rvY Akylw ]2]

apanae rang ravai akaelaa ||2||

Then he enjoys its play all alone. ||2||

kQnI kih Brmu n jweI ]

kathhanee kehi bharam n jaaee ||

By preaching sermons, one's doubt is not dispelled.

sB kiQ kiQ rhI lukweI ]

sabh kathh kathh rehee lukaaee ||

Everyone is tired of preaching and teaching.

jw kau gurmuiK Awip buJweI ]

aucwrx bu`JweI

jaa ko guramukh aap bujhaaee ||

The Lord causes the Gurmukh to understand;

qw ky ihrdY rihAw smweI ]3]

thaa kae hiradhai rehiaa samaaee ||3||

His heart remains permeated with the Lord. ||3||

gur ikMcq ikrpw kInI ]

gur kinchath kirapaa keenee ||

When the Guru grants even a bit of His Grace,

sBu qnu mnu dyh hir lInI ]

sabh than man dhaeh har leenee ||

One's body, mind and entire being are absorbed into the Lord.

kih kbIr rµig rwqw ]

aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo

kehi kabeer rang raathaa ||

Says Kabeer, I am imbued with the Lord's Love;

imilE jgjIvn dwqw ]4]4]

miliou jagajeevan dhaathaa ||4||4||

I have met with the Life of the world, the Great Giver. ||4||4||