Bhai Gurdas JiAng 12Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 128 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

16: kljug dI au`qmqweI

Superiority of the kaliyuga, in the dark age

siqjugu auqmu AwKIAY ieku PyVY sB dysu duhylw ]

satijougu outamu aakheeai iku dhayrhai sabh daysu duhaylaa.

Satyuga is said to be best but in it one committed sin and the whole country suffered.

qRyqY ngrI pIVIAY duAwpuir vMsu ivDuMsu kuvylw ]

traytai nagaree peerheeai duaapuri vansu vidhounsu kuvaylaa.

In treta, one did the wrong act and the whole city would suffer. In Duapar, sinful act of one person made the whole family suffer.

kiljuig scu inAwau hY jo bIjY so luxY iekylw ]

kalijougi sachu niaau hai jo beejai so lounai ikaylaa.

The justice of Kaliyuga is true because in it only he reaps who sows the evil seeds.

pwrbRhm pUrn bRhm sbid suriq siqgur gur cylw ]

paarabrahamu pooranu brahamu sabadi surati satiguroo gur chaylaa.

Brahm is the perfect Sabdabrahm and that disciple who merges his consciousness in the Sabdabrahm is in fact Guru and the true Guru (God).

nwm dwnu iesnwnu idRV swDsMgiq imil AMimRq vylw ]

naamu daanu isanaanu drirh saadhasangati mili anmrit vaylaa.

Sabdabrahm, the Guru is attained in the holy congregation by remembering the name of the Lord in the ambrosial hours.

imTw bolxu inv clxu hQhu dyxw shj suhylw ]

mitdaa bolanu niv chalanu hadahu daynaa sahij suhaylaa.

A mild spoken, humble and giver through his hands moves in equipoise and remains happy.

gurmuiK suK Plu nyhu nvylw ]16]

guramoukh soukh phal nayhu navaylaa ||16||

Ever new love of devotion to the Lord keeps the gurmukhs happy.