17: vwihgurU mMqR
Waheguru mantara
inrMkwr Awkwru kir joiq srUp AnUp idKwieAw ]
nirankaaru aakaaru kari joti saroopu anoop dikhaaiaa.
The formless Lord has been beholden in the form of the light (in Guru Nanak and other Gurus).
byd kqyb Agocrw vwihgurU gur sbdu suxwieAw ]
vayd katayb agocharaa vaahiguroo gur sabadu sounaaiaa.
The Gurus recited Word-Guru as Vahiguru who is beyond the Vedas and Katebas (the semtic scriptures).
cwir vrn cwr mjhbw crx kvl srxwgiq AwieAw ]
chaari varan chaari majahabaa charan kaval saranaagati aaiaa.
Therefore all the four varnas and all four semitic religions have sought the shelter of the lotus feet of the Guru.
pwrs pris Aprs jig AstDwqu ieku Dwqu krwieAw ]
paarasi parasi aparas jagi asat dhaatu iku dhaatu karaaiaa.
When the Gurus in the form of Philosopher’s stone touched them, that alloy of eight metal changed into one metal (gold in the form of Sikhism).
pYrI pwie invwiekY haumY rogu AswDu imtwieAw ]
pairee paai nivaaikai haoumai rogu asaadhu mitaaiaa.
The Gurus giving them place at their feet removed their incurable malady of ego.
hukim rjweI clxw gurmuiK gwfI rwhu clwieAw ]
houkami rajaaee chalanaa guramoukhi gaadee raahu chalaaiaa.
For Gurmukhs they cleared the highway of God’s will.
pUry pUrw Qwtu bxwieAw ]17]
pooray pooraa daatu banaaiaa ||17||
The perfect (Guru) made the perfect arrangements.