BYrau mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx BYrau mh`lw pMjvw
bhairo mehalaa 5 ||
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:
gur supRsµn hoey Bau gey ]
gur suprasann hoeae bho geae ||
When the Guru was totally pleased, my fear was taken away.
nwm inrµjn mn mih ley ]
naam niranjan man mehi leae ||
I enshrine the Name of the Immaculate Lord within my mind.
dIn dieAwl sdw ikrpwl ]
dheen dhaeiaal sadhaa kirapaal ||
He is Merciful to the meek, forever Compassionate.
ibnis gey sgly jµjwl ]1]
binas geae sagalae janjaal ||1||
All my entanglements are finished. ||1||
sUK shj Awnµd Gny ]
sookh sehaj aanandh ghanae ||
I have found peace, poise, and myriads of pleasures.
swDsµig imty BY Brmw AMimRqu hir hir rsn Bny ]1] rhwau ]
saadhhasang mittae bhai bharamaa anmrith har har rasan bhanae ||1|| rehaao ||
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, fear and doubt are dispelled. My tongue chants the Ambrosial Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||1||Pause||
crn kml isau lwgo hyqu ]
charan kamal sio laago haeth ||
I have fallen in love with the Lord's Lotus Feet.
iKn mih ibnisE mhw pryqu ]
khin mehi binasiou mehaa paraeth ||
In an instant, the terrible demons are destroyed.
AwT phr hir hir jpu jwip ]
aath pehar har har jap jaap ||
Twenty-four hours a day, I meditate and chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.
rwKnhwr goivd gur Awip ]2]
raakhanehaar govidh gur aap ||2||
The Guru is Himself the Savior Lord, the Lord of the Universe. ||2||
Apny syvk kau sdw pRiqpwrY ]
aucwrx pRiq-pwrY: ‘pR’ ishwrI rihq bolo
apanae saevak ko sadhaa prathipaarai ||
He Himself cherishes His servant forever.
Bgq jnw ky sws inhwrY ]
bhagath janaa kae saas nihaarai ||
He watches over every breath of His humble devotee.
mwns kI khu kyqk bwq ]
maanas kee kahu kaethak baath ||
Tell me, what is the nature of human beings?
jm qy rwKY dy kir hwQ ]3]
jam thae raakhai dhae kar haathh ||3||
The Lord extends His Hand, and saves them from the Messenger of Death. ||3||
inrml soBw inrml rIiq ]
niramal sobhaa niramal reeth ||
Immaculate is the Glory, and Immaculate is the way of life,
pwrbRhmu AwieAw min cIiq ]
aucwrx pwr-bRhmu: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
paarabreham aaeiaa man cheeth ||
Of those who remember the Supreme Lord God in their minds.
kir ikrpw guir dIno dwnu ]
kar kirapaa gur dheeno dhaan ||
The Guru, in His Mercy, has granted this Gift.
nwnk pwieAw nwmu inDwnu ]4]33]46]
naanak paaeiaa naam nidhhaan ||4||33||46||
Nanak has obtained the treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||4||33||46||