BYrau mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx BYrau mh`lw pMjvw
bhairo mehalaa 5 ||
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:
krx kwrx smrQu guru myrw ]
karan kaaran samarathh gur maeraa ||
My Guru is the All-powerful Lord, the Creator, the Cause of causes.
jIA pRwx suKdwqw nyrw ]
jeea praan sukhadhaathaa naeraa ||
He is the Soul, the Breath of Life, the Giver of Peace, always near.
BY Bµjn AibnwsI rwie ]
bhai bhanjan abinaasee raae ||
He is the Destroyer of fear, the Eternal, Unchanging, Sovereign Lord King.
drsin dyiKAY sBu duKu jwie ]1]
dharasan dhaekhiai sabh dhukh jaae ||1||
Gazing upon the Blessed Vision of His Darshan, all fear is dispelled. ||1||
jq kq pyKau qyrI srxw ]
jath kath paekho thaeree saranaa ||
Wherever I look, is the Protection of Your Sanctuary.
bil bil jweI siqgur crxw ]1] rhwau ]
bal bal jaaee sathigur charanaa ||1|| rehaao ||
I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice to the Feet of the True Guru. ||1||Pause||
pUrn kwm imly gurdyv ]
pooran kaam milae guradhaev ||
My tasks are perfectly accomplished, meeting the Divine Guru.
siB Pldwqw inrml syv ]
sabh faladhaathaa niramal saev ||
He is the Giver of all rewards. Serving Him, I am immaculate.
kru gih lIny Apuny dws ]
kar gehi leenae apunae dhaas ||
He reaches out with His Hand to His slaves.
rwm nwmu ird dIE invws ]2]
raam naam ridh dheeou nivaas ||2||
The Name of the Lord abides in their hearts. ||2||
sdw Anµdu nwhI ikCu sogu ]
sadhaa anandh naahee kishh sog ||
They are forever in bliss, and do not suffer at all.
dUKu drdu nh ibAwpY rogu ]
dhookh dharadh neh biaapai rog ||
No pain, sorrow or disease afflicts them.
sBu ikCu qyrw qU krxYhwru ]
sabh kishh thaeraa thoo karanaihaar ||
Everything is Yours, O Creator Lord.
pwrbRhm gur Agm Apwr ]3]
aucwrx pwr-bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
paarabreham gur agam apaar ||3||
The Guru is the Supreme Lord God, the Inaccessible and Infinite. ||3||
inrml soBw Acrj bwxI ]
aucwrx Ac-rj
niramal sobhaa acharaj baanee ||
His Glorious Grandeur is immaculate, and the Bani of His Word is wonderful!
pwrbRhm pUrn min BwxI ]
aucwrx pwr-bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
paarabreham pooran man bhaanee ||
The Perfect Supreme Lord God is pleasing to my mind.
jil Qil mhIAil rivAw soie ]
jal thhal meheeal raviaa soe ||
He is permeating the waters, the lands and the skies.
nwnk sBu ikCu pRB qy hoie ]4]34]47]
naanak sabh kishh prabh thae hoe ||4||34||47||
O Nanak, everything comes from God. ||4||34||47||