SGGSAng 1239Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 46 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

pauVI ]

pourree ||


nwmu inrµjnu inrmlw suixAY suKu hoeI ]

naam niranjan niramalaa suniai sukh hoee ||

The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is immaculate and pure; hearing it, peace is obtained.

suix suix mMin vsweIAY bUJY jnu koeI ]

aucwrx bU`JY

sun sun mann vasaaeeai boojhai jan koee ||

Listening and hearing, It is enshrined in the mind; how rare is that humble being who realizes it.

bhidAw auTidAw n ivsrY swcw scu soeI ]

behadhiaa outhadhiaa n visarai saachaa sach soee ||

Sitting down and standing up, I shall never forget Him, the Truest of the true.

Bgqw kau nwm ADwru hY nwmy suKu hoeI ]

bhagathaa ko naam adhhaar hai naamae sukh hoee ||

His devotees have the Support of His Name; in His Name, they find peace.

nwnk min qin riv rihAw gurmuiK hir soeI ]5]

naanak man than rav rehiaa guramukh har soee ||5||

O Nanak, He permeates and pervades mind and body; He is the Lord, the Guru's Word. ||5||