SGGSAng 354Raag AsaMahalla 127 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 1 iqqukw ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw iq-qukw

aasaa mehalaa 1 thithukaa ||

Aasaa, First Mehl, Ti-Tukas:

koeI BIKku BIiKAw Kwie ]

koee bheekhak bheekhiaa khaae ||

One is a beggar, living on charity;

koeI rwjw rihAw smwie ]

koee raajaa rehiaa samaae ||

Another is a king, absorbed in himself.

ikshI mwnu iksY Apmwnu ]

kis hee maan kisai apamaan ||

One receives honor, and another dishonor.

Fwih auswry Dry iDAwnu ]

dtaahi ousaarae dhharae dhhiaan ||

The Lord destroys and creates; He is enshrined in His meditation.

quJ qy vfw nwhI koie ]

thujh thae vaddaa naahee koe ||

There is no other as great as You.

iksu vyKwlI cµgw hoie ]1]

kis vaekhaalee changaa hoe ||1||

So whom should I present to You? Who is good enough? ||1||

mY qW nwmu qyrw AwDwru ]

mai thaan naam thaeraa aadhhaar ||

The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is my only Support.

qUµ dwqw krxhwru krqwru ]1] rhwau ]

thoon dhaathaa karanehaar karathaar ||1|| rehaao ||

You are the Great Giver, the Doer, the Creator. ||1||Pause||

vwt n pwvau vIgw jwau ]

vaatt n paavo veegaa jaao ||

I have not walked on Your Path; I have followed the crooked path.

drgh bYsx nwhI Qwau ]

dharageh baisan naahee thhaao ||

In the Court of the Lord, I find no place to sit.

mn kw AMDulw mwieAw kw bMDu ]

man kaa andhhulaa maaeiaa kaa bandhh ||

I am mentally blind, in the bondage of Maya.

KIn Krwbu hovY inq kMDu ]

kheen kharaab hovai nith kandhh ||

The wall of my body is breaking down, wearing away, growing weaker.

Kwx jIvx kI bhuqI Aws ]

khaan jeevan kee bahuthee aas ||

You have such high hopes of eating and living

lyKY qyrY sws igrws ]2]

laekhai thaerai saas giraas ||2||

- your breaths and morsels of food are already counted! ||2||

Aihinis AMDuly dIpku dyie ]

ahinis andhhulae dheepak dhaee ||

Night and day they are blind - please, bless them with Your Light.

Baujl fUbq icMq kryie ]

bhoujal ddoobath chinth karaee ||

They are drowning in the terrifying world-ocean, crying out in pain.

khih suxih jo mwnih nwau ]

kehehi sunehi jo maanehi naao ||

I am a sacrifice to those who chant,

hau bilhwrY qw kY jwau ]

ho balihaarai thaa kai jaao ||

Hear and believe in the Name.

nwnku eyk khY Ardwis ]

naanak eaek kehai aradhaas ||

Nanak utters this one prayer;

jIau ipMfu sBu qyrY pwis ]3]

jeeo pindd sabh thaerai paas ||3||

Soul and body, all belong to You, Lord. ||3||

jW qUµ dyih jpI qyrw nwau ]

jaan thoon dhaehi japee thaeraa naao ||

When You bless me, I chant Your Name.

drgh bYsx hovY Qwau ]

dharageh baisan hovai thhaao ||

Thus I find my seat in the Court of the Lord.

jW quDu BwvY qw durmiq jwie ]

jaan thudhh bhaavai thaa dhuramath jaae ||

When it pleases You, evil-mindedness departs,

igAwn rqnu min vsY Awie ]

giaan rathan man vasai aae ||

And the jewel of spiritual wisdom comes to dwell in the mind.

ndir kry qw siqguru imlY ]

nadhar karae thaa sathigur milai ||

When the Lord bestows His Glance of Grace, then one comes to meet the True Guru.

pRxviq nwnku Bvjlu qrY ]4]18]

pranavath naanak bhavajal tharai ||4||18||

Prays Nanak, carry us across the terrifying world-ocean. ||4||18||