SGGSAng 382Raag AsaMahalla 511 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw

aasaa mehalaa 5 ||

Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

jw qUµ swihbu qw Bau kyhw hau quDu ibnu iksu swlwhI ]

jaa thoon saahib thaa bho kaehaa ho thudhh bin kis saalaahee ||

Since You are my Lord and Master, what is there for me to fear? Other than You, who else should I praise?

eyku qUµ qw sBu ikCu hY mY quDu ibnu dUjw nwhI ]1]

eaek thoon thaa sabh kishh hai mai thudhh bin dhoojaa naahee ||1||

You are the One and only, and so do all things exist; without You, there is nothing at all for me. ||1||

bwbw ibKu dyiKAw sMswru ]

baabaa bikh dhaekhiaa sansaar ||

O Father, I have seen that the world is poison.

riKAw krhu gusweI myry mY nwmu qyrw AwDwru ]1] rhwau ]

rakhiaa karahu gusaaee maerae mai naam thaeraa aadhhaar ||1|| rehaao ||

Save me, O Lord of the Universe! Your Name is my only Support. ||1||Pause||

jwxih ibrQw sBw mn kI horu iksu pih AwiK suxweIAY ]

aucwrx s`Bw

jaanehi birathhaa sabhaa man kee hor kis pehi aakh sunaaeeai ||

You know completely the condition of my mind; who else could I go to tell of it?

ivxu nwvY sBu jgu baurwieAw nwmu imlY suKu pweIAY ]2]

vin naavai sabh jag bouraaeiaa naam milai sukh paaeeai ||2||

Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the whole world has gone crazy; obtaining the Naam, it finds peace. ||2||

ikAw khIAY iksu AwiK suxweIAY ij khxw su pRB jI pwis ]

kiaa keheeai kis aakh sunaaeeai j kehanaa s prabh jee paas ||

What shall I say? Unto whom shall I speak? What I have to say, I say to God.

sBu ikCu kIqw qyrw vrqY sdw sdw qyrI Aws ]3]

sabh kishh keethaa thaeraa varathai sadhaa sadhaa thaeree aas ||3||

Everything which exists was created by You. You are my hope, forever and ever. ||3||

jy dyih vifAweI qw qyrI vifAweI ieq auq quJih iDAwau ]

jae dhaehi vaddiaaee thaa thaeree vaddiaaee eith outh thujhehi dhhiaao ||

If you bestow greatness, then it is Your greatness; here and hereafter, I meditate on You.

nwnk ky pRB sdw suKdwqy mY qwxu qyrw ieku nwau ]4]7]46]

naanak kae prabh sadhaa sukhadhaathae mai thaan thaeraa eik naao ||4||7||46||

The Lord God of Nanak is forever the Giver of peace; Your Name is my only strength. ||4||7||46||