SGGSAng 481Raag AsaSri Kabir Jio13 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

Awsw ]

aasaa ||


khw suAwn kau isimRiq sunwey ]

kehaa suaan ko simrith sunaaeae ||

Why bother to read the Simritees to a dog?

khw swkq pih hir gun gwey ]1]

kehaa saakath pehi har gun gaaeae ||1||

Why bother to sing the Lord's Praises to the faithless cynic? ||1||

rwm rwm rwm rmy rim rhIAY ]

raam raam raam ramae ram reheeai ||

Remain absorbed in the Lord's Name, Raam, Raam, Raam.

swkq isau BUil nhI khIAY ]1] rhwau ]

saakath sio bhool nehee keheeai ||1|| rehaao ||

Do not bother to speak of it to the faithless cynic, even by mistake. ||1||Pause||

kaUAw khw kpUr crwey ]

aucwrx crwey: 'c' Bwrw krky

kooaa kehaa kapoor charaaeae ||

Why offer camphor to a crow?

kh ibsIAr kau dUDu pIAwey ]2]

keh biseear ko dhoodhh peeaaeae ||2||

Why give the snake milk to drink? ||2||

sqsµgiq imil ibbyk buiD hoeI ]

sathasangath mil bibaek budhh hoee ||

Joining the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, discriminating understanding is attained.

pwrsu pris lohw kMcnu soeI ]3]

paaras paras lohaa kanchan soee ||3||

That iron which touches the Philosopher's Stone becomes gold. ||3||

swkqu suAwnu sBu kry krwieAw ]

saakath suaan sabh karae karaaeiaa ||

The dog, the faithless cynic, does everything as the Lord causes him to do.

jo Duir iliKAw su krm kmwieAw ]4]

jo dhhur likhiaa s karam kamaaeiaa ||4||

He does the deeds pre-ordained from the very beginning. ||4||

AMimRqu lY lY nImu isMcweI ]

aucwrx lY lY: v`Krw krky

anmrith lai lai neem sinchaaee ||

If you take Ambrosial Nectar and irrigate the neem tree with it,

khq kbIr auAw ko shju n jweI ]5]7]20]

aucwrx auAw: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: aUAw, EAw)

kehath kabeer ouaa ko sehaj n jaaee ||5||7||20||

Still, says Kabeer, its natural qualities are not changed. ||5||7||20||