Awsw iekquky 4 ]
aucwrx Awsw iek-quky cwr bolo
aasaa eikathukae 4 ||
Aasaa, 4 Ik-Tukas:
srpnI qy aUpir nhI blIAw ]
sarapanee thae oopar nehee baleeaa ||
No one is more powerful than the she-serpent Maya,
ijin bRhmw ibsnu mhwdyau ClIAw ]1]
aucwrx bRhmw: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
jin brehamaa bisan mehaadhaeo shhaleeaa ||1||
Who deceived even Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. ||1||
mwru mwru sRpnI inrml jil pYTI ]
maar maar srapanee niramal jal paithee ||
Having bitten and struck them down, she now sits in the immaculate waters.
ijin iqRBvxu fsIAly gurpRswid fITI ]1] rhwau ]
jin thribhavan ddaseealae gur prasaadh ddeethee ||1|| rehaao ||
By Guru's Grace, I have seen her, who has bitten the three worlds. ||1||Pause||
sRpnI sRpnI ikAw khhu BweI ]
srapanee srapanee kiaa kehahu bhaaee ||
O Siblings of Destiny, why is she called a she-serpent?
ijin swcu pCwinAw iqin sRpnI KweI ]2]
jin saach pashhaaniaa thin srapanee khaaee ||2||
One who realizes the True Lord, devours the she-serpent. ||2||
sRpnI qy Awn CUC nhI Avrw ]
srapanee thae aan shhooshh nehee avaraa ||
No one else is more frivolous than this she-serpent.
sRpnI jIqI khw krY jm rw ]3]
aucwrx jm rw: v`Krw krky
srapanee jeethee kehaa karai jamaraa ||3||
When the she-serpent is overcome, what can the Messengers of the King of Death do? ||3||
ieh sRpnI qw kI kIqI hoeI ]
eih srapanee thaa kee keethee hoee ||
This she-serpent is created by Him.
blu Ablu ikAw ies qy hoeI ]4]
aucwrx A-blu
bal abal kiaa eis thae hoee ||4||
What power or weakness does she have by herself? ||4||
ieh bsqI qw bsq srIrw ]
aucwrx bsq: polw bolo (ASuD: b-sq)
eih basathee thaa basath sareeraa ||
If she abides with the mortal, then his soul abides in his body.
gurpRswid shij qry kbIrw ]5]6]19]
gur prasaadh sehaj tharae kabeeraa ||5||6||19||
By Guru's Grace, Kabeer has easily crossed over. ||5||6||19||