5: is`KI dI pRwpqI dw pRkwr
Practices for attainment of Sikh-life
gurisKI dw isKxw sbid suriq siqsMgiq isKY ]
gur sikhee daa sikhanaa sabadi surati satisangati sikhai.
To learn about Sikh-life, one ought to merge one's consciousness in the Word in the holy congregation.
gurisKI dw ilKxw gur bwxI suix smJY ilKY ]
gur sikhee daa likhanaa gurabaanee souni samajhai likhai.
Writing about Sikh life is to go on listening, understanding and continuously writing.
gurisKI dw ismrxo siqguru mMqu kolU rsu ieKY ]
gur sikhee daa simarano satiguru mantu koloo rasu ikhai.
Simran, meditation in Sikh life is learning the Guru-mantra (Vahiguru) which is sweet like sugarcane juice.
gurisKI dw vrqmwnu cMdn vwsu invwsu ibirKY ]
gur sikhee daa varatamaanu chandan vaasu nivaasu birikhai.
The spirit of the Sikhism is like fragrance residing in sandalwood trees.
gurisKI dw buJxw buiJ AbuiJ hovY lY iBKY ]
gur sikhee daa bujhanaa bujhi abujhi hovai lai bhikhai.
The understanding of a Sikh of the Guru consists in the fact that even after having received the gifted alms (of nom) and being fully knowledgeable, he considered himself as ignorant.
swDsMgiq gur sbdu suix nwmu dwnu iesnwnu sirKY ]
saadhasangati gur sabadu souni naamu daanu isanaanu sarikhai.
The Sikh of the Guru, in the holy congregation listens to the word of the Guru and practises meditation, charity and ablution,
vrqmwnu lMiG BUq BivKY ]5]
varatamaanu laghi bhoot bhavikhai ||5||
And thus goes across the past present to a new the future.