4: is`KI dI is`K´w qy rs
Joy and teachings of the Sikh life
gur isKI dw isKxw gurmuiK swDsMgiq dI syvw ]
gur sikhee daa sikhanaa guramoukhi saadhasangati dee sayvaa.
The way of learning the conduct of a Sikh of the Guru is that one should be the holy congregation.
ds Avqwr n isiKAw gIqw gosit AlK AByvw ]
das avataar n sikhiaa geetaa gosati alakh abhayvaa.
This mystery was not known even to the ten incarnations (of Visrnu); this mystery is beyond the Gita and discussions.
vyd n jwxn Byd ikhu iliK piV suix sxu dyvI dyvw ]
vayd n jaanan bhayd kihu likhi parhi souni sanu dayvee dayvaa.
Then the Vedas know not its secret though they are studied by gods and godesses.
isD nwQ n smwiD ivic qMq n mMq lMGwiein Kyvw ]
sidh naad n samaadhi vichi tant n mant laghaaini khayvaa.
The deep meditations of the siddhs, naths and even the tanttatras could not cross the teachings and practices of Sikh way of life.
lK Bgiq jgq ivic iliK n gey guru isKI tyvw ]
lakh bhagati jagat vichi likhi n gaay guru sikhee tayvaa.
Millions of devotees flourished in this World but they also could not understand the life-discipline of the Sikhs of the Guru.
islw AlUxI ctxI swid n pujY lK lK myvw ]
silaa aloonee chatanee saadi n pujai lakh lakh mayvaa.
This life is similar the licking of the saltless stone but its taste is incomparable even to the millions of fruits.
swDsMgiq gur sbd smyvw ]4]
saadhasangati gur sabad samayvaa ||4||
Absorption in the word of the Guru in the holy congregation is the accomplishment of the life of a gursikh.