Bhai Gurdas JiAng 28Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 288 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

4: is`KI dI is`K´w qy rs

Joy and teachings of the Sikh life

gur isKI dw isKxw gurmuiK swDsMgiq dI syvw ]

gur sikhee daa sikhanaa guramoukhi saadhasangati dee sayvaa.

The way of learning the conduct of a Sikh of the Guru is that one should be the holy congregation.

ds Avqwr n isiKAw gIqw gosit AlK AByvw ]

das avataar n sikhiaa geetaa gosati alakh abhayvaa.

This mystery was not known even to the ten incarnations (of Visrnu); this mystery is beyond the Gita and discussions.

vyd n jwxn Byd ikhu iliK piV suix sxu dyvI dyvw ]

vayd n jaanan bhayd kihu likhi parhi souni sanu dayvee dayvaa.

Then the Vedas know not its secret though they are studied by gods and godesses.

isD nwQ n smwiD ivic qMq n mMq lMGwiein Kyvw ]

sidh naad n samaadhi vichi tant n mant laghaaini khayvaa.

The deep meditations of the siddhs, naths and even the tantta­tras could not cross the teachings and practices of Sikh way of life.

lK Bgiq jgq ivic iliK n gey guru isKI tyvw ]

lakh bhagati jagat vichi likhi n gaay guru sikhee tayvaa.

Millions of devotees flourished in this World but they also could not understand the life-discipline of the Sikhs of the Guru.

islw AlUxI ctxI swid n pujY lK lK myvw ]

silaa aloonee chatanee saadi n pujai lakh lakh mayvaa.

This life is similar the licking of the saltless stone but its taste is incomparable even to the millions of fruits.

swDsMgiq gur sbd smyvw ]4]

saadhasangati gur sabad samayvaa ||4||

Absorption in the word of the Guru in the holy congregation is the accomplishment of the life of a gursikh.