SGGSAng 1196Raag BasantRavidas Ki20 linesBhagat Ravidas Ji

bsµqu bwxI rivdws jI kI

aucwrx rivdws: 'iv' ishwrI iv`c rhxw (ASuD: rvIdws)

basanth baanee ravidhaas jee kee

Basant, The Word Of Ravi Daas Jee:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

quJih suJµqw kCU nwih ]

thujhehi sujhanthaa kashhoo naahi ||

You know nothing.

pihrwvw dyKy aUiB jwih ]

pehiraavaa dhaekhae oobh jaahi ||

Seeing your clothes, you are so proud of yourself.

grbvqI kw nwhI Twau ]

garabavathee kaa naahee thaao ||

The proud bride shall not find a place with the Lord.

qyrI grdin aUpir lvY kwau ]1]

aucwrx gr-din

thaeree garadhan oopar lavai kaao ||1||

Above your head, the crow of death is cawing. ||1||

qU kWie grbih bwvlI ]

thoo kaane garabehi baavalee ||

Why are you so proud? You are insane.

jYsy Bwdau KUMb rwju qU iqs qy KrI auqwvlI ]1] rhwau ]

jaisae bhaadho khoonbaraaj thoo this thae kharee outhaavalee ||1|| rehaao ||

Even the mushrooms of summer live longer than you. ||1||Pause||

jYsy kurµk nhI pwieE Bydu ]

jaisae kurank nehee paaeiou bhaedh ||

The deer does not know the secret;

qin sugµD FUFY pRdysu ]

than sugandhh dtoodtai pradhaes ||

The musk is within its own body, but it searches for it outside.

Ap qn kw jo kry bIcwru ]

ap than kaa jo karae beechaar ||

Whoever reflects on his own body

iqsu nhI jmkµkru kry KuAwru ]2]

this nehee jamakankar karae khuaar ||2||

- the Messenger of Death does not abuse him. ||2||

puqR klqR kw krih Ahµkwru ]

aucwrx kl`qR

puthr kalathr kaa karehi ahankaar ||

The man is so proud of his sons and his wife;

Twkuru lyKw mgnhwru ]

aucwrx mgn-hwru: it`pI rihq, polw bolo

thaakur laekhaa maganehaar ||

His Lord and Master shall call for his account.

PyVy kw duKu shY jIau ]

faerrae kaa dhukh sehai jeeo ||

The soul suffers in pain for the actions it has committed.

pwCy iksih pukwrih pIau pIau ]3]

paashhae kisehi pukaarehi peeo peeo ||3||

Afterwards, whom shall you call, “Dear, Dear.”||3||

swDU kI jau lyih Et ]

saadhhoo kee jo laehi outt ||

If you seek the Support of the Holy,

qyry imtih pwp sB koit koit ]

thaerae mittehi paap sabh kott kott ||

Millions upon millions of your sins shall be totally erased.

kih rivdws juo jpY nwmu ]

aucwrx rivdws: 'iv' ishwrI iv`c rhxw (ASuD: rvIdws); jou: ju bolo

kehi ravidhaas juo japai naam ||

Says Ravi Daas, one who chants the Naam, the Name of the Lord,

iqsu jwiq n jnmu n join kwmu ]4]1]

this jaath n janam n jon kaam ||4||1||

Is not concerned with social class, birth and rebirth. ||4||1||