SGGSAng 1196Raag BasantNaamdev Ji Ki8 linesBhagat Namdev Ji

shj Avil DUiV mxI gwfI cwlqI ]

aucwrx A`vil

sehaj aval dhhoorr manee gaaddee chaalathee ||

Slowly at first, the body-cart loaded with dust starts to move.

pICY iqnkw lY kir hWkqI ]1]

peeshhai thinakaa lai kar haankathee ||1||

Later, it is driven on by the stick. ||1||

jYsy pnkq QR¨ itit hWkqI ]

aucwrx pn-kq

jaisae panakath thhroottitt haankathee ||

The body moves along like the ball of dung, driven on by the dung-beetle.

sir Dovn cwlI lwfulI ]1] rhwau ]

sar dhhovan chaalee laaddulee ||1|| rehaao ||

The beloved soul goes down to the pool to wash itself clean. ||1||Pause||

DobI DovY ibrh ibrwqw ]

aucwrx ib-rwqw: polw bolo

dhhobee dhhovai bireh biraathaa ||

The washerman washes, imbued with the Lord's Love.

hir crn myrw mnu rwqw ]2]

aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo

har charan maeraa man raathaa ||2||

My mind is imbued with the Lord's Lotus Feet. ||2||

Bxiq nwmdyau rim rihAw ]

bhanath naamadhaeo ram rehiaa ||

Prays Naam Dayv, O Lord, You are All-pervading.

Apny Bgq pr kir dieAw ]3]3]

apanae bhagath par kar dhaeiaa ||3||3||

Please be kind to Your devotee. ||3||3||