isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx isrIrwgu mh`lw pMjvw
sireeraag mehalaa 5 ||
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:
mnu qnu Dnu ijin pRiB dIAw riKAw shij svwir ]
man than dhhan jin prabh dheeaa rakhiaa sehaj savaar ||
This mind, body and wealth were given by God, who naturally adorns us.
srb klw kir QwipAw AMqir joiq Apwr ]
sarab kalaa kar thhaapiaa anthar joth apaar ||
He has blessed us with all our energy, and infused His Infinite Light deep within us.
sdw sdw pRBu ismrIAY AMqir rKu aur Dwir ]1]
sadhaa sadhaa prabh simareeai anthar rakh our dhhaar ||1||
Forever and ever, meditate in remembrance on God; keep Him enshrined in your heart. ||1||
myry mn hir ibnu Avru n koie ]
maerae man har bin avar n koe ||
O my mind, without the Lord, there is no other at all.
pRB srxweI sdw rhu dUKu n ivAwpY koie ]1] rhwau ]
prabh saranaaee sadhaa rahu dhookh n viaapai koe ||1|| rehaao ||
Remain in God's Sanctuary forever, and no suffering shall afflict you. ||1||Pause||
rqn pdwrQ mwxkw suienw rupw Kwku ]
rathan padhaarathh maanakaa sueinaa rupaa khaak ||
Jewels, treasures, pearls, gold and silver-all these are just dust.
mwq ipqw suq bµDpw kUVy sBy swk ]
aucwrx s`By
maath pithaa suth bandhhapaa koorrae sabhae saak ||
Mother, father, children and relatives-all relations are false.
ijin kIqw iqsih n jwxeI mnmuK psu nwpwk ]2]
aucwrx nwpwk: iek`Tw bolo
jin keethaa thisehi n jaanee manamukh pas naapaak ||2||
The self-willed manmukh is an insulting beast; he does not acknowledge the One who created him. ||2||
AMqir bwhir riv rihAw iqsno jwxY dUir ]
anthar baahar rav rehiaa this no jaanai dhoor ||
The Lord is pervading within and beyond, and yet people think that He is far away.
iqRsnw lwgI ric rihAw AMqir haumY kUir ]
thrisanaa laagee rach rehiaa anthar houmai koor ||
They are engrossed in clinging desires; within their hearts there is ego and falsehood.
BgqI nwm ivhUixAw Awvih vM\ih pUr ]3]
bhagathee naam vihooniaa aavehi vannjehi poor ||3||
Without devotion to the Naam, crowds of people come and go. ||3||
rwiK lyhu pRBu krxhwr jIA jµq kir dieAw ]
raakh laehu prabh karanehaar jeea janth kar dhaeiaa ||
Please preserve Your beings and creatures, God; O Creator Lord, please be merciful!
ibnu pRB koie n rKnhwru mhw ibkt jm BieAw ]
bin prabh koe n rakhanehaar mehaa bikatt jam bhaeiaa ||
Without God, there is no saving grace. The Messenger of Death is cruel and unfeeling.
nwnk nwmu n vIsrau kir ApunI hir mieAw ]4]14]84]
naanak naam n veesaro kar apunee har maeiaa ||4||14||84||
O Nanak, may I never forget the Naam! Please bless me with Your Mercy, Lord! ||4||14||84||