SGGSAng 370Raag AsaMahalla 519 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw

aasaa mehalaa 5 ||

Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

ssU qy ipir kInI vwiK ]

sasoo thae pir keenee vaakh ||

I have been separated from my Beloved by Maya (my mother-in-law).

dyr ijTwxI mueI dUiK sµqwip ]

aucwrx ij-TwxI; mueI: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: mUeI)

dhaer jithaanee muee dhookh santhaap ||

Hope and desire (my younger brother-in-law and sister-in-law) are dying of grief.

Gr ky ijTyry kI cUkI kwix ]

aucwrx ij-Tyry

ghar kae jithaerae kee chookee kaan ||

I am no longer swayed by the fear of Death (my elder brother-in-law).

ipir riKAw kInI suGV sujwix ]1]

pir rakhiaa keenee sugharr sujaan ||1||

I am protected by my All-knowing, Wise Husband Lord. ||1||

sunhu lokw mY pRym rsu pwieAw ]

sunahu lokaa mai praem ras paaeiaa ||

Listen, O people: I have tasted the elixir of love.

durjn mwry vYrI sµGwry siqguir mokau hir nwmu idvwieAw ]1] rhwau ]

dhurajan maarae vairee sanghaarae sathigur mo ko har naam dhivaaeiaa ||1|| rehaao ||

The evil ones are dead, and my enemies are destroyed. The True Guru has given me the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

pRQmy iqAwgI haumY pRIiq ]

prathhamae thiaagee houmai preeth ||

First, I renounced my egotistical love of myself.

duqIAw iqAwgI logw rIiq ]

dhutheeaa thiaagee logaa reeth ||

Second, I renounced the ways of the world.

qRY gux iqAwig durjn mIq smwny ]

thrai gun thiaag dhurajan meeth samaanae ||

Renouncing the three qualities, I look alike upon friend and enemy.

qurIAw guxu imil swD pCwny ]2]

thureeaa gun mil saadhh pashhaanae ||2||

And then, the fourth state of bliss was revealed to me by the Holy One. ||2||

shj guPw mih Awsxu bwiDAw ]

sehaj gufaa mehi aasan baadhhiaa ||

In the cave of celestial bliss, I have obtained a seat.

joiq srUp Anwhdu vwijAw ]

joth saroop anaahadh vaajiaa ||

The Lord of Light plays the unstruck melody of bliss.

mhw Anµdu gur sbdu vIcwir ]

mehaa anandh gur sabadh veechaar ||

I am in ecstasy, contemplating the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

ipRA isau rwqI Dn sohwgix nwir ]3]

aucwrx rwqI: Bwrw krky bolo

pria sio raathee dhhan sohaagan naar ||3||

Imbued with my Beloved Husband Lord, I am the blessed, happy soul-bride. ||3||

jn nwnku boly bRhm bIcwru ]

aucwrx bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

jan naanak bolae breham beechaar ||

Servant Nanak chants the wisdom of God;

jo suxy kmwvY su auqrY pwir ]

jo sunae kamaavai s outharai paar ||

One who listens and practices it, is carried across and saved.

jnim n mrY n AwvY n jwie ]

janam n marai n aavai n jaae ||

He is not born, and he does not die; he does not come or go.

hir syqI Ehu rhY smwie ]4]2]

har saethee ouhu rehai samaae ||4||2||

He remains blended with the Lord. ||4||2||