SGGSAng 370Raag AsaMahalla 520 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

rwgu Awsw Gru 2 mhlw 5

aucwrx rwgu Awsw Gru dUjw mh`lw pMjvw

raag aasaa ghar 2 mehalaa 5

Raag Aasaa, Second House, Fifth Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

ijin lweI pRIiq soeI iPir KwieAw ]

jin laaee preeth soee fir khaaeiaa ||

One who loves her, is ultimately devoured.

ijin suiK bYTwlI iqsu Bau bhuqu idKwieAw ]

jin sukh baithaalee this bho bahuth dhikhaaeiaa ||

One who seats her in comfort, is totally terrified by her.

BweI mIq kutµb dyiK ibbwdy ]

bhaaee meeth kuttanb dhaekh bibaadhae ||

Siblings, friends and family, beholding her, argue.

hm AweI vsgiq gur prswdy ]1]

aucwrx vs-giq: sbµDk pwT hY

ham aaee vasagath gur parasaadhae ||1||

But she has come under my control, by Guru's Grace. ||1||

AYsw dyiK ibmoihq hoey ]

aucwrx ib-moihq

aisaa dhaekh bimohith hoeae ||

Beholding her, all are bewitched:

swiDk isD surdyv mnuKw ibnu swDU siB DRohin DRohy ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx is`D

saadhhik sidhh suradhaev manukhaa bin saadhhoo sabh dhhrohan dhhrohae ||1|| rehaao ||

The strivers, the Siddhas, the demi-gods, angels and mortals. All, except the Saadhus, are deceived by her deception. ||1||Pause||

ieik iPrih audwsI iqn kwim ivAwpY ]

eik firehi oudhaasee thinh kaam viaapai ||

Some wander around as renunciates, but they are engrossed in sexual desire.

ieik sµcih igrhI iqn hoie n AwpY ]

eik sanchehi girehee thinh hoe n aapai ||

Some grow rich as householders, but she does not belong to them.

ieik sqI khwvih iqn bhuqu klpwvY ]

aucwrx sqI: polw bolo

eik sathee kehaavehi thinh bahuth kalapaavai ||

Some call themselves men of charity, and she torments them terribly.

hm hir rwKy lig siqgur pwvY ]2]

ham har raakhae lag sathigur paavai ||2||

The Lord has saved me, by attaching me to the Feet of the True Guru. ||2||

qpu krqy qpsI BUlwey ]

aucwrx qp-sI

thap karathae thapasee bhoolaaeae ||

She leads astray the penitents who practice penance.

pMifq mohy loiB sbwey ]

panddith mohae lobh sabaaeae ||

The scholarly Pandits are all seduced by greed.

qRY gux mohy moihAw Awkwsu ]

thrai gun mohae mohiaa aakaas ||

The world of the three qualities is enticed, and the heavens are enticed.

hm siqgur rwKy dy kir hwQu ]3]

ham sathigur raakhae dhae kar haathh ||3||

The True Guru has saved me, by giving me His Hand. ||3||

igAwnI kI hoie vrqI dwis ]

giaanee kee hoe varathee dhaas ||

She is the slave of those who are spiritually wise.

kr joVy syvw kry Ardwis ]

kar jorrae saevaa karae aradhaas ||

With her palms pressed together, she serves them and offers her prayer:

jo qUµ khih su kwr kmwvw ]

jo thoon kehehi s kaar kamaavaa ||

“Whatever you wish, that is what I shall do.”

jn nwnk gurmuK nyiV n Awvw ]4]1]

jan naanak guramukh naerr n aavaa ||4||1||

O servant Nanak, she does not draw near to the Gurmukh. ||4||1||