SGGSAng 392Raag AsaMahalla 519 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw

aasaa mehalaa 5 ||

Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

AwT phr inkit kir jwnY ]

aath pehar nikatt kar jaanai ||

Twenty-four hours a day, he knows the Lord to be near at hand;

pRB kw kIAw mITw mwnY ]

prabh kaa keeaa meethaa maanai ||

He surrenders to the Sweet Will of God.

eyku nwmu sMqn AwDwru ]

eaek naam santhan aadhhaar ||

The One Name is the Support of the Saints;

hoie rhy sB kI pg Cwru ]1]

aucwrx pg: polw bolo

hoe rehae sabh kee pag shhaar ||1||

They remain the dust of the feet of all. ||1||

sMq rhq sunhu myry BweI ]

santh rehath sunahu maerae bhaaee ||

Listen, to the way of life of the Saints, O my Siblings of Destiny;

auAw kI mihmw kQnu n jweI ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx auAw: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: aUAw, EAw)

ouaa kee mehimaa kathhan n jaaee ||1|| rehaao ||

Their praises cannot be described. ||1||Pause||

vrqix jw kY kyvl nwm ]

varathan jaa kai kaeval naam ||

Their occupation is the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

And rUp kIrqnu ibsRwm ]

anadh roop keerathan bisraam ||

The Kirtan, the Praise of the Lord, the embodiment of bliss, is their rest.

imqR sqRü jw kY eyk smwnY ]

mithr sathra jaa kai eaek samaanai ||

Friends and enemies are one and the same to them.

pRB Apuny ibnu Avru n jwnY ]2]

prabh apunae bin avar n jaanai ||2||

They know of no other than God. ||2||

koit koit AG kwtnhwrw ]

aucwrx AG: polw bolo

kott kott agh kaattanehaaraa ||

They erase millions upon millions of sins.

duK dUir krn jIA ky dwqwrw ]

dhukh dhoor karan jeea kae dhaathaaraa ||

They dispel suffering; they are givers of the life of the soul.

sUrbIr bcn ky blI ]

soorabeer bachan kae balee ||

They are so brave; they are men of their word.

kaulw bpurI sMqI ClI ]3]

koulaa bapuree santhee shhalee ||3||

The Saints have enticed Maya herself. ||3||

qw kw sMgu bwCih surdyv ]

thaa kaa sang baashhehi suradhaev ||

Their company is cherished even by the gods and the angels.

AmoG drsu sPl jw kI syv ]

amogh dharas safal jaa kee saev ||

Blessed is their Darshan, and fruitful is their service.

kr joiV nwnku kry Ardwis ]

kar jorr naanak karae aradhaas ||

With his palms pressed together, Nanak offers his prayer:

moih sMqh thl dIjY guxqwis ]4]37]88]

mohi santheh ttehal dheejai gunathaas ||4||37||88||

O Lord, Treasure of Excellence, please bless me with the service of the Saints. ||4||37||88||