BYrau mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx BYrau mh`lw pMjvw
bhairo mehalaa 5 ||
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:
rogu kvnu jW rwKY Awip ]
rog kavan jaan raakhai aap ||
Why worry about disease, when the Lord Himself protects us?
iqsu jn hoie n dUKu sµqwpu ]
this jan hoe n dhookh santhaap ||
That person whom the Lord protects, does not suffer pain and sorrow.
ijsu aUpir pRBu ikrpw krY ]
jis oopar prabh kirapaa karai ||
That person, upon whom God showers His Mercy
iqsu aUpr qy kwlu prhrY ]1]
this oopar thae kaal pareharai ||1||
- Death hovering above him is turned away. ||1||
sdw sKweI hir hir nwmu ]
sadhaa sakhaaee har har naam ||
The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is forever our Help and Support.
ijsu cIiq AwvY iqsu sdw suKu hovY inkit n AwvY qw kY jwmu ]1] rhwau ]
jis cheeth aavai this sadhaa sukh hovai nikatt n aavai thaa kai jaam ||1|| rehaao ||
When He comes to mind, the mortal finds lasting peace, and the Messenger of Death cannot even approach him. ||1||Pause||
jb iehu n so qb iknih aupwieAw ]
jab eihu n so thab kinehi oupaaeiaa ||
When this being did not exist, who created him then?
kvn mUl qy ikAw pRgtwieAw ]
kavan mool thae kiaa pragattaaeiaa ||
What has been produced from the source?
Awpih mwir Awip jIvwlY ]
aapehi maar aap jeevaalai ||
He Himself kills, and He Himself rejuvenates.
Apny Bgq kau sdw pRiqpwlY ]2]
aucwrx pRiq-pwlY: 'pR' ishwrI rihq bolo
apanae bhagath ko sadhaa prathipaalai ||2||
He cherishes His devotees forever. ||2||
sB ikCu jwxhu iqskY hwQ ]
sabh kishh jaanahu this kai haathh ||
Know that everything is in His Hands.
pRBu myro AnwQ ko nwQ ]
prabh maero anaathh ko naathh ||
My God is the Master of the masterless.
duK Bµjnu qw kw hY nwau ]
dhukh bhanjan thaa kaa hai naao ||
His Name is the Destroyer of pain.
suK pwvih iqsky gux gwau ]3]
sukh paavehi this kae gun gaao ||3||
Singing His Glorious Praises, you shall find peace. ||3||
suix suAwmI sMqn Ardwis ]
sun suaamee santhan aradhaas ||
O my Lord and Master, please listen to the prayer of Your Saint.
jIau pRwn Dnu qum@rY pwis ]
aucwrx qum@-rY
jeeo praan dhhan thumharai paas ||
I place my soul, my breath of life and wealth before You.
iehu jgu qyrw sB quJih iDAwey ]
eihu jag thaeraa sabh thujhehi dhhiaaeae ||
All this world is Yours; it meditates on You.
kir ikrpw nwnk suKu pwey ]4]25]38]
kar kirapaa naanak sukh paaeae ||4||25||38||
Please shower Nanak with Your Mercy and bless him with peace. ||4||25||38||