BYrau mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx BYrau mh`lw pMjvw
bhairo mehalaa 5 ||
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:
sMq mMfl mih hir min vsY ]
santh manddal mehi har man vasai ||
In the Realm of the Saints, the Lord dwells in the mind.
sMq mMfl mih durqu sBu nsY ]
aucwrx nsY: polw bolo
santh manddal mehi dhurath sabh nasai ||
In the Realm of the Saints, all sins run away.
sMq mMfl mih inrml rIiq ]
santh manddal mehi niramal reeth ||
In the Realm of the Saints, one's lifestyle is immaculate.
sµqsµig hoie eyk prIiq ]1]
santhasang hoe eaek pareeth ||1||
In the Society of the Saints, one comes to love the One Lord. ||1||
sMq mMflu qhw kw nwau ]
santh manddal thehaa kaa naao ||
That alone is called the Realm of the Saints,
pwrbRhm kyvl gux gwau ]1] rhwau ]
aucwrx pwr-bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
paarabreham kaeval gun gaao ||1|| rehaao ||
Where only the Glorious Praises of the Supreme Lord God are sung. ||1||Pause||
sMq mMfl mih jnm mrxu rhY ]
santh manddal mehi janam maran rehai ||
In the Realm of the Saints, birth and death are ended.
sMq mMfl mih jmu ikCU n khY ]
santh manddal mehi jam kishhoo n kehai ||
In the Realm of the Saints, the Messenger of Death cannot touch the mortal.
sµqsµig hoie inrml bwxI ]
santhasang hoe niramal baanee ||
In the Society of the Saints, one's speech becomes immaculate
sMq mMfl mih nwmu vKwxI ]2]
santh manddal mehi naam vakhaanee ||2||
In the realm of the saints, the Lord's Name is chanted. ||2||
sMq mMfl kw inhcl Awsnu ]
santh manddal kaa nihachal aasan ||
The Realm of the Saints is the eternal, ever-stable place.
sMq mMfl mih pwp ibnwsnu ]
santh manddal mehi paap binaasan ||
In the Realm of the Saints, sins are destroyed.
sMq mMfl mih inrml kQw ]
santh manddal mehi niramal kathhaa ||
In the Realm of the Saints, the immaculate sermon is spoken.
sµqsµig haumY duK nsw ]3]
aucwrx nsw: polw bolo
santhasang houmai dhukh nasaa ||3||
In the Society of the Saints, the pain of egotism runs away. ||3||
sMq mMfl kw nhI ibnwsu ]
santh manddal kaa nehee binaas ||
The Realm of the Saints cannot be destroyed.
sMq mMfl mih hir guxqwsu ]
santh manddal mehi har gunathaas ||
In the Realm of the Saints, is the Lord, the Treasure of Virtue.
sMq mMfl Twkur ibsRwmu ]
santh manddal thaakur bisraam ||
The Realm of the Saints is the resting place of our Lord and Master.
nwnk Eiq poiq Bgvwnu ]4]24]37]
naanak outh poth bhagavaan ||4||24||37||
O Nanak, He is woven into the fabric of His devotees, through and through. ||4||24||37||