28: sumyru jwxw
Journey to Summer mountain
bwby ifTI iprQmI nvY KMif ijQY qik AwhI ]
baabay ditdee piradamee navai khandi jidai taki aahee.
Baba Nanak visualized all the expansive nine divisions of the earth.
iPir jwie ciVHAw sumyr pr isD mMflI idRstI AweI ]
dhiri jaai charhhiaa soumayr pari sidhi mandalee drisatee aaee.
Then he climbed up to the Sumer mountain where he came across a group of siddhs.
caurwsIh isD gorKwid mn AMdir gxqI vrqweI ]
chauraaseeh sidhi gorakhaadi man andari ganatee varataaee.
The mind of the eighty four siddhs and Gorakh filled with surprise and doubts.
isD puCix suix bwilAw kauxu skiq quih eyQy ilAweI ]
sidhi pouchhani souni baaliaa kaounu sakati tuhi ayday liaaee.
Siddhas asked (Guru Nanak), (O young boy! Which power brought you here?)
hau jipAw prmysro Bwau Bgiq sMig qwVI lweI ]
hau japiaa paramaysaro bhaau bhagati sangi taarhee laaee.
Guru Nanak replied that for coming to this place (I have remembered the Lord with loving devotion and meditated upon Him deeply.)
AwKix isD suix bwilAw Awpxw nwau qum dyhu bqweI ]
aakhani sidhi souni baaliaa apanaa naau toum dayhu bataaee.
Siddhs said, (O young man, tell us your name).
bwbw AwKy nwQ jI nwnk nwm jpy giq pweI ]
baabaa aakhay naad jee naanak naam japay gati paaee.
Baba replied, (O respected Nath! This Nanak has attained this position through rememberance of the name of the Lord).
nIcu khwie aUc Gir AweI ]28]
neechu kahaai ooch ghari aaee ||28||
By calling himself lowly, one attains the high position.