29: is`DW nwl pRSnoqR
Discussion with the Siddhs
iPir puCix isD nwnkw mwq lok ivic ikAw vrqwrw ]
dhiri pouchhani sidh naanakaa maat lok vichi kiaa varataaraa.
Siddhs again asked, (O Nanak! How are the dealings on mother earth?).
sB isDI ieh buiJAw kil qwrix nwnk Avqwrw ]
sabh sidhee ih bujhiaa kali taarani naanak avataaraa.
By this time all the siddhs understood that Nanak had come to earth to deliver it from the (sins of) kaliyug.
bwby AwiKAw nwQ jI scu cMdRmW kUVu AMDwrw ]
baabay aakhiaa naad jee sachu chandramaa koorhu andhaaraa.
Baba replied, (O respected Nath, the truth is dim like the moon and the falsehood like deep darkness).
kUVu Amwvis vriqAw hau Bwlix ciVHAw sMswrw ]
koorhu amaavasi varatiaa hau bhaalani charhhiaa sansaaraa.
The darkness of the moonless night of the falsehood has spread around and I, in order to search for the (truthful) world, have undertaken this journey.
pwp igrwsI iprQmI Daulu KVw Dir hyT pukwrw ]
paapi giraasee piradamee dhaulu kharhaa dhari haytd poukaaraa.
The earth is engrossed with sin and its support, the dharma in the form of ox is crying and wailing (for rescue).
isD Cip bYTy prbqI kauxu jgiqR kau pwir auqwrw ]
sidh chhapi baitday parabatee kaounu jagati kau paari outaaraa.
In such circumstances, when siddhs, the adepts, by (becoming repudiators) have taken refuge in the mountains, how the world could get redeemed.
jogI igAwn ivhUixAw insidn AMig lgwiein Cwrw ]
jogee giaan vihooniaa nisadini angi lagaaay chhaaraa.
Yogis also bereft of knowledge and simply applying ashes to their bodies are lying down unconcerned.
bwJu gurU fubw jgu swrw ]29]
baajhu guroo doubaa jagu saaraa ||29||
Without Guru the world is getting drowned.