Bhai Gurdas JiAng 13Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 137 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

15: ibrd dI lwj

Living up to one's natural repute

pwxI kwT n fobeI pwly dI ljY ]

paanee kaatdu n dobaee paalay dee lajai.

Water does not drown the wood because it lives up to its natural repute of nurturing the things (water rears up the vegetation).

isir klvqR DrwiekY isir ciVAw BjY ]

siri kalavatr dharaai kai siri charhiaa bhajai.

It bears the vessel on its head like a saw because the vessel shears the water and moves ahead.

lohy jVIAY boihQw Bwir Bry n qjY ]

lohay jarheeai bohidaa bhaari bharay n tajai.

Of course, iron is studded into the wood but water bears the burden of it also.

pytY AMdir Aig riK iqsu pVdw kjY ]

paytay andari agi rakhi tisu parhadaa kajai.

Water knows that its enemy fire exists in wood but still it covers up this fact and does not drown it.

AgrY fobY jwix kY inrmolk DjY ]

agarai dobai jaani kai niramolak dhajai.

The sandal wood is knowingly drowned so that it is proved to be the real sandal wood and its price may be fixed higher.

gurmuiK mwrig clxw Cif KbY sjY ]15]

guramoukhi maaragi chalanaa chhadi khabai sajai ||15||

The way of the gurmukhs is also the same; they without the caring for the loss and the profit go on moving further and further.