14: pRym rs ikkUM imldw hY ?
How the joy of love is attained ?
gurmuiK suK Pl iprm rs huie guru isK mylw ]
guramoukhi soukh phal piram rasu hui guru sikh maylaa.
After meeting the Guru i.e. after adopting the teachings of the Guru, the gurmukh receives the pleasure-fruit of the joy of love.
sbd suriq prcwie kY inq nyh nvylw ]
sabad surati parachaai kai nit nayhu navaylaa.
The Guru merges the consciousness of the disciple into the Word and creates ever-new love for the Lord in it.
vIh iekIh cVwau ciV isK guru guru cylw ]
veeh ikeeh charhaau charhi sikh guru guru chaylaa.
Thus getting above the worldliness, the disciple becomes Guru and the Guru disciple.
Aipau pIAY Ajru jrY gur syv suhylw ]
apiu peeai ajaru jarai gur sayv suhaylaa.
Now he quaffs the unbearable drink of the juice of love and further bears the unbearable. But all this becomes possible only through the service of the Guru
jIvidAw mir clxw hwir ijxY vhylw ]
jeevadiaa mari chalanaa haari jinai vahaylaa.
(To attain the delight of love) One has to put to death his ego and by becoming indifferent to the world has to conquer it.
isl AwlUxI ctxI lK AMimRq pylw ]14]
sil aloonee chatanee lakh anmrit paylaa ||14||
One who has licked this tasteless (unsalty) stone i.e. who has adopted the way of desireless devotion, he alone throws away myriads of delights equal to the immortalising elixirs.