SGGSAng 357Raag AsaMahalla 111 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw

aasaa mehalaa 1 ||

Aasaa, First Mehl:

n iks kw pUqu n iks kI mweI ]

n kis kaa pooth n kis kee maaee ||

No one is anyone else's son, and no one is anyone else's mother.

JUTY moih Brim BulweI ]1]

jhoothai mohi bharam bhulaaee ||1||

Through false attachments, people wander around in doubt. ||1||

myry swihb hau kIqw qyrw ]

maerae saahib ho keethaa thaeraa ||

O My Lord and Master, I am created by You.

jW qUµ dyih jpI nwau qyrw ]1] rhwau ]

jaan thoon dhaehi japee naao thaeraa ||1|| rehaao ||

If You give it to me, I will chant Your Name. ||1||Pause||

bhuqy Aaugx kUkY koeI ]

bahuthae aougan kookai koee ||

That person who is filled with all sorts of sins may pray at the Lord's Door

jw iqsu BwvY bKsy soeI ]2]

jaa this bhaavai bakhasae soee ||2||

But he is forgiven only when the Lord so wills. ||2||

gurprswdI durmiq KoeI ]

gur parasaadhee dhuramath khoee ||

By Guru's Grace, evil-mindedness is destroyed.

jh dyKW qh eyko soeI ]3]

jeh dhaekhaa theh eaeko soee ||3||

Wherever I look, there I find the One Lord. ||3||

khq nwnk AYsI miq AwvY ]

aucwrx m`iq

kehath naanak aisee math aavai ||

Says Nanak, if one comes to such an understanding,

qW ko scy sic smwvY ]4]28]

thaan ko sachae sach samaavai ||4||28||

Then he is absorbed into the Truest of the True. ||4||28||