SGGSAng 1399Bhattaa De SwaiyeSwaiye Mahalley Chauthey Ke5 linesBhatt Nalh Ji

gurU gurU guru kru mn myry ]

guroo guroo gur kar man maerae ||

Dwell upon the Guru, the Guru, the Guru, O my mind.

qwrx qrx smQu kiljuig sunq smwiD sbd ijsu kyry ]

aucwrx sm`Qu

thaaran tharan samrathh kalijug sunath samaadhh sabadh jis kaerae ||

The All-powerful Guru is the Boat to carry us across in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. Hearing the Word of His Shabad, we are transported into Samaadhi.

Puin duKin nwsu suKdwXku sUrau jo Drq iDAwnu bsq iqh nyry ]

aucwrx suKdwXku: suK-dwiek bolo; bsq: polw bolo (ASuD: b-sq)

fun dhukhan naas sukhadhaayak sooro jo dhharath dhhiaan basath thih naerae ||

He is the Spiritual Hero who destroys pain and brings peace. Whoever meditates on Him, dwells near Him.

pUrau purKu irdY hir ismrq muKu dyKq AG jwih pryry ]

pooro purakh ridhai har simarath mukh dhaekhath agh jaahi paraerae ||

He is the Perfect Primal Being, who meditates in remembrance on the Lord within his heart; seeing His Face, sins run away.

jau hir buiD iriD isiD cwhq gurU gurU guru kru mn myry ]5]9]

aucwrx ir`iD; is`iD

jo har budhh ridhh sidhh chaahath guroo guroo gur kar man maerae ||5||9||

If you long for wisdom, wealth, spiritual perfection and properity, O my mind, dwell upon the Guru, the Guru, the Guru. ||5||9||