gurU muKu dyiK grU suKu pwXO ]
aucwrx grU: AONkV rihq bolo; pwXO: pwieAau bolo
guroo mukh dhaekh garoo sukh paayo ||
Gazing upon the Face of the Guru, I find peace.
huqI ju ipAws ipaUs ipvµn kI bµCq isiD kau ibiD imlwXau ]
aucwrx is`iD; imlwXau: imlwieAau bolo
huthee j piaas pioos pivann kee banshhath sidhh ko bidhh milaayo ||
I was thirsty, yearning to drink in the Nectar; to fulfill that wish, the Guru laid out the way.
pUrn Bo mn Taur bso rs bwsn isau ju dhµ idis DwXau ]
aucwrx DwXau: DwieAau bolo
pooran bho man thour baso ras baasan sio j dhehan dhis dhhaayo ||
My mind has become perfect; it dwells in the Lord's Place; it had been wandering in all directions, in its desire for tastes and pleasures.
goibMdvwlu goibMd purI sm jl´n qIir ibpws bnwXau ]
aucwrx jl´n: jilAn bolo; bnwXau: bnwieAau polw bolo
gobindh vaal gobindh puree sam jalyan theer bipaas banaayo ||
Goindwal is the City of God, built on the bank of the Beas River.
gXau duKu dUir brKn ko su gurU muKu dyiK grU suKu pwXau ]6]10]
aucwrx gXau: gieAau bolo; grU: AONkV rihq bolo; pwXau: pwieAau bolo
gayo dhukh dhoor barakhan ko s guroo mukh dhaekh garoo sukh paayo ||6||10||
The pains of so many years have been taken away; gazing upon the Face of the Guru, I find peace. ||6||10||