SGGSAng 1401Bhattaa De SwaiyeSwaiye Mahalley Chauthey Ke5 linesBhatt Nalh Ji

gurU guru gurU guru gurU jpu mMn ry ]

guroo gur guroo gur guroo jap mann rae ||

Chant Guru, Guru, Guru, Guru, Guru, O my mind.

jw kI syv isv isD swiDk sur Asur gx qrih qyqIs gur bcn suix kMn ry ]

aucwrx is`D; A-sur

jaa kee saev siv sidhh saadhhik sur asur gan tharehi thaethees gur bachan sun kann rae ||

Serving Him, Shiva and the Siddhas, the angels and demons and servants of the gods, and the thrity-three million gods cross over, listening to the Word of the Guru's Teachings.

Puin qrih qy sMq ihq Bgq guru guru krih qirE pRhlwdu gur imlq muin jMn ry ]

fun tharehi thae santh hith bhagath gur gur karehi thariou prehalaadh gur milath mun jann rae ||

And, the Saints and loving devotees are carried across, chanting Guru, Guru. Prahlaad and the silent sages met the Guru, and were carried across.

qrih nwrdwid snkwid hir gurmuKih qrih iek nwm lig qjhu rs AMn ry ]

aucwrx nwr-dwid

tharehi naaradhaadh sanakaadh har guramukhehi tharehi eik naam lag thajahu ras ann rae ||

Naarad and Sanak and those men of God who became Gurmukh were carried across; attached to the One Name, they abandoned other tastes and pleasures, and were carried across.

dwsu byniq khY nwmu gurmuiK lhY gurU guru gurU guru gurU jpu mMn ry ]4]16]29]

dhaas baenath kehai naam guramukh lehai guroo gur guroo gur guroo jap mann rae ||4||16||29||

This is the prayer of the Lord's humble slave: the Gurmukh obtains the Naam, the Name of the Lord, chanting Guru, Guru, Guru, Guru, Guru, O my mind. ||4||16||29||