isrI gurU swihbu sB aUpir krI ikRpw sqjuig ijin DR¨ pir ]
aucwrx DR¨: dulYNkVy 'r' nUµ lw ky
siree guroo saahib sabh oopar karee kirapaa sathajug jin dhhroo par ||
The Great, Supreme Guru showered His Mercy upon all; In the Golden Age of Sat Yuga, He blessed Dhroo.
sRI pRhlwd Bgq auDrIAM ]
sree prehalaadh bhagath oudhhareean ||
He saved the devotee Prahlaad,
hsœ kml mwQy pr DrIAM ]
aucwrx hsœ: hsq bolo
haso kamal maathhae par dhhareean ||
Placing the Lotus of His Hand upon his forehead.
AlK rUp jIA lK´w n jweI ]
aucwrx Al`K; lK´w: liKAw bolo
alakh roop jeea lakhyaa n jaaee ||
The Unseen Form of the Lord cannot be seen.
swiDk isD sgl srxweI ]
aucwrx is`D
saadhhik sidhh sagal saranaaee ||
The Siddhas and seekers all seek His Sanctuary.
gur ky bcn siq jIA Dwrhu ]
gur kae bachan sath jeea dhhaarahu ||
True are the Words of the Guru's teachings. Enshrine them in your soul.
mwxs jnmu dyh insœwrhu ]
aucwrx insœwrhu: ins-qwrhu bolo
maanas janam dhaeh nisoaarahu ||
Emancipate your body, and redeem this human incarnation.
guru jhwju Kyvtu gurU gur ibnu qirAw n koie ]
gur jehaaj khaevatt guroo gur bin thariaa n koe ||
The Guru is the Boat, and the Guru is the Boatman. Without the Guru, no one can cross over.
gurpRswid pRBu pweIAY gur ibnu mukiq n hoie ]
gur prasaadh prabh paaeeai gur bin mukath n hoe ||
By Guru's Grace, God is obtained. Without the Guru, no one is liberated.
guru nwnku inkit bsY bnvwrI ]
gur naanak nikatt basai banavaaree ||
Guru Nanak dwells near the Creator Lord.
iqin lhxw Qwip joiq jig DwrI ]
thin lehanaa thhaap joth jag dhhaaree ||
He established Lehnaa as Guru, and enshrined His Light in the world.
lhxY pMQu Drm kw kIAw ]
lehanai panthh dhharam kaa keeaa ||
Lehnaa established the path of righteousness and Dharma,
Amrdws Bly kau dIAw ]
aucwrx B`ly
amaradhaas bhalae ko dheeaa ||
Which He passed on to Guru Amar Daas, of the Bhalla dynasty.
iqin sRI rwmdwsu soFI iQru Qp´au ]
aucwrx Qp´au: QipAau bolo
thin sree raamadhaas sodtee thhir thhapyo ||
Then, He firmly established the Great Raam Daas of the Sodhi dynasty.
hir kw nwmu AKY iniD Ap´au ]
aucwrx A-KY; in`iD; Ap´au: AipAau bolo, polw bolo (ASuD: A-ipAau)
har kaa naam akhai nidhh apyo ||
He was blessed with the inexhaustible treasure of the Lord's Name.
Ap´au hir nwmu AKY iniD chu juig gur syvw kir Plu lhIAM ]
aucwrx Ap´au: AipAau bolo, polw bolo (ASuD: A-ipAau); A-KY; in`iD
apyo har naam akhai nidhh chahu jug gur saevaa kar fal leheean ||
He was blessed with the treasure of the Lord's Name; throughout the four ages, it is inexhaustible. Serving the Guru, He received His reward.
bMdih jo crx srix suKu pwvih prmwnµd gurmuiK khIAM ]
bandhehi jo charan saran sukh paavehi paramaanandh guramukh keheean ||
Those who bow at His Feet and seek His Sanctuary, are blessed with peace; those Gurmukhs are blessed with supreme bliss.
prqiK dyh pwrbRhmu suAwmI Awid rUip poKx Brxµ ]
aucwrx prq`iK; pwr-bRhmu: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
parathakh dhaeh paarabreham suaamee aadh roop pokhan bharanan ||
The Guru's Body is the Embodiment of the Supreme Lord God, our Lord and Master, the Form of the Primal Being, who nourishes and cherishes all.
siqguru guru syiv AlK giq jw kI sRI rwmdwsu qwrx qrxµ ]1]
aucwrx Al`K
sathigur gur saev alakh gath jaa kee sree raamadhaas thaaran tharanan ||1||
So serve the Guru, the True Guru; His ways and means are inscrutable. The Great Guru Raam Daas is the Boat to carry us across. ||1||
ijh AMimRq bcn bwxI swDU jn jpih kir ibiciq cwE ]
aucwrx ib-iciq
jih anmrith bachan baanee saadhhoo jan japehi kar bichith chaaou ||
The Holy people chant the Ambrosial Words of His Bani with delight in their minds.