Bhai Nand Laal JiAng 1GanjnamaGanjnama27 linesBhai Nand Lal Ji

<> siqgur pRswid ]

ikoankaar satigur prasaadh ||

There is One Creator; With the Grace of the True Guru.

gMj nwmh

ga(n)j naamah

Ganj Nama

vwihgurU jIau s`iq

vaahiguroo jeeau sa't

Waaheguru is the Truth,

gur goibMd gopwl gur gur pUrn nwrwiexh ]

gur gobi(n)dh gopaal gura; gur pooran naaraineh ||

The Guru is the Lord of the Universe; the Guru is the Lord of the world; the Guru is the Perfect Pervading Lord God.

gur dieAwl smrQ gur gur nwnk piqq auDwrxh ]1]

gur dhiaal samarath gura; gur naanaka, patit udhaaraneh ||1||

The Guru is compassionate; the Guru is all-powerful; the Guru, O Nanak, is the Saving Grace of sinners. ||1||

idlo jwnm b-hr sbwho msw

dhilo jaanam ba-har sabaaho masaa

Every morning and evening, my heart and soul,

sro &rkm iz rUie isdko s&w ] 1 ]

saro pharakam z rooi sidhako saphaa || 1 ||

My head and forehead with faith and clarity (1)

bwd br murSd qrIik inswr

baadh bar murashadh tareek nisaar

Shall sacrifice for my Guru,

Az sir iemz sd hzwrW bwr ] 2 ]

az sar imaz sadh hazaaraa(n) baar || 2 ||

And sacrifice with humility by bowing my head millions of times. (2)

ik iz iensW milk nmUdsq aU

k z inasaa(n) malik namoodhasat uoo

Because, he created angels out of ordinary human beings,

ieziq ^wkIAW &zUdsq aU ] 3 ]

eizat khhaakeeaa(n) phazoodhasat uoo || 3 ||

And, he elevated the status and honor of the earthly beings. (3)

^wsgW jumlw ^wik pwie aU

khhaasagaa(n) jumalaa khhaak pai uoo

All those honored by Him are, in fact, the dust of His feet,

hmw mlkUqIAW i&dwie aU ] 4 ]

hamaa malakooteeaa(n) phidhai uoo || 4 ||

And, all gods and goddesses are willing to sacrifice themselves for Him. (4)

gr i&rozd hzwr imhro mwh

gar phirozadh hazaar miharo maah

Even though, thousands of moons and suns might be shinig,

Awlmy dW juz aU qmwm isAwh ] 5 ]

aalame dhaa(n) juz uoo tamaam siaaeh || 5 ||

Still the whole world will be in pitch darkness without Him. (5)

murSid pwk nUir h`k Awmd

murashadh paak noor ha'k aamadh

Holy and chaste Guru is the image of Akaalpurakh Himself,

zW sb`b dr idlm sbk Awmd ] 6 ]

zaa(n) saba'b dhar dhilam sabak aamadh || 6 ||

That is the reason that I have settled Him inside my heart. (6)

AW kswny ik zo n Xwd AwrMd

aa(n) kasaane k zo na yaadh aara(n)dh

Those persons who do not contemplate Him,

smrw-ey jwno idl bbwd AwrMd ] 7 ]

samaraa-e jaano dhil babaadh aara(n)dh || 7 ||

Take it that they have wasted the fruit of their heart and soul for nothing. (7)

mzrw-ie pur smr b-ArzwnI

mazaraa-i pur samar ba-arazaanee

This field loaded with cheap fruits,

cUM m-bInd iz dUr syrwnI ] 8 ]

choo(n) ma-beenadh z dhoor seraanee || 8 ||

When he looks at them to his heart's content, (8)

ieMbswq AwiedS AzW dIdn

ei(n)basaat aaidhash azaa(n) dheedhan

Then he gets a special kind of pleasure to look at them,

br Sqwbd iz bihir brcIdn ] 9 ]

bar shataabadh z bahir baracheedhan || 9 ||

And, he runs towards them to pluck them. (9)

lyk hwisl inAwrd Az vY bwr

lek haasil niaaradh az vai baar

However, he does not get any results from his fields,

bwz grdd gursnw ^uAwro nzwr ] 10 ]

baaz garadhadh gursanaa khhuaaro nazaar || 10 ||

And, returns disappointed hungry, thirsty and debilitated. (10)

ZYr siqgur hmw b-dW mwnd

g(h)air satigur hamaa ba-dhaa(n) maanadh

Without Satguru, you should consider everything to be like as if

kW cunW zrie bwr-vr dwnd ] 11 ]

kaa(n) chunaa(n) zari baara-var dhaanadh || 11 ||

The field is ripe and grown but full of weeds and thorns. (11)