Bhai Nand Laal JiAng 1ZindginamaZindginama1021 linesBhai Nand Lal Ji

izMdgI nwmw

zindhagee naamaa


AW ^udwvMid zmIno AwsmW

aan khudhaavandh zameeno aasamaana

The Akaalpurakh is the Master of the earth and the skies,

izMdgI b^iS vjUid ienso jW ] 1 ]

zindhagee bakhash vajoodh einaso jaan || 1 ||

He is the one who bestows life to human beings and other living beings. (1)

^wik rwhS qUqIXwie cSim mwsq

khaak raahash thootheeyaae chasham maasatha

The dust on the path of Waaheguru serves like a collyrium to our eyes.

AwbrU A&zwie hr Swho gdw sq ] 2 ]

aabaroo afazaae har shaaho gadhaa sath || 2 ||

In fact, He is the one who elevates the honor and esteem of every king and every saintly soul. (2)

hr ikh bwSd dwXmw dr Xwid aU

har kih baashadh dhaayamaa dhar yaadh oo

Anyone who lives his life under a constant remembrance of Akaalpurakh,

Xwid h`k hr dm bvd ierSwid aU ] 3 ]

yaadh hak har dham bavadh eirashaadh oo || 3 ||

Will always prompt and motivate others for the meditation of the Almighty. (3)

gr qU dr Xwid ^udw bwSI mudwm

gar thoo dhar yaadh khudhaa baashee mudhaam

If you can constantly and always stay imbued in Akaalpurakh's meditation,

mI SvI AY jwin mn mrid qmwm ] 4 ]

mee shavee ai jaan man maradh thamaam || 4 ||

Then, O my heart and soul! You can become a complete and perfect person. (4)

AwPqwib hsq ipnhW zyir Abr

aafathaab hasath pinehaan zaer abara

He, the Akaalpurakh, like the sun, is hidden behind the clouds of the material world,

ibguzr Az Abro numw ruiK hmcU bdr ] 5 ]

biguzar az abaro numaa rukh hamachoo badhar || 5 ||

Goyaa says, Kindly come out of the clouds and show me Your full-moon-like face. (5)

eIN qnq Abrysq dr vY AwPqwb

een thanath abaraesath dhar vai aafathaaba

This body of yours is like a cloud under which is hidden the Sun (God),

Xwid h`k mIdW hmIN bwSd svwb ] 6 ]

yaadh hak meedhaan hameen baashadh savaab || 6 ||

Remember to engage yourself in the divine devotion because this is the only purpose (fruit) of this life. (6)

hrik vwik& Sud Az Asrwir ^udw

harak vaakif shudh az asaraar khudhaa

Whosoever has become cognizant of the mysteries of Waaheguru,

hr n&s juz h`k n dwrd mudAw ] 7 ]

har nafas juz hak n dhaaradh mudhaaa || 7 ||

He has no other purpose except to remember Him every moment of his life. (7)

kh ich bwSd Xwid AW Xzdwin pwk

keh chih baashadh yaadh aan yazadhaan paaka

What is the truth? It is the memory of the Almighty that is the stark truth;

kY ibdwnd kdir aU hr muSiq ^wk ] 8 ]

kai bidhaanadh kadhar oo har mushath khaak || 8 ||

In fact, how can a fistful of dirt or dust, the human body, appreciate His real value? (8)

suhbiq nykW Agr bwSd nsIb

suhabath naekaan agar baashadh naseeba

If you have the good fortune to have the company and association of the noble persons,

dOliq jwvId XwbI AY hbIb ] 9 ]

dhaaualath jaaveedh yaabee ai habeeb || 9 ||

Then my friend! You would have attained eternal wealth. (9)

dOlq AMdr i^dmiq mrdwin ausq

dhaaualath andhar khidhamath maradhaan ousatha

This (God given) wealth is meant to be used in the service of His creations, the people;

hir gdw E pwdSwh kurbwin ausq ] 10 ]

har gadhaa ou paadhashaah kurabaan ousath || 10 ||

Every beggar and emperor is willing to sacrifice himself for it, the true wealth. (10)

^Uie SW gIr AY bRwdr ^Uie SW

khooe shaan geer ai braadhar khooe shaana

O brother! You should acquire the traits of those who constantly remember the Beneficent;

dwXmw mI grd igrid kUie SW ] 11 ]

dhaayamaa mee garadh giradh kooe shaan || 11 ||

And, you should circle around the (street) locality they reside in again and again (so that you may get an opportunity to be blessed with their company.) (11)

hr ikh igrid kUie SW grdId Xw&q

har kih giradh kooe shaan garadheedh yaafatha

If anyone keeps going around the streets of these noble souls,

dr do Awlm hm cU imhro bdr qw&q ] 12 ]

dhar dho aalam ham choo miharo badhar thaafath || 12 ||

He would have attained the light and radiance of the sun and the moon in both the worlds. (12)

dOliq jwvId bwSd bMdgI

dhaaualath jaaveedh baashadh bandhagee

(We must realize) that meditation is an eternal treasure;

bMdgI kun bMdgI kun bMdgI ] 13 ]

bandhagee kun bandhagee kun bandhagee || 13 ||

Therefore, we should engage ourselves in meditation, worship and prayers before the Almighty. (13)

dr ilbwis bMdgI SwhI qurwhsq

dhar libaas bandhagee shaahee thuraahasatha

The entire kingdom (of the world) is encompassed in the remembrance of (the Naam of) Waaheguru;

dOlqy Az mwh qw mwhI qurwhsq ] 14 ]

dhaaualathae az maah thaa maahee thuraahasath || 14 ||

And, it is only His realm extending from the moon to the sun. (14)

hr ikh Zwi&l Sud AzU nwdW bvd

har kih ghaafil shudh azoo naadhaan bavadha

Anyone who is oblivious and unmindful of (the existence of) Akaalpurakh, consider him as an idiot;

gr gdw bwSd vgr sulqW bvd ] 15 ]

gar gadhaa baashadh vagar sulathaan bavadh || 15 ||

No matter whether he is a beggar or the emperor king. (15)

SOik mOlw Az hmw bwlw qr Asq

shaauak maaualaa az hamaa baalaa thar asatha

The love of God is the loftiest of all the traits for us,

swXwie aU br sir mw A&sr Asq ] 16 ]

saayaae oo bar sar maa afasar asath || 16 ||

And His shadow (on our heads) is like a tiara on our heads. (16)

SOik mOlw mwAnIey izkir ^udw-sq

shaauak maaualaa maaaneeeae zikar khudhaa-satha

Devotion for Akaalpurakh is considered as Aremembrance of Him,

kW qilsim cSm mw rw kImIAw sq ] 17 ]

kaan thalisam chasham maa raa keemeeaa sath || 17 ||

Because, his enchanting glance (towards us) is like a healing medicine for all of us. (17)

SOik mOlw izMdgIie jwin mw-sq

shaauak maaualaa zindhageee jaan maa-satha

The love of Waaheguru is the life of our heart and soul,

izkir aU srmwXwie eImwin mw-sq ] 18 ]

zikar oo saramaayaae eemaan maa-sath || 18 ||

And, meditation and remembrance of His Naam are the principle assets of our faith and religion. (18)

rUiz jumAw momnwin pwkbwz

rooz jumaaa momanaan paakabaaza

Chaste and pious minded Muslims

igrd mI AwieMd Az bihir inmwz ] 19 ]

giradh mee aaeindh az behir nimaaz || 19 ||

Get together on Friday for their religious prayers. (19)

hmcunW dr mzhib mw swD sMg

hamachunaan dhar mazehab maa saadh sanga

In the same way, God's devotees in my religion come together in congregations of pious saints,

kz muh`bq bw-^udw dwrMd rMg ] 20 ]

kaz muhabath baa-khudhaa dhaarandh rang || 20 ||

And have pleasant time getting elated in their love for Akaalpurakh. (20)

igrd mI AwieMd dr mwhy do bwr

giradh mee aaeindh dhar maahae dho baara

They assemble at least twice a month

bihir izkir ^wswie prvrdgwr ] 21 ]

behir zikar khaasaae paravaradhagaar || 21 ||

In special remembrance of the Almighty. (21)

AW hjUim ^uS ik Az bihir ^udw-sq

aan hajoom khush k az behir khudhaa-satha

That assembly is blessed that is held only for remembering Akaalpurakh;

AW hjUim ^uS ik Az d&wie blw-sq ] 22 ]

aan hajoom khush k az dhafaae balaa-sath || 22 ||

That assembly is blessed that is held to dispel all our mental and physical troubles. (22)

AW hjUim ^uS ik Az bihir Xwid aU-sq

aan hajoom khush k az behir yaadh oo-satha

That congregation is fortunate that is held in commemoration of Waaheguru's (Naam);

AW hjUim ^uS ik h`k buinAwid aU-sq ] 23 ]

aan hajoom khush k hak buniaadh oo-sath || 23 ||

That congregation is blessed that has its foundations only on Truth. (23)

AW hjUim bd ik SYqwnI bvd

aan hajoom badh k shaithaanee bavadha

That group of persons is evil and dissolute where Satan/Devil is playing its role;

Awkbq Az vY pSymwnI bvd ] 24 ]

aakabath az vai pashaemaanee bavadh || 24 ||

Such a group is defiled that lends itself to future repentance and pennitence. (24)

eIN jhwno AW jhW A&swnw eIsq

een jehaano aan jehaan afasaanaa eesatha

The story of both the worlds, this and the next, is a fable,

eIno AW Az i^rmnS X`k dwnw eIsq ] 25 ]

eeno aan az khiramanash yak dhaanaa eesath || 25 ||

Because, these two are just a grain out of Akaalpurakh's total heaps of produce. (25)

eIN jhwno AW jhW &urmwin h`k

een jehaano aan jehaan furamaan haka

These two worlds are under the (constant) command of the true Waaheguru,

AOlIAw E AbIAw kurbwin h`k ] 26 ]

aaualeeaa ou abeeaa kurabaan hak || 26 ||

And, the divine messengers and prophets are willing to sacrifice themselves for Him. (26)

hr ik dr Xwid ^udw kwiem bvd

har k dhar yaadh khudhaa kaaeim bavadha

Any one who become firm practitioner of meditation of (Naam of) Akaalpurakh

qw ^udw kwiem bvd dwiem bvd ] 27 ]

thaa khudhaa kaaeim bavadh dhaaeim bavadh || 27 ||

As long as the Entity exists, he, too, becomes immortal. (27)

eIN do Awlm z`rwie Az nUir aUsq

een dho aalam zaraae az noor oosatha

Both these worlds are just a ray of the radiance and splendor of Waaheguru,

imhro mwh mSAl-kiS mzdUir aUsq ] 28 ]

miharo maah mashaala-kash mazadhoor oosath || 28 ||

The moon and the sun, both serve Him as His torch-bearers. (28)

hwisil duinAw hmIN drid-sr Asq

haasil dhuniaa hameen dharadhi-sar asatha

The achievements in this world are nothing but a constant and severe headache,

hr ik gwi&l Sud iz h`k gwE ^r Asq ] 29 ]

har k gaafil shudh z hak gaaou khar asath || 29 ||

Anyone who becomes oblivious of the Trinity is either a bull or a donkey. (29)

Z&lq Az vY X`k zmW sd mrg dW

ghafalath az vai yak zamaan sadh marag dhaana

To be careless, negligent, sluggish and apathetic of the memory of Akaalpurakh even for a moment is equivalent to hundreds of deaths.

izMdgI Xwd Asq inzid Awir&W ] 30 ]

zindhagee yaadh asath nizadh aarifaan || 30 ||

For those enlightened and knowledgeable ones of Waaheguru, His meditation and remembrance is indeed the real life. (30)

hr dmy ku ibguzrd dr Xwid aU

har dhamae k biguzaradh dhar yaadh oo

Every moment that is spent in remembering Akaalpurakh,

bw ^udw kwiem bvd buinXwid aU ] 31 ]

baa khudhaa kaaeim bavadh buniyaadh oo || 31 ||

Builds permanent foundations with Him. (31)

hr sry kU isjdwie subhw nw krd

har sarae koo sijadhaae subehaa naa karadha

Whosoever prostrates before Waaheguru every morning

h`k mr aU rw swihib eImwn krd ] 32 ]

hak mar oo raa saahib eemaan karadh || 32 ||

Waaheguru makes him firm (believer) in contentment and faith. (32)

sr brwie isjdw pYdw krdw AMd

sar baraae sijadhaa paidhaa karadhaa andha

The 'head' was created only to bow before the Almighty;

drid hr sr rw mdwvw krdw AMd ] 33 ]

dharadh har sar raa madhaavaa karadhaa andh || 33 ||

And this is the cure for all headaches in (of) this world. (33)

ps qurw bwied kunI hrdm sjUd

pas thuraa baaeidh kunee haradham sajoodha

Therefore, we should always keep bowing our heads before the Beneficent;

Awir& Az vY X`k zmW Zwi&l n bUd ] 34 ]

aarif az vai yak zamaan ghaafil n boodh || 34 ||

In fact, someone cognizant of Akaalpurakh will not be derelict even for a moment in remembering Him. (34)

hr ik Zwi&l Sud icrw Awikl bvd

har k ghaafil shudh chiraa aakil bavadha

How can anyone who has been oblivious in remembering Him be called wise and sane?

hr ik Zwi&l gSq aU zwihl bvd ] 35 ]

har k ghaafil gashath oo zaahil bavadh || 35 ||

Anyone who has been negligent of Him should be considered an idiot and uncouth. (35)

mrid Awir& &wirZ Az cuno icrw-sq

maradh aarif faarigh az chuno chiraa-satha

A knowledgeable and enlightened person does not get bogged down in verbal rhetorics,

hwisil aumrS hmIN Xwid ^udw-sq ] 36 ]

haasil oumarash hameen yaadh khudhaa-sath || 36 ||

The achievement of his whole life is just the memory of Akaalpurakh. (36)

swihib eImW hmW bwSd hmW

saahib eemaan hamaan baashadh hamaana

The only person who is honest and religious-minded is the one

kU n bwSd Zwi&l Az vY X`k zmW ] 37 ]

koo n baashadh ghaafil az vai yak zamaan || 37 ||

Who does not become derelict even for one moment in memorializing the Omnipotent. (37)

ku&r bwSd Az ^udw Zwi&l Sudn

kufar baashadh az khudhaa ghaafil shudhana

To be non-cognizant about Akaalpurakh and getting allured and enamored by the

br ilbwis dunXvI mwiel Sudn ] 38 ]

bar libaas dhunayavee maaeil shudhan || 38 ||

Worldly guises is nothing short of blasphemy and paganism. (38)

cIsq duinAw E ilbwis dunXvI

cheesath dhuniaa ou libaas dhunayavee

O Maulavee! You should please tell us! How do the worldly lusts and

Az ^udw Zwi&l Sudn AY mOlvI ] 39 ]

az khudhaa ghaafil shudhan ai maaualavee || 39 ||

pleasures matter if we become negligent of the memory of Waaheguru? (In fact, without Akaalpurakh, they have no value at all and are worthless) (39)

eIN ilbwis dunXvI &wnI bvd

een libaas dhunayavee faanee bavadha

The life of lust and pleasures is inevitably perishable;

br ^udw vMdIS ArzwnI bvd ] 40 ]

bar khudhaa vandheesh arazaanee bavadh || 40 ||

However, a person with deep devotion and mastery of the Omnipresent is always alive. (40)

dIno duinAw bMdwie &rmwin aU

dheeno dhuniaa bandhaae faramaan oo

Saintly and worldly people are all His own creations,

eIN AzW SrimMdwie iehswin aU ] 41 ]

een azaan sharamindhaae eihasaan oo || 41 ||

And, all of them are obligated under His countless favors. (41)

cIsq AYhswin suhbiq mrdwin h`k

cheesath aihasaan suhabath maradhaan haka

How great is the debt that we all owe to those devotees of Akaalpurakh

AW ik mI^wnMd Az ieSkS sbk ] 42 ]

aan k meekhaanandh az eishakash sabak || 42 ||

Who continue to educate themselves and receive instructions about the true love for Him. (42)

Xwid aU srmwXwie eImW bvd

yaadh oo saramaayaae eemaan bavadha

Remembrance of Akaalpurakh is the repository of contentment and faith;

hr gdw Az Xwid aU sulqW bvd ] 43 ]

har gadhaa az yaadh oo sulathaan bavadh || 43 ||

And even a beggar who practices to meditate on Him feels elated like a king would with his pomp and powers. (43)

rUzo Sb dr bMdgI bwSMd Swd

roozo shab dhar bandhagee baashandh shaadha

They, the noble souls, are always euphoric while in His meditation day and night,

bMdgI E bMdgI E Xwdo Xwd ] 44 ]

bandhagee ou bandhagee ou yaadho yaadh || 44 ||

For them, His meditation is real meditation and his remembrance a real remembrance. (44)

cIsq sulqwnI vw drvySI ibdW

cheesath sulathaanee vaa dharavaeshee bidhaana

What is kingship and mendicancy? Understand that

Xwid AW jW AwPrIin ienso jW ] 45 ]

yaadh aan jaan aafareen einaso jaan || 45 ||

It is the memory of the Creator of the human beings and souls. (45)

Xwid aU gr mUnis jwnq bvd

yaadh oo gar moonas jaanath bavadha

If God's remembrance becomes a close friend of your life,

hr do Awlm zyir &rmwnq bvd ] 46 ]

har dho aalam zaer faramaanath bavadh || 46 ||

Then, both the worlds would fall under your command. (46)

bs bzurgI hsq AMdr Xwid aU

bas bazuragee hasath andhar yaadh oo

There is a great adulation and praise in remembering Him

Xwid aU kun Xwid aU kun Xwid aU ] 47 ]

yaadh oo kun yaadh oo kun yaadh oo || 47 ||

Therefore, we should meditate on His Naam; in fact, we should only remember Him. (47)

gr bzurgI bwiedq kun bMdgI

gar bazuragee baaeidhath kun bandhagee

If you are seeking compliments and praise, then get involved in meditation;

vrnw Awi^r mI-kSI SrimMdgI ] 48 ]

varanaa aakhir mee-kashee sharamindhagee || 48 ||

Otherwise, you will, ultimately, be chagrined and humiliated. (48)

Srm kun hW Srm kun hW Srm kun

sharam kun haan sharam kun haan sharam kuna

Be ashamed, should be somewhat abashed, you should be ashamed,

eIN idil cUM sMig ^ud rw nrm kun ] 49 ]

een dhil choon sang khudh raa naram kun || 49 ||

You should make your stone-hearted hard heart a little more malleable. (49)

mwAnIey nrmI ZrIbI Awmdw

maaaneeeae naramee ghareebee aamadhaa

Malleability implies humility,

drid hr ks kw qbIbI Awmdw ] 50 ]

dharadh har kas kaa thabeebee aamadhaa || 50 ||

And humility is the cure for everyone's maladies. (50)

h`k pRsqW ^ud-pRsqI cUM kunMd

hak prasathaan khudha-prasathee choon kunandha

How can the connoisseurs of truth get involved in self-ego?

sr-bulMdW moil pRsqI cUM kunMd ] 51 ]

sara-bulandhaan mol prasathee choon kunandh || 51 ||

How can the lofty-headed have any craving or cupidity for those lying in lower valleys (slopes)? (51)

^ud-pRsqI kqrwie nwpwik qU

khudha-prasathee katharaae naapaak thoo

This vanity is a dirty and soiled drop;

AW ik jw krdw b-muSiq ^wik qU ] 52 ]

aan k jaa karadhaa ba-mushath khaak thoo || 52 ||

That has made an abode for itself in your body of fist-full dirt. (52)

^ud-pRsqI ^wswie nwdwin qU

khudha-prasathee khaasaae naadhaan thoo

This self-ego is the trait and characteristic of your stupidity;

h`k pRsqI mwieAwie eImwin qU ] 53 ]

hak prasathee maaeiaae eemaan thoo || 53 ||

And, worship of truth is the asset of your faith and belief. (53)

ijsim qU Az bwdo ^wko AwiqS Asq

jisam thoo az baadho khaako aathish asatha

Your body is composed of wind, dust and fire;

kqrwie AwbI nUir zwiqS Asq ] 54 ]

katharaae aabee noor zaathish asath || 54 ||

You are just a drop of water, and the radiance (life) in you is the bestowal of Akaalpurakh. (54)

^wnwAq Az nUir h`k rOSn Sudw

khaanaaath az noor hak raauashan shudhaa

Your abode-like mind has been radiant with the Divine splendor,

X`k guly budI knUM gulSn Sudw ] 55 ]

yak gulae budhee kanoon gulashan shudhaa || 55 ||

You were just a flower (not long ago), now you are a full fledged garden embellished with scores and scores of flowers. (55)

ps drUin gulSin ^ud sYr kun

pas dharoon gulashan khudh sair kuna

You should (enjoy) taking a walk inside this garden;

hmcU muriZ mku`dis dr vY qYr kun ] 56 ]

hamachoo muragh makudhas dhar vai thair kun || 56 ||

And, soar around like a chaste and innocent bird in it. (56)

sd hzwrW ^uld AMdr ZoSw AS

sadh hazaaraan khuladh andhar ghoshaa asha

There are millions of heavenly gardens in His each and every nook and corner,

hr do Awlm dwnwie Az ^oSw AS ] 57 ]

har dho aalam dhaanaae az khoshaa ash || 57 ||

Both these worlds are like just a grain off the ear of His corn. (57)

kUiq AW muriZ muk`ds Xwid aU

kooth aan muragh mukadhas yaadh oo

The feed of that pious bird is Akaalpurkah's remembrance,

Xwid aU hW Xwid aU hW Xwid aU ] 58 ]

yaadh oo haan yaadh oo haan yaadh oo || 58 ||

His remembrance, only His meditation, yes only His memory. (58)

hr ksy kU mwieil ^udw-sq

har kasae koo maaeil khudhaa-satha

Anyone who is (sincerely) devoted to His meditation;

^wik rwhS qUiqAwie cSim mw-sq ] 59 ]

khaak raahash thoothiaae chasham maa-sath || 59 ||

The dust of his path is like a collyrium for our eyes. (59)

gr qurw Xwid ^udw hwisl Svd

gar thuraa yaadh khudhaa haasil shavadha

If you can get attuned to the meditation of Waaheguru,

h`il hr muSikl qurw AY idl Svd ] 60 ]

hal har mushakil thuraa, ai dhil shavadh || 60 ||

Then O mind of mine! You should understand that all your difficulties have been solved (solutions to all the problems have been found). (60)

h`il hr muSikl hmIN Xwid ^udw-sq

hal har mushakil hameen yaadh khudhaa-satha

The only solution to every predicament is remembering Akaalpurakh;

hr ik Xwid h`k kund zwiq ^udw-sq ] 61 ]

har k yaadh hak kunadh zaath khudhaa-sath || 61 ||

In fact, a rememberer of (the Naam of) Waaheguru conforms himself into the same category as the Waaheguru Himself. (61)

dr hkIkq ZYr h`k mnzUr nIsq

dhar hakeekath ghair hak manazoor neesatha

In reality, nothing but the Lord Himself is the acceptable Entity;

kIsq AY jwn kU srwpw nUr nIsq ] 62 ]

keesath ai jaan koo saraapaa noor neesath || 62 ||

O my mind! Who is such a person that does not reflect the radiance of Akaalpurakh from head to toes? (62)

kqrwie nUrI srwpw nUr bwS

katharaae nooree saraapaa noor baasha

O human being! You are one of the rays of the Divine glow, and become engulfed in divine radiance from head to toes,

ibguzr Az Zm dwiemw msrUr bwS ] 63 ]

biguzar az gham dhaaeimaa masaroor baash || 63 ||

Get rid of any worries or suspicions, and get inebriated permanently in His memory. (63)

qw bkY dr bMid Zm bwSI mdwm

thaa bakai dhar bandh gham baashee madhaama

How long would you be in the never-ending captivity of anxieties?

ibguzr Az Zm Xwid h`k kun v-slwm ] 64 ]

biguzar az gham yaadh hak kun va-salaam || 64 ||

Get rid of sorrows and griefs; remember the Lord and stay safe and secure for ever. (64)

Zm ich bwSd ZPlq Az Xwid ^udw

gham chih baashadh ghafalath az yaadh khudhaa

What is distress and depression? It is the negligence of His meditation;

cIsq SwdI Xwid AW by-imnqhw ] 65 ]

cheesath shaadhee yaadh aan bae-minathehaa || 65 ||

What is pleasure and joy? It is the remembrance of the Almighty of infinite dimensions. (65)

mwAnIie by-imMqhw dwnI ik cIsq

maaaneee bae-minthehaa dhaanee k cheesatha

Do you know the meaning of the Illimitable?

AW ik aU nwied bkYid mrgo zIsq ] 66 ]

aan k oo naaeidh bakaidh marago zeesath || 66 ||

It is the Boundless, the Akaalpurakh, who is not subjected to births and deaths. (66)

dr sir hr mrdo zn sOdwie aU-sq

dhar sar har maradho zan saauadhaae oo-satha

Every man and woman in his/her head is overwhelmed with His ardor;

dr do Awlm SorSy ZOZwie aU-sq ] 67 ]

dhar dho aalam shorashae ghaauaghaae oo-sath || 67 ||

All this excitement in both the worlds is His creation. (67)

mMzil aU br zubwin AOlIAw-sq

manzal oo bar zubaan aaualeeaa-satha

It is the tongue of the saints and noble souls where He has made His abode;

rUzy Sb kWdr idlS Xwid ^udw-sq ] 68 ]

roozae shab kaanadhar dhilash yaadh khudhaa-sath || 68 ||

Or He abides in their hearts where there is constant remembrance of Him day and night. (68)

cSim aU br ZYr hriZz vw nw-Sud

chasham oo bar ghair haraghiz vaa naa-shudha

The eyes of a meditator never open up to see anyone or anything else but Him;

kqrwie aU juz sUie dirAw nBSud ] 69 ]

katharaae oo juz sooe dhariaa nabhashudh || 69 ||

And, his drop (of water), every breath, does not flow towards any other place except towards the vast ocean (the Akaalpurakh). (69)

bMdwie aU swihb hr do srw

bandhaae oo saahib har dho saraa

A man of God is the master of both the worlds;

kU n bInd ZYr nkiS ikbrIAw ] 70 ]

koo n beenadh ghair nakash kibareeaa || 70 ||

Because, he does not see anything else other than the Great Embodiment of Truth. (70)

eIN jhwno AW jhW &wnI bvd

een jehaano aan jehaan faanee bavadha

This and the next world both are perishable;

ZYir XwdS jumlw nwdwnI bvd ] 71 ]

ghair yaadhash jumalaa naadhaanee bavadh || 71 ||

Everything else other than His remembrance is a complete foolishness. (71)

Xwd kun hW qW qvwnI Xwd kun

yaadh kun haan thaan thavaanee yaadh kuna

Remember Akaalpurakh: You should remember Him as much as you can;

^wnw rw Az Xwid h`k Awbwd kun ] 72 ]

khaanaa raa az yaadh hak aabaadh kun || 72 ||

And, populate your home-like heart/mind with His constant remembrance. (72)

eIN idil qU ^wnwie h`k bUdw Asq

een dhil thoo khaanaae hak boodhaa asatha

Your heart/mind is nothing but the abode of God;

mn ikh goiem h`k cunIN &rmUdw Asq ] 73 ]

man kih goeim hak chuneen faramoodhaa asath || 73 ||

What can I say! This is what is the edict of God Himself (73)

Swh bw qU hmnSIno hm zubW

shaah baa thoo hamanasheeno ham zubaana

Your (true) companion and constantly affirming your viewpoint is the King of the world, the Akaalpurakh;

qU b-sUie hr kso nwks dvW ] 74 ]

thoo ba-sooe har kaso naakas dhavaan || 74 ||

But, you keep running after every person for having your desires fulfilled. (74)

vwie qU br jwin qU Aihvwil qU

vaae thoo bar jaan thoo ahivaal thoo

Goyaa says, I feel sorry for you, for your life and for your state of mind;

vwie br eIN ZPlqo A&Awil qU ] 75 ]

vaae bar een ghafalatho afaaal thoo || 75 ||

I feel sorry for your negligence (for not remembering Him) and for the conduct of your life. (75)

hr ksy kU qwilib dIdwr Sud

har kasae koo thaalib dheedhaar shudha

Anyone who is desirous and anxious to get a glimpse of Him,

pyiS cSmS jumlw nkiS Xwr Sud ] 76 ]

paesh chashamash jumalaa nakash yaar shudh || 76 ||

In his view, every visible and living thing conforms into His own image. (76)

drimAwin nkS n`kwS Asqo bs

dharamiaan nakash nakaash asatho basa

It is the same Artist that sparkles Himself in every portrait,

eIN s^un rw dr nXwbd bUAl-hvs ] 77 ]

ee sakhun raa dhar nayaabadh booala-havas || 77 ||

However, this mystery cannot be understood by the human beings. (77)

gr qU mI^wnI iz ieSik h`k sbk

gar thoo meekhaanee z eishak hak sabaka

If you want to get a lesson on devotion to Waaheguru, then

Xwid h`k kun Xwid h`k kun Xwid h`k ] 78 ]

yaadh hak kun yaadh hak kun yaadh hak || 78 ||

You should remember Him; in fact, you should constantly keep remembering Him. (78)

AY brwdr Xwid h`k dwnI ik cIsq

ai baraadhar yaadh hak dhaanee k cheesatha

O brother! Do you know how to define remembrance of Waaheguru?

AMdrUin jumlw idlhwie jwie kIsq ] 79 ]

andharoon jumalaa dhilehaae jaae keesath || 79 ||

And, who is it who abides in the hearts and minds of everyone ? (79)

cUM drUin jumlw idlhw swie aUsq

choon dharoon jumalaa dhilehaa saae oosatha

When it is His image that prevails in the hearts of every one,

^wnwie idl mMzlo mwvwie aUsq ] 80 ]

khaanaae dhil manzalo maavaae oosath || 80 ||

That means that the home-like heart is the destination and asylum for Him.(80)

cUM ibdwinsqI ik dr idlhw ^udw-sq

choon bidhaanisathee k dhar dhilehaa khudhaa-satha

When you learn that it is the Omnipotent who abides in everyone's heart and mind,

ps qurw Awdwib hr idl mudAw-sq ] 81 ]

pas thuraa aadhaab har dhil mudhaaa-sath || 81 ||

Then, it should be your principal purpose (of life) to be respectful to everyone's heart. (81)

Xwid h`k eInsqo dIgr Xwd nIsq

yaadh hak eenasatho dheegar yaadh neesatha

This is what is called the meditation of Waaheguru; there is no other remembrance,

hr ikrw eIN Zm nBbwSd Swd nIsq ] 82 ]

har kiraa een gham nabhabaashadh shaadh neesath || 82 ||

Whosoever is not anxious about this fact, is not a happy soul. (82)

izMdgI ie Awir&W Xwid ^udw-sq

zindhagee e aarifaan yaadh khudhaa-satha

Meditation is (the chief aim of) the whole life of God-enlightened persons;

Az ^udw dUr Asq hr kU ^ud-numwsq ] 83 ]

az khudhaa dhoor asath har koo khudha-numaasath || 83 ||

A person who is stuck in his self ego is driven farther and farther away from Waaheguru. (83)

kIsq goXw muSiq ^wik byS nIsq

keesath goyaa mushath khaak baesh neesatha

O Goyaa! What is your existence in life? It is no more than a handful of dust;

AW hm AMdr A^iqAwr ^yS nIsq ] 84 ]

aan ham andhar akhathiaar khaesh neesath || 84 ||

And, even that is not under your control; The body that we claim to own is not under our control either. (84)

h`k ik h&qwdo do im`lq AwPrId

hak k hafathaadho dho mlith aafareedha

Akaalpurakh created seventy two communities,

i&rkwie nwjI AzIhW br guzId ] 85 ]

firakaae naajee azeehaan bar guzeedh || 85 ||

Out of which, He designated the Naajee community as the most elite. (85)

i&rkwie nwjI ibdW by-ieSqbwh

firakaae naajee bidhaan bae-eishathabaaha

We should consider the Naajee (who is considered above and beyond the cycles of transmigration) community, without any doubt,

hsq h&qwdo do im`lq rw pnwh ] 86 ]

hasath hafathaadho dho mlith raa panaah || 86 ||

As the shelter for the seventy two clans. (86)

mrdmwnS hr Xky pwkIzw qr

maradhamaanash har yakae paakeezaa thara

Every member of this Najee community is sacred;

^Ub-rU E ^Ub-^U E ^uS-sIAr ] 87 ]

khooba-roo ou khooba-khoo ou khusha-seear || 87 ||

Beautiful and handsome, well mannered with a noble disposition. (87)

pyiS SW juz Xwid h`k mnzUr nIsq

paesh shaan juz yaadh hak manazoor neesatha

To these folks, nothing else but the remembrance of Akaalpurakh is acceptable;

ZYr hri& bMdgI dsqUr nIsq ] 88 ]

ghair haraf bandhagee dhasathoor neesath || 88 ||

And, they do not have any tradition or mannerism other than the recitation of the words of prayer. (88)

mIckd Az hri& SW kMdo nbwq

meechakadh az haraf shaan kandho nabaath

Utter sweetness oozes out of their words and conversation,

bwrd Az hr mUie SW Awib hXwq ] 89 ]

baaradh az har mooe shaan aab hayaath || 89 ||

And, divine elixir is showered from every hair of theirs. (89)

&wirZ AMd Az buZzo kInw E iz hsd

faarigh andh az bughazo keenaa ou z hasadha

They are above and beyond any form of jealousy, hostility or enmity;

br nmI-Awied Az eySW i&Ail bd ] 90 ]

bar namee-aaeidh az eaeshaan fial badh || 90 ||

They never commit any sinful acts. (90)

hr ksy rw ie`zqo hurmq kunMd

har kasae raa ezitho huramath kunandha

They extend respect and honor to every one;

mu&lsy rw swihib dOlq kunMd ] 91 ]

mufalasae raa saahib dhaaualath kunandh || 91 ||

And, they help poor and needy to become rich and opulent. (91)

murdw rw Awib-hYvW mIidhMd

muradhaa raa aabi-haivaan meedhihandha

They bless the dead souls with divine nectar;

hr idly pzmurdw rw jW mIidhMd ] 92 ]

har dhilae pazamuradhaa raa jaan meedhihandh || 92 ||

They bestow new and rejuvenated life to withered and demoralized minds. (92)

sbz mIswzMd coib ^uSk rw

sabaz meesaazandh chob khushak raa

They can transform dry wood into green twigs;

bUey mIbKSMd rMig muSk rw ] 93 ]

booeae meebakhashandh rang mushak raa || 93 ||

They also can convert a stinking odor into scented musk. (93)

jumlw ASrw& AMd dr zwqo is&wq

jumalaa asharaaf andh dhar zaatho sifaatha

All these well-intentioned persons possess noble personal qualities;

qwilib zwq AMd ^ud hm Awin zwq ] 94 ]

thaalib zaath andh khudh ham aan zaath || 94 ||

They are all seekers of Waaheguru's Entity; in fact, they are just like Him (are His image). (94)

^Uie SW ielmo Adb rw muzhr Asq

khooe shaan eilamo adhab raa muzehar asatha

Learning and literature emerges (spontaneously) from their behavior;

rUie SW rOSn iz imhir Anvr Asq ] 95 ]

rooe shaan raauashan z mihar anavar asath || 95 ||

And, their faces radiate like the glowing divinely sun. (95)

im`liq SW kOim mskInW bvd

mlith shaan kaauam masakeenaan bavadha

Their clan consists of a group of humble, meek and gentle persons;

hr do Awlm Swieik eInW bvd ] 96 ]

har dho aalam shaaeik eenaan bavadh || 96 ||

And they have devotees in both the worlds; People in both the worlds believe in them. (96)

kOim imskIN kOim mrdwin ^udw-sq

kaauam misakeen kaauam maradhaan khudhaa-satha

This group of people is the community of gentle and humble souls, a community of God's men.

eIN hmw &wnI v aU dwiem bkwsq ] 97 ]

een hamaa faanee v oo dhaaeim bakaasath || 97 ||

Every thing that we see is destructible, but Akaalpurakh is the only One that prevails perpetually and is Imperishable. (97)

suhbiq SW ^wk rw AksIr krd

suhabath shaan khaak raa akaseer karadha

Their company and association transformed even the dust to an effective cure.

luqi& SW br hr idly qwsIr krd ] 98 ]

luthaf shaan bar har dhilae thaaseer karadh || 98 ||

Their blessings effectively impressed every heart. (98)

hr ik b-eySW nSInd X`k dmy

har k ba-eaeshaan nasheenadh yak dhamae

Anyone who enjoys their company just once even for a moment,

rUiz &rdw rw kujw dwrd ZmyN ] 99 ]

rooz faradhaa raa kujaa dhaaradh ghamaen || 99 ||

He, then, does not have to be apprehensive about the day of reckoning. (99)

AW ic dr sd-swlw aumrS nBXw&q

aan ch dhar sadha-saalaa oumarash nabhayaafatha

A person who could not attain much in spite of hundreds of years of life,

suhbiq SW hmcU ^urSIdS ibqw^q ] 100 ]

suhabath shaan hamachoo khurasheedhash bithaakhath || 100 ||

Shone like a sun when he joined the company of these people. (100)

mw ik Az iehswin SW SrimMdw-eym

maa k az eihasaan shaan sharamindhaa-eaema

We are obligated and owe them a debt of gratitude,

bMdwie iehswin SW rw bMdw eym ] 101 ]

bandhaae eihasaan shaan raa bandhaa eaem || 101 ||

We are, in fact, persons/products of their favors and kindness. (101)

sd hzwrW hmcU mn kurbwin SW

sadh hazaaraan hamachoo man kurabaan shaana

Millions like me are willing to sacrifice themselves for these nobilities;

hb ic goiem km bvd dr Swin SW ] 102 ]

hab ch goeim kam bavadh dhar shaan shaan || 102 ||

No matter how much I say in their honor and praise, it will be inadequate. (102)

Swin SW bIrUM bvd Az gu&qgU

shaan shaan beeroon bavadh az gufathagoo

Their honor and appreciation is beyond any words or expression;

jwmwie SW pwk Az Susqo SU ] 103 ]

jaamaae shaan paak az shusatho shoo || 103 ||

The style (attire) of their life is cleaner and chaste than any amount of washing or rinsing. (103)

dW XkIN qw cMd eIN duinAw bvd

dhaan yakeen thaa chandh een dhuniaa bavadha

Believe me ! How long is this world going to last? Only for a short time;

Aw^irS kwir qU bw mOlw bvd ] 104 ]

aakharish kaar thoo baa maaualaa bavadh || 104 ||

Ultimately, we have to develop and maintain a relationship with the Almighty. (104)

ps z A`vl kun hdIis Swh rw

pas z aval kun hadhees shaah raa

Now you indulge yourself in the stories and discourses of (that) King, the Waaheguru.

pYrvI kun hwdIey eIN rwh rw ] 105 ]

pairavee kun haadheeeae een raah raa || 105 ||

And, follow the Guide who shows you the direction (of life). (105)

qw qU hm XwbI murwid aumr rw

thaa thoo ham yaabee muraadh oumar raa

So that your life's hopes and ambitions are fulfilled;

lzqy XwbI z SOik ikbrIAw ] 106 ]

lazathae yaabee z shaauak kibareeaa || 106 ||

And, you can have the pleasure of the savor of the devotion for Akaalpurakh.(106)

jwihl AW-jw swihib-idl mISvd

jaahil aana-jaa saahibi-dhil meeshavadha

(With His grace) even s stupid person can become an intellectual and enlightened;

Zrik driAwE bswihl mISvd ] 107 ]

gharak dharaaiaaou basaahil meeshavadh || 107 ||

And, a person drowning in deep waters of a river can reach the banks. (107)

nw iks AW jw Awir& kwiml Svd

naa kis aan jaa aarif kaamil shavadha

An insignificant person can become fully enlightened,

Xwid mOlw hr ik rw hwisl Svd ] 108 ]

yaadh maaualaa har k raa haasil shavadh || 108 ||

When he engages himself in the remembrance of Waaheguru. (108)

eIN Asb qwjsq br A&rwik ks

een asab thaajasath bar afaraak kasa

A person is being adorned, as if, with a crown of learning and honor on his head,

AW ik Zwi&l nIsq Az h`k X`k n&s ] 109 ]

aan k ghaafil neesath az hak yak nafas || 109 ||

Who does not become negligent even for one moment in remembering Akaalpurakh. (109)

hr ksy rw nIsq eIN dOlq nsIb

har kasae raa neesath een dhaaualath naseeba

This treasure is not in the lot of everyone;

drid SW rw nIsq ZYr Az h`k qbIb ] 110 ]

dharadh shaan raa neesath ghair az hak thabeeb || 110 ||

The cure for their pain is no one else other than the Waaheguru, the doctor. (110)

dwrUie hr drd rw Xwid ^udwsq

dhaarooe har dharadh raa yaadh khudhaasatha

Remembrance of Akaalpurakh is the cure-all for every malady and pain;

zW ik dr hr hwl h`k dwrd rvw-sq ] 111 ]

zaan k dhar har haal hak dhaaradh ravaa-sath || 111 ||

In whatever condition or state He keeps us, should be acceptable. (111)

murSid kwiml hmw rw AwrzU

murashadh kaamil hamaa raa aarazoo

It is the wish and desire of everyone to seek a perfect Guru;

ZYir murSd ks n Xwbd rih bdU ] 112 ]

ghair murashadh kas n yaabadh rehi badhoo || 112 ||

Without such a mentor, no one can reach the Almighty. (112)

rwh-rvW rw rwh ibsIAwr Awmdw

raaha-ravaan raa raah biseeaar aamadhaa

There are several paths for the travelers to traverse;

kwrvW rw rwh drkwr Awmdw ] 113 ]

kaaravaan raa raah dharakaar aamadhaa || 113 ||

But what they need is the path of the caravan. (113)

dm bdm dr izkir mOlw hwzr AMd

dham badham dhar zikar maaualaa haazar andha

They are always alert and prepared for the remembrance of Akaalpurakh;

^yS mnzUro ^udw rw nwizr AMd ] 114 ]

khaesh manazooro khudhaa raa naazir andh || 114 ||

They are acceptable to Him and they are His observers, on-lookers and spectators. (114)

murSid kwiml hmW bWSd hmW

murashadh kaamil hamaan baanashadh hamaana

A perfect Satguru is the one and the only one,

kz klwmS bUie h`k Awid AXW ] 115 ]

kaz kalaamash booe hak aadh ayaan || 115 ||

Whose conversation and Gurbaanee emits the Divine fragrance. (115)

hr ik Awied pyiS eySW z`rw vwr

har k aaeidh paesh eaeshaan zaraa vaara

Anyone who comes in front of such persons (Perfect Gurus) in humility like a dust particle,

zUd grdd hmcU imhir nUr bwr ] 116 ]

zoodh garadhadh hamachoo mihar noor baar || 116 ||

He, soon, becomes capable to shower radiance like that of sun. (116)

izMdgI eInsq by cuno icrw

zindhagee eenasath bae chuno chiraa

That life is worth living that, without any delay or excuses,

ibguzrd eIN aumr dr Xwid ^udw ] 117 ]

biguzaradh een oumar dhar yaadh khudhaa || 117 ||

Is spent in the memory of the Providence in this lifetime. (117)

^ud-pRsqI kwir nwdW Awmdw

khudha-prasathee kaar naadhaan aamadhaa

To indulge in self-propaganda is the work of stupid people;

h`k pRsqI zwiq eImW Awmdw ] 118 ]

hak prasathee zaath eemaan aamadhaa || 118 ||

While to get engaged in meditation is the characteristic of the faithful. (118)

hr dmy ZPlq bvd mrig AzIm

har dhamae ghafalath bavadh marag azeema

Negligence of every moment of not remembering Him is like a huge death;

h`k ingwh dwrd iz SYqwin rzIm ] 119 ]

hak nigaah dhaaradh z shaithaan razeem || 119 ||

May God, with His eye, save us from the Satan of Hell. (119)

AW ik rUzo Sb b-XwdS mubqlw-sq

aan k roozo shab ba-yaadhash mubathalaa-satha

Anyone who is (constantly) imbued in remembering Him day and night,

eIN mqwA AMdr dukwin AOlIAw-sq ] 120 ]

een mathaaa andhar dhukaan aaualeeaa-sath || 120 ||

(Knows very well that) This wealth, the memory of Akaalpurakh, is available only at the store (congregation) of saintly persons. (120)

ikhqrIin bMdwie drgwih SW

kihathareen bandhaae dharagaahi shaana

Even the lowest person in their court

ibhqr Asq Az imhqrwin eIN jhW ] 121 ]

bihathar asath az mihatharaan een jehaan || 121 ||

Is superior than the so called most respectable stalwarts of this world. (121)

bs bzurZW kU i&dwie rwih SW

bas bazuraghaan koo fidhaae raahi shaana

Many wise and experienced persons are enamored and are prepared to make sacrifices on their paths,

surmwie cSmm iz ^wik rwih SW ] 122 ]

suramaae chashamam z khaak raahi shaan || 122 ||

And, the dust of their paths is like a collyrium for my eyes. (122)

hmcunIN ipMdwr ^ud rw AY AzIz

hamachuneen pindhaar khudh raa ai azeeza

You, too, my dear youngster! Consider yourself just like this,

qw SvI AY jwin mn mrid qmIz ] 123 ]

thaa shavee ai jaan man maradh thameez || 123 ||

So that, my dear! You, too, can transform yourself into a pious and saintly person. (123)

swihbW rw bMdw ibsAwr Awmdw

saahibaan raa bandhaa bisaaar aamadhaa

These masters, the noble souls, have numerous followers and devotees;

bMdw rw bw-bMdgI kwr Awmdw ] 124 ]

bandhaa raa baa-bandhagee kaar aamadhaa || 124 ||

The main task assigned to each and every one of us is only to meditate. (124)

ms qurw bwied ik i^dmqgwir SW

mas thuraa baaeidh k khidhamathagaar shaana

Therefore, you should become their follower and a devotee;

bwSI E hrigz nBbwSI bwir SW ] 125 ]

baashee ou haragiz nabhabaashee baar shaan || 125 ||

But you should never be liability for them. (125)

grich XwrI-idh n ZYr Az swlky-sq

garachih yaaree-dhih n ghair az saalakae-satha

Even though, there is no one else without them to connect us to the Almighty,

lyk kr Zu&qn cunIN AYby bsy-sq ] 126 ]

laek kar ghufathan chuneen aibae basae-sath || 126 ||

Still, for them to make such a claim would be a transgression. (126)

z`rw rw dIdm ik ^urSIid jhW

zaraa raa dheedham k khurasheedh jehaana

I realized that even a small particle became the sun for the whole world,

Sud iz &Yiz suhbiq swihb-idlW ] 127 ]

shudh z faiz suhabath saahiba-dhilaan || 127 ||

With the blessings of the association with the saintly persons. (127)

kIsq swihib-idl ik h`k ibsnwsdS

keesath saahibi-dhil k hak bisanaasadhasha

Who is that person with a great heart who can recognize the Akaalpurakh,

kz lkwieS SOik h`k mI-bwrdS ] 128 ]

kaz lakaaeish shaauak hak mee-baaradhash || 128 ||

And whose face (constantly) radiates His splendor ? (128)

suhbiq SW SOik h`k b^Sd qurw

suhabath shaan shaauak hak bakhashadh thuraa

The company of such noble souls blesses you with the Devotion for the Lord,

Az ikqwib h`k sbk b^Sd qurw ] 129 ]

az kithaab hak sabak bakhashadh thuraa || 129 ||

And it is their company too that gives you spiritual lessons from the holy book. (129)

z`rw rw ^urSIid Anvr mI-kunMd

zaraa raa khurasheedh anavar mee-kunandha

They, the noble souls, can transform even a small particles into a sprightly sun;

^wk rw Az h`k mun`vr mI-kunMd ] 130 ]

khaak raa az hak munavar mee-kunandh || 130 ||

And, it is them who can sparkle even the common dust into the Light of Truth. (130)

cSim qU ^wkI v dr vY nUir h`k

chasham thoo khaakee v dhar vai noor haka

Even though your eye is made of dust, still it has the Divine radiance,

AMdrUnS cwr sU v nhu qbk ] 131 ]

andharoonash chaar soo v nahu thabak || 131 ||

It also contains all the four directions, east, west, south and north, and the nine heavens. (131)

i^dmiq SW bMdgIie h`k bvd

khidhamath shaan bandhageee hak bavadha

Any service performed for them, the saintly persons, is the worship of Waaheguru;

kW kbUil kwdir muqilk bvd ] 132 ]

kaan kabool kaadhar muthalik bavadh || 132 ||

Because they are the ones who are acceptable to the Omnipotent. (132)

bMdgI kun jW ik aU bwSd kbUl

bandhagee kun jaan k oo baashadh kaboola

You, too, should meditate so that you be acceptable before the Akaalpurakh.

kdir aU rw kY ibdwnd hr jhUl ] 133 ]

kadhar oo raa kai bidhaanadh har jehool || 133 ||

How can any stupid person appreciate His invaluable worth. (133)

hsq kwir rUzo Sb dr Xwid aU

hasath kaar roozo shab dhar yaadh oo

The only task we should be engaged day and night is to remember Him;

X`k n&s ^wlI nmI bwSd AzU ] 134 ]

yak nafas khaalee namee baashadh azoo || 134 ||

Not even one moment should be spared without His meditation and prayers. (134)

cSim SW rOSn iz dIdwir A`lwh

chasham shaan raauashan z dheedhaar alaaha

Their eyes are glistened because of His Divine glimpse,

dr ilbws AMdr-gdw E bwdSwh ] 135 ]

dhar libaas andhara-gadhaa ou baadhashaah || 135 ||

They may be in the guise of a mendicant, but they are the kings. (135)

bwdSwhI AW ik aU dwiem bvd

baadhashaahee aan k oo dhaaeim bavadha

Only that kingdom is considered a real kingdom that lasts for ever,

hmcU jwiq pwik h`k kwiem bvd ] 136 ]

hamachoo jaath paak hak kaaeim bavadh || 136 ||

And, like the pure and chaste Nature of God, should be eternal. (136)

rsim SW AweIin drvySI bvd

rasam shaan aaeen dharavaeshee bavadha

Their custom and tradition is mostly that of mendicants;

As ^udw E bwhmw ^ysI bvd ] 137 ]

as khudhaa ou baahamaa khaesee bavadh || 137 ||

They are the lineage and the scions of Waaheguru, and they have intimacy and familiarity with all. (137)

hr gdw rw ie`zy jwhy mIidhMd

har gadhaa raa eziae jaahae meedhihandha

The Akaalpurakh blesses every ascetic with honor and status;

dOliq by-ieSqbwhI mIidhMd ] 138 ]

dhaaualath bae-eishathabaahee meedhihandh || 138 ||

Without any doubt, He also bestows (everyone) with wealth and treasures. (138)

nwksW rw Awiri& kwiml kunMd

naakasaan raa aarif kaamil kunandha

They can transform trivial and paltry persons into perfectly knowledgeable ones;

by-idlW rw swihib-idl mIkunMd ] 139 ]

bae-dhilaan raa saahibi-dhil meekunandh || 139 ||

And, the demoralized ones into courageous persons and masters of their destiny. (139)

^ud-pRsqI Az imAW brdwSqMd

khudha-prasathee az miaan baradhaashathandha

They eject their vanities from their inner self;

qu^im h`k dr ikSiq idlhw kwSqMd ] 140 ]

thukham hak dhar kishath dhilehaa kaashathandh || 140 ||

And, they sow seeds of Truth, the Lord, in the field-like hearts of the people. (140)

^ySqn rw hIc mI dwnMd SW

khaeshathan raa heech mee dhaanandh shaana

They always consider themselves insignificant and lowlier than others;

hri& h`k rw rUzo Sb ^wnMd SW ] 141 ]

haraf hak raa roozo shab khaanandh shaan || 141 ||

And, they are absorbed in the meditation of Naam of Waaheguru day and night. (141)

qw kujw AOswi& mrdwin ^udw-sq

thaa kujaa aauasaaf maradhaan khudhaa-satha

How much can I praise the God's men, the saints and the Mahaatamaas?

Az hzwrW gr Xky goiem rvw-sq ] 142 ]

az hazaaraan gar yakae goeim ravaa-sath || 142 ||

It would be just wonderful if I could describe even one of their thousands of virtues. (142)

hmcunIN mrdum bjU kAW kIsqMd

hamachuneen maradhum bajoo kaaan keesathandha

You, too, should try to find such noble persons (What kind of persons?) who are alive for ever;

dIgrW murdMd eIhW zIsqMd ] 143 ]

dheegaraan muradhandh eehaan zeesathandh || 143 ||

The rest of them are apparently alive but are just like dead bodies. (143)

zIsqn rw mwAnI dwnI ikh cIsq

zeesathan raa maaanee dhaanee kih cheesatha

Do you understand the meaning of 'being alive' ?

AY ^uSw aumry ik dr XwdS bzIsq ] 144 ]

ai khushaa oumarae k dhar yaadhash bazeesath || 144 ||

Only that life is worth living that is spent in remembering the Akaalpurakh. (144)

mrid Awir& izMdw Az ier&win aU-sq

maradh aarif zindhaa az eirafaan oo-satha

The enlightened persons are alive only because of the knowledge of the mysteries of God's attributes;

inAmiq hr do jhW dr ^wnwie aU-sq ] 145 ]

niamath har dho jehaan dhar khaanaae oo-sath || 145 ||

(They know) that He has and can shower blessings of both of the worlds in His house. (145)

mwAnIey eIN izMdgI Xwid ^udw-sq

maaaneeeae een zindhagee yaadh khudhaa-satha

The main purpose of this life is to (constantly) remember Akaalpurakh;

kz qu&YlS izMdw jwin AOlIAw-sq ] 146 ]

kaz thufailash zindhaa jaan aaualeeaa-sath || 146 ||

The saints and prophets live only with this motive. (146)

izkir aU br hr zbwin goXw Sud

zikar oo bar har zabaan goyaa shudha

A mention of them is on every living tongue;

hr do Awlm rwih h`k jUXw Sudw ] 147 ]

har dho aalam raahi hak jooyaa shudhaa || 147 ||

And, both the worlds are seekers of His path. (147)

jumlw mI-^wnMd izkir zuljlwl

jumalaa mee-khaanandh zikar zulajalaala

Everyone meditates the awe-inspiring splendid Waaheguru,

AY zhy kIlo zhy &r^Mdw kwl ] 148 ]

ai zehae keelo zehae farakhandhaa kaal || 148 ||

Only then such a meditation is auspicious and such a discourse propitious. (148)

kIlo kwly gr brwie h`k bvd

keelo kaalae gar baraae hak bavadh

If you want to converse and describe the Truth,

Az brwie kwdir muqilk bvd ] 149 ]

az baraae kaadhar muthalik bavadh || 149 ||

That is possible only to discourse the Omnipotent. (149)

Xw&q eIN srmwXwie aumir njIb

yaafath een saramaayaae oumar najeeba

Such an asset and the treasure of meditation for a spiritual life

hsq AMdr suhbiq eySW nsIb ] 150 ]

hasath andhar suhabath eaeshaan naseeb || 150 ||

Was blessed through association and the company they kept with the saintly persons. (150)

AW rvw bwSd idgr mnzUr nIsq

aan ravaa baashadh dhigar manazoor neesatha

Any such treasure is not acceptable to them, and they do not like any thing other than the truth;

Zir hri& rwsqI dsqUr nIsq ] 151 ]

ghar haraf raasathee dhasathoor neesath || 151 ||

It is not their tradition to speak any words but the words of truth. (151)

swD sMgq nwim SW dr ihMdvIsq

saadh sangath naam shaan dhar hindhaveesatha

In Hindi language, they are called the 'Saadh Sangat',

eIN hmw qwrIi& SW AY mOlvIsq ] 152 ]

een hamaa thaareef shaan ai maaualaveesath || 152 ||

O Maulvee ! All this is in their praise; and all this defines them. (152)

suhbiq eySW bvd luqi& ^udw

suhabath eaeshaan bavadh luthaf khudhaa

The attainment of their company happens only with His blessings;

qw nsIib ks Svd eIN rU-nmw ] 153 ]

thaa naseeb kas shavadh een roo-namaa || 153 ||

And, only with His grace, such persons are revealed. (153)

hr ksy eIN dOliq jwvId Xw&q

har kasae een dhaaualath jaaveedh yaafatha

Anyone who is fortunate enough to have obtained this eternal wealth,

izMdgIey aumr rw aumId Xw&q ] 154 ]

zindhageeeae oumar raa oumeedh yaafath || 154 ||

One may assume then that he has become full of hope for the duration of his whole life. (154)

eIN hmw &wnI v AW bwkI ibdW

een hamaa faanee v aan baakee bidhaana

All these, the wealth and the life, are perishable, but they are eternal;

jwim ieSk pwk rw swkI ibdW ] 155 ]

jaam eishak paak raa saakee bidhaan || 155 ||

Consider them as bartenders who are serving glasses full of divine devotion. (155)

hr ic hsq Az suhbiq eySW bvd

har ch hasath az suhabath eaeshaan bavadha

Whatever is seemingly apparent in this world is all because of their company;

kz q&YlS jumlw Awbwdw bvd ] 156 ]

kaz thafailash jumalaa aabaadhaa bavadh || 156 ||

It is their grace that we see all the habitation and prosperity here. (156)

eIN hmw AwbwdI Az luqi& ^udw-sq

een hamaa aabaadhee az luthaf khudhaa-satha

All these habitations (of living beings) are the result of the blessings of Waaheguru;

ZPlq Az vY X`k n&s mrgo j&w sq ] 157 ]

ghafalath az vai yak nafas marago jafaa sath || 157 ||

To neglect Him even for one moment is equivalent to pain and death. (157)

suhbiq SW hwsil eIN izMdgIsq

suhabath shaan haasal een zindhageesatha

To achieve an association with them, the noble persons, is the cornerstone of this life;

izMdgI eIN izMdgI eIN bMdgI-sq ] 158 ]

zindhagee een zindhagee een bandhagee-sath || 158 ||

That is life, that is indeed life which is spent in meditating His Naam. (158)

gr qU mI^whI ik mrid h`k SvI

gar thoo meekhaahee k maradh hak shavee

If you wish to become Waaheguru's true devotee,

Awiri& aU kwiml muqilk SvI ] 159 ]

aarif oo kaamil muthalik shavee || 159 ||

Then, you should become knowledgeable and enlightened about the perfect Entity. (159)

suhbiq SW kImIAw bwSd qurw

suhabath shaan keemeeaa baashadh thuraa

Their company is like a cure-all for you;

qw ich mI^whI rvw bwSd qurw ] 160 ]

thaa chih meekhaahee ravaa baashadh thuraa || 160 ||

Then, whatever you wish shall be appropriate. (160)

eIN hmw kU swihib jW AwmdMd

een hamaa koo saahib jaan aamadhandha

All this breathing and living world that we see

Az brwie suhbiq SW AwmdMd ] 161 ]

az baraae suhabath shaan aamadhandh || 161 ||

Is only because of the company of the noble souls. (161)

izMdgIey SW iz&Yiz shubq Asq

zindhageeeae shaan zifaiz sahubath asatha

The existing lives of those living beings is the result of the company of saintly persons;

suhbiq SW Awieiq pur rihmq Asq ] 162 ]

suhabath shaan aaeith pur rehimath asath || 162 ||

And, the company of such noble persons is the proof of the kindness and compassion of Akaalpurakh. (162)

hr ksy rw suhbiq SW bwiedS

har kasae raa suhabath shaan baaeidhasha

Everyone, in fact, needs their company;

qw iz idl Akid guhr ibkuSwiedS ] 163 ]

thaa z dhil akadh guhar bikushaaeidhash || 163 ||

So that they could unravel the chain of pearls (noble aspects) from their hearts. (163)

swihib gMjInweI A by-^br

saahib ganjeenaaee a bae-khabara

O naive! You are the master of priceless treasure;

lyk zW gMjy qurw nBbvd ^br ] 164 ]

laek zaan ganjae thuraa nabhabavadh khabar || 164 ||

But alas! You have no realization of that hidden treasure. (164)

kY AzW gMjy b-XwbI ieqlwA

kai azaan ganjae ba-yaabee eithalaaa

How can you find out that invaluable treasure

AMdrUin ku&l cUM bwSd mqwA ] 165 ]

andharoon kufal choon baashadh mathaaa || 165 ||

As to what kind of wealth is hidden inside the vault. (165)

ps qurw lwizm bvd jUeI kulId

pas thuraa laazim bavadh jooee kuleedha

Therefore, it is essential for you to strive to find the key to the treasure,

qw b-bInI gMij ^u&IAw rw pdId ] 166 ]

thaa ba-beenee ganj khufeeaa raa padheedh || 166 ||

So that you can have a clear realization of this covert, mysterious and valuable repository. (166)

ku&l ibkuSw Az kulIid nwim h`k

kufal bikushaa az kuleedh naam haka

You should use the Naam of Waaheguru as the key to open this hidden wealth;

Az ikqwib gMj m^&I ^W sbk ] 167 ]

az kithaab ganj makhafee khaan sabak || 167 ||

And, learn the lessons from the Book of this hidden treasure, the Granth. (167)

eIN kulIid nwm pyiS SW bvd

een kuleedh naam paesh shaan bavadha

This key is found (only) with the saintly persons,

mrhim idlhwie rySy jW bvd ] 168 ]

mareham dhilehaae raeshae jaan bavadh || 168 ||

And, this key serves as the ointment of lacerated hearts and lives. (168)

cUM ksy rw eIN kulId Awied b-dsq

choon kasae raa een kuleedh aaeidh ba-dhasatha

Anyone who can get hold of this key

swihib gMjInw bwSd hr ik hsq ] 169 ]

saahib ganjeenaa baashadh har k hasath || 169 ||

He may be anyone, he can become the master of this treasure. (169)

gMj rw cUM Xw&qw joXwie gMj

ganj raa choon yaafathaa joyaae ganja

When the seeker of the treasure does find his goal,

gSq &wirg Az hmw qSvISo rMj ] 170 ]

gashath faarig az hamaa thashaveesho ranj || 170 ||

Then consider that he has been salvaged from all worries and anxieties. (170)

AW hm Az mrdwin h`k Sud AY S&Ik

aan ham az maradhaan hak shudh ai shafeeka

O my friend ! That person has joined the group of (true) devotees of God,

AW ik rwhy Xw&q dr kUie r&Ik ] 171 ]

aan k raahae yaafath dhar kooe rafeek || 171 ||

Who has discovered the direction to the streets of the Beloved Friend. (171)

suhbiq SW z`rw rw cUM mwh krd

suhabath shaan zaraa raa choon maah karadha

Their association transformed an insignificant dust particle to a shining moon.

hr gdw rw suhbiq SW Swh krd ] 172 ]

har gadhaa raa suhabath shaan shaah karadh || 172 ||

Again, it was their company that transformed every beggar into a king. (172)

rihmiq h`k bwd br AOzwie SW

rehimath hak baadh bar aauazaae shaana

May Akaalpurakh bless their disposition with His grace;

br ipdr br mwdry iebnwie SW ] 173 ]

bar pidhar bar maadharae eibanaae shaan || 173 ||

And, also on their parents and children. (173)

hr ik SW rw dId h`k rw dIdw Asq

har k shaan raa dheedh hak raa dheedhaa asatha

Whosoever gets a chance to see them, consider that they have seen the Almighty God;

^uS gul Az bwiZ muh`bq cIdw Asq ] 174 ]

khush gul az baagh muhabath cheedhaa asath || 174 ||

And that he has been able to get a glimpse of a beautiful flower out of the garden of love. (174)

gul iz bwiZ mwAr&q br-cIdn Asq

gul z baagh maaarafath bara-cheedhan asatha

The association with such noble persons is like taking a beautiful flower out of the garden of divine knowledge;

dIdin eySW ^udw rw dIdn Asq ] 175 ]

dheedhan eaeshaan khudhaa raa dheedhan asath || 175 ||

And, a sight of such saints is like getting a glimpse of Akaalpurakh. (175)

muSikl Awmd dIdin h`k rw ibAW

mushakil aamadh dheedhan hak raa biaana

It is difficult to describe the 'glimpse' of Waaheguru;

mIidhd eIN jumlw rw kudrq inSW ] 176 ]

meedhihadh een jumalaa raa kudharath nishaan || 176 ||

His powers are reflected in the entire Nature that He has created. (176)

Az qu&Yil SW ^udw rw dIdw-Am

az thufail shaan khudhaa raa dheedhaa-ama

With their kindness, I have seen a glimpse of Akaalpurakh;

gul z bwiZ mwAr&q br cIdw-Am ] 177 ]

gul z baagh maaarafath bar cheedhaa-am || 177 ||

And, with their grace, I have selected a lively flower from the Divine Garden. (177)

dIdin h`k mwAnIey dwrd SrI&

dheedhan hak maaaneeeae dhaaradh shareefa

Even to think of getting a glimpse of Akaalpurakh is indeed a sacred intention;

mn in-Am eIN jumlw AW zwiq lqIP ] 178 ]

man ni-am een jumalaa aan zaath latheef || 178 ||

Goya says, I am nothing! ll this, including the above thought, is due to His abstract and mysterious Entity. (178)

hr ik aU dwinsq eIN hri& qmwm

har k oo dhaanisath een haraf thamaama

Whosoever has understood this complete message (word),

Xw&q aU AW gMij m^&I rw mkwm ] 179 ]

yaafath oo aan ganj makhafee raa makaam || 179 ||

As if he has discovered the location of the hidden treasure. (179)

mwAnIey h`k sUrqy dwrd inkU-sq

maaaneeeae hak soorathae dhaaradh nikoo-satha

The reality of Waaheguru has an extremely attractive reflection;

suriq h`k suriq mrdwin aU-sq ] 180 ]

surath hak surath maradhaan oo-sath || 180 ||

The picture of Akaalpurakh is (can be seen) in His own men and women, the saintly persons. (180)

^lviq eySW bvd dr AMjumn

khalavath eaeshaan bavadh dhar anjumana

They feel they are in seclusion even when they are in the company of groups of people, the congregations;

vsi& eySW br zubwin mrdo zn ] 181 ]

vasaf eaeshaan bar zubaan maradho zan || 181 ||

Praises of their glory are on the tongues of everyone. (181)

zIN ^br vwik& ksy bwSd ik aU

zeen khabar vaakif kasae baashadh k oo

Only that person can be cognizant of this mystery,

dwrd Az SOik muh`bq Zu&qZU ] 182 ]

dhaaradh az shaauak muhabath ghufathaghoo || 182 ||

Who talks and discusses about the devotion for Akaalpurakh with enthusiasm. (182)

SOik mOlw-AS igrybW gIr Sud

shaauak maaualaa-ash giraebaan geer shudha

Anyone whose enthusiastic devotion for Waaheguru becomes a necklace (garland) for his neck,

nwksy hm swihib qdbIr Sud ] 183 ]

naakasae ham saahib thadhabeer shudh || 183 ||

Even though he, being a lowly person, becomes wise and sagacious. (183)

SOik mOlwXq cUM bwSd dsqgIr

shaauak maaualaayath choon baashadh dhasathageera

When the enthusiasm of devotion for God becomes your supporter,

z`rw grdd rSik ^urSId munIr ] 184 ]

zaraa garadhadh rashak khurasheedh muneer || 184 ||

Then even a particle of dust desires to emulate (and becomes) a bright sun. (184)

bsik h`k mIbwrd Az Zu&qwir SW

basak hak meebaaradh az ghufathaar shaana

When they talk, they shower (words of) the nectar of Truth,

dIdwhw rOSn Sud Az dIdwir SW ] 185 ]

dheedhaahaa raauashan shudh az dheedhaar shaan || 185 ||

With their glimpse, the eyes become more bright and soothed. (185)

rUzo Sb bwSMd dr izkrS mudwm

roozo shab baashandh dhar zikarash mudhaama

They keep meditating on the Naam of Waaheguru day and night;

dr ilbwis dunXvI mrid qmwm ] 186 ]

dhar libaas dhunayavee maradh thamaam || 186 ||

Even in the worldly guise, living in this world, they become perfect human beings. (186)

bw hmw Az jumlw AwzwdMd SW

baa hamaa az jumalaa aazaadhandh shaana

With everything around them, they are independent and are immune to the effects of these material distractions;

dr hmw hwl Az ^udw SwdMd SW ] 187 ]

dhar hamaa haal az khudhaa shaadhandh shaan || 187 ||

They are always satisfied and pleased under the Will of Akaalpurakh. (187)

dr ilbwis dunXvIN v rsim dIN

dhar libaas dhunayaveen v rasam dheena

Even they are dressed in worldly clothes, their tradition and practice is religious.

hmcU eysW swnIey dIgr mbIN ] 188 ]

hamachoo eaesaan saaneeeae dheegar mabeen || 188 ||

There is no one like them in this world. (188)

hm cunW dr Xwid h`k dwrMd dsq

ham chunaan dhar yaadh hak dhaarandh dhasatha

They are starkly steady, firm and adept in the memory of Waaheguru,

h`k Snwso h`k psMdo h`k pRsq ] 189 ]

hak shanaaso hak pasandho hak prasath || 189 ||

They appreciate and recognize Him, are dedicated to the Truth and also worship the Truth. (189)

dr ilbwis dunXvI sr qw kdm

dhar libaas dhunayavee sar thaa kadhama

Even though they are seen clad in worldly guise from head to toe,

bInI vw Zwi&l nBbInI nIm dm ] 190 ]

beenee vaa ghaafil nabhabeenee neem dham || 190 ||

You will never find them to be negligent of remembering Waaheguru even for half a moment. (190)

AW ^udwie pwk SW rw pwk krd

aan khudhaae paak shaan raa paak karadha

The chaste Akaalpurakh transforms them into pure and holy beings,

gr ich ijsim SW iz-muSiq ^wk krd ] 191 ]

gar chih jisam shaan zi-mushath khaak karadh || 191 ||

Even though their body is made up of just a fistful of dust. (191)

eIN vjUid ^wk pwk Az Xwid aU-sq

een vajoodh khaak paak az yaadh oo-satha

This human body made of dust becomes sacred with His remembrance;

zW ik eySW mzhir buinAwid aU-sq ] 192 ]

zaan k eaeshaan mazehar buniaadh oo-sath || 192 ||

Because it is the manifestation of the foundation (personality) bestowed by Akaalpurakh. (192)

rsim SW AweIin idldwrI bvd

rasam shaan aaeen dhiladhaaree bavadha

It is their custom to remember the Almighty;

dr hmw hwl Az ^udw XwrI bvd ] 193 ]

dhar hamaa haal az khudhaa yaaree bavadh || 193 ||

And, it is their tradition to always generate love and devotion for Him. (193)

hr ksy rw kY nsIb eIN dOlq Asq

har kasae raa kai naseeb een dhaaualath asatha

How can every one be blessed with such a treasure?'

dOliq jwvId AMdr suhbq Asq ] 194 ]

dhaaualath jaaveedh andhar suhabath asath || 194 ||

This non-perishable wealth is available only through their company. (194)

eIN hmw Az suhbiq mrdwin aUsq

een hamaa az suhabath maradhaan oosatha

All these (material goods) are the result of the blessings of their company;

dOliq hr do jhW dr Swin aUsq ] 195 ]

dhaaualath har dho jehaan dhar shaan oosath || 195 ||

And, the wealth of both the worlds is in their praise and honor. (195)

suhbiq SW n&IAw ibsIAwr Awvurd

suhabath shaan nafeeaa biseeaar aavuradha

An association with them is extremely profitable;

n^il ijsim ^wk h`k bwr Awvurd ] 196 ]

nakhal jisam khaak hak baar aavuradh || 196 ||

The date-palm of the body of dust brings in the fruit of Truth. (196)

hmcunIN suhbq kujw bwz Awiedq

hamachuneen suhabath kujaa baaz aaeidhatha

When would you be able to run into such (an exalted) company?

kz brwey mrdmI mI-Swiedq ] 197 ]

kaz baraaeae maradhamee mee-shaaeidhath || 197 ||

Such a blessed company will bestow upon you the humaneness. (197)

mrdmI XwAnI b-h`k pYvsqn Asq

maradhamee yaaanee ba-hak paivasathan asatha

The purpose of human life is (ultimately) to merge with the Creator;

ZYr izkrS Az hmw vw irsqn Asq ] 198 ]

ghair zikarash az hamaa vaa risathan asath || 198 ||

Absence of His description and discourse is tantamount to breaking away from every one else. (198)

cUM idil bMdw bizkrS rwh Xw&q

choon dhil bandhaa bazikarash raah yaafatha

When a human being gets into the tradition of remembering Waaheguru,

hwisil aumro idl Awgwwh Xw&q ] 199 ]

haasil oumaro dhil aagaaaah yaafath || 199 ||

He becomes conversant with the attainment of both life and soul. (199)

kwrS Az grdUin grdwN dr gUzrq

kaarash az garadhoon garadhaa dhar goozaratha

He will be redeemed and set free from the attachments of this revolving world when someone breaks away his connections from it;

br sir duinAw cU mrdW dr guzrq ] 200 ]

bar sar dhuniaa choo maradhaan dhar guzarath || 200 ||

Then, he would become detached from the material distractions like a seeker of spiritual knowledge. (200)

eIN jhwno AwN jhW qihsIN kunMd

ee jehaano aa jehaan thehisee kunandha

He was applauded in both the worlds,

AwN ik idl Az izkir h`k rMgIN kunMd ] 201 ]

aa k dhil az zikar hak rangee kunandh || 201 ||

When anyone imbued his heart and soul with the remembrance of Akaalpurakh. (201)

dr vjUdS AwPqwby qw&qw

dhar vajoodhash aafathaabae thaafathaa

The body of such a person begins to radiate like the sun,

nwim h`k dr suhbiq SW Xw&qw ] 202 ]

naam hak dhar suhabath shaan yaafathaa || 202 ||

When he, in the company of saintly persons, has attained the real Truth. (202)

nwim h`k Az bsik rUzo Sb igR&q

naam hak az basak roozo shab grifatha

He remembered the Naam of Akaalpurakh day and night,

dsiq aU rw izkir mOlw br-igR&q ] 203 ]

dhasath oo raa zikar maaualaa bara-grifath || 203 ||

Then only the discourses and praises of the Lord became his support. (203)

izkir mOlw AwN ik XwrI dwdw Sud

zikar maaualaa aa k yaaree dhaadhaa shudha

Anyone who has received the support of Akaalpurakh due to his meditation,

^wnwie vIrW iz h`k Awbwdw Sud ] 204 ]

khaanaae veeraan z hak aabaadhaa shudh || 204 ||

Will have his deserted house, with the achievement of the Truth, rehabilitated and revived again. (204)

izkir mOlw dOlqy bwSd AzIm

zikar maaualaa dhaaualathae baashadh azeema

Meditation of God is one great treasure;

kY bdsq Awied iz gMjo mwlo sIm ] 205 ]

kai badhasath aaeidh z ganjo maalo seem || 205 ||

How can one obtain such a magnificent treasure from the worldly riches like wealth and silver? (205)

hr ik h`k rw Kwsq h`k aU rw b^wsq

har k hak raa khaasath hak oo raa bakhaasatha

Whosoever developed a desire for (meeting with) the Lord, the Lord liked him;

SOoik mOlw ibhqrIin kImIAw-sq ] 206 ]

shaauok maaualaa bihathareen keemeeaa-sath || 206 ||

The love and devotion for Akaalpurakh is the best cure-all panacea. (206)

gohir mksUd qn Xwid ^udw-sq

gohar makasoodh than yaadh khudhaa-satha

The deed of the main purpose of this body is only to remember Waaheguru;

lykn aU AMdr zubwin AOlIAw sq ] 207 ]

laekan oo andhar zubaan aaualeeaa sath || 207 ||

However, He always abides and manifests on the tongues of the noble souls. (207)

pwrsweI ibh ik bihir h`k bvd

paarasaaee bih k behir hak bavadha

That saintliness is really worthwhile if it is to seek the Truth;

bwdSwhI NcIsq kW nwh`k bvd ] 208 ]

baadhashaahee acheesath kaan naahak bavadh || 208 ||

What is the worth of that kingdom that is useless if it is not aiming towards God. (208)

hr do muSqwk AMd irMdo pwrsw

har dho mushathaak andh rindho paarasaa

Both the drunk and the holy person are desirous of Him;

qw ikrw ^whd ^udwie ikbrIAw ] 209 ]

thaa kiraa khaahadh khudhaae kibareeaa || 209 ||

Let us see! Whom does He, the transcendent Akaalpurakh likes? (209)

bMdw qwN bwSd brwie bMdgIsq

bandhaa thaa baashadh baraae bandhageesatha

A human being deserves to be called a human being only if he directs himself towards meditation;

gYr hri& h`k hmw SrimMdgIsq ] 210]

gair haraf hak hamaa sharamindhageesath || 210||

Without a description/word of Waaheguru, it is all humiliation. (210)

lyk dr zwihr ksy bwSd drusq

laek dhar zaahir kasae baashadh dharusatha

However, it is apparent that only that person is on the right path,

AwN ik Awrd murSid kwiml bdsq ] 211 ]

aa k aaradh murashadh kaamil badhasath || 211 ||

Who has been able to attain (or attach himself to) a perfect Guru. (211)

dIno duinAw hr do &rmW-dwr aU

dheeno dhuniaa har dho faramaan-dhaar oo

Both the Faith and the world are in complete obedience to the Almighty;

hr do Awlm Swieik dIdwir aU ] 212 ]

har dho aalam shaaeik dheedhaar oo || 212 ||

Both the worlds are equally desirous to get just one glimpse of Him. (212)

hr ik rw aul&q iz nwim h`k bvd

har k raa oulafath z naam hak bavadha

Anyone who has developed deep love for the Naam of Akaalpurakh,

dr hkIkq Awri& muqilk bvd ] 213 ]

dhar hakeekath aaraf muthalik bavadh || 213 ||

He becomes a perfect seeker of the divine knowledge in real terms. (213)

Xwid h`k rw qwilib aU mI kunMd

yaadh hak raa thaalib oo mee kunandha

Seekers of Waaheguru are (actively) involved in His meditation;

Awiri& h`k jumlw nyko mI kunMd ] 214 ]

aarif hak jumalaa naeko mee kunandh || 214 ||

Seekers of Waaheguru transform everyone into something very attractive. (214)

h`k hmW bwSd ik bwSI bMdwie

hak hamaan baashadh k baashee bandhaaei

The truth is that you should (always strive to) become a person of God,

by-Adb dwiem z h`k SrmiMdwie ] 215 ]

bae-adhab dhaaeim z hak sharamanidhaae || 215 ||

A disrespectful (apostate/atheist) person is always chagrined and ashamed before Him. (215)

aumr AwN bwSd ik aU dr Xwd r&q

oumar aa baashadh k oo dhar yaadh rafatha

Only that life is worth living that is spent in remembering Waaheguru,

aumr nw bUd AwN ik brbwd r&q ] 216 ]

oumar naa boodh aa k barabaadh rafath || 216 ||

What use is that life that is spent needlessly and in vain. (216)

bMdw pYdw Sud brwey bMdgI

bandhaa paidhaa shudh baraaeae bandhagee

A person is born (only) to be engaged in meditation;

^uS ielwjy hsq bihir bMdgI ] 217 ]

khush eilaajae hasath behir bandhagee || 217 ||

In fact, religious devotion (and prayers) is a good cure to put this life in the proper perspective. (217)

AY ^uSw cSmy ik dIdw rUie dUsq

ai khushaa chashamae k dheedhaa rooe dhoosatha

How fortunate is that eye that has got a glimpse of the face of the Beloved!

mrduim cSim do Awlm sUie aU sq ] 218 ]

maradhum chasham dho aalam sooe oo sath || 218 ||

Eyes of the people of both the worlds are fixed towards it. (218)

eIN jhwno AwN jhW Az h`k pur Asq

ee jehaano aa jehaan az hak pur asatha

This and the other world are satiated with the Truth;

lyk mrid h`k b-Awlm kmqr Asq ] 219 ]

laek maradh hak ba-aalam kamathar asath || 219 ||

But devoted men of God are rare in this world. (219)

hr ksy kU b-^udw hmrMg Sud

har kasae koo ba-khudhaa hamarang shudha

If some one became indistinguishable with Akaalpurakh,

vsi& aU dr mulik rUmo zMg Sud ] 220 ]

vasaf oo dhar mulak roomo zang shudh || 220 ||

Then his glory spreads in countries like Rome and Africa. (220)

mwAnIey XkrMgI Awmd SOik h`k

maaaneeeae yakarangee aamadh shaauak haka

To get assimilated in the Entity of God is, in fact, real love for Him;

bMdw rw Awrwm AMdr zOik h`k ] 221 ]

bandhaa raa aaraam andhar zaauak hak || 221 ||

And, it is only with a real devotion for Him that one gets eternal bliss. (221)

aU brMig swihbI bw ie`zo jwh

oo barang saahibee baa ezio jaaha

Under the influence of Akaalpurakh, (Accepting the Will of Waaheguru) he enjoys eclat and honors;

mw bwrMg bMdgI AMdr pnwh ] 222 ]

maa baarang bandhagee andhar panaah || 222 ||

We, under the influence of meditation, have sought his (His) shelter and refuge. (222)

aU brMig swihib &rmW rvw

oo barang saahib faramaan ravaa

Accepting Waaheguru's Will, he is the king of the world and his command prevails all over;

mw brMig bMdgI inzdS gdw ] 223 ]

maa barang bandhagee nizadhash gadhaa || 223 ||

We, under the influence of meditation, are just beggars before him. (223)

aU brMig swihbI dwrd nzr

oo barang saahibee dhaaradh nazara

He, while imbued in accepting Master's Will, keeps a close watch on us;

bMdw rw Az bMdgI bwSd ^br ] 224 ]

bandhaa raa az bandhagee baashadh khabar || 224 ||

And, one can get to know him only through meditation. (224)

aumr hw joXwie eIN dOlq SudMd

oumar haa joyaae ee dhaaualath shudhandha

They kept looking for such a treasure for ages;

swlhw muSqwik eIN suhbq SudMd ] 225 ]

saalehaa mushathaak ee suhabath shudhandh || 225 ||

They were anxiously desirous of such a company for years. (225)

hr ksy rw z`rw zW bwSd nsIb

har kasae raa zaraa zaan baashadh naseeba

Anyone who was fortunate enough to attain even an atomic particle of such a wealth,

AwN b^UbI gSq ^urSIid njIb ] 226 ]

aa bakhoobee gashath khurasheedh najeeb || 226 ||

He became an extraordinary sun easily and spontaneously. (226)

gYr aU XwAnI iz h`k g&lq bvd

gair oo yaaanee z hak gafalath bavadha

The underlying meaning of living without the memory of Waaheguru is complete ignorance and naivety.

Xwid aU srmwXwie dOlq bvd ] 227 ]

yaadh oo saramaayaae dhaaualath bavadh || 227 ||

The valuable asset of the remembrance of Akaalpurakh becomes the treasure of some fortunate beings. (227)

dIdin h`k qw muX`sr mI-Svd

dheedhan hak thaa muyasar mee-shavadha

One can get a glimpse of the Omnipotent only

suhbiq mrdW qAsur mI-Svd ] 228 ]

suhabath maradhaan thaasur mee-shavadh || 228 ||

When one's association with noble saints become fruitful. (228)

hri& h`k dr idl Agr mwvw kund

haraf hak dhar dhil agar maavaa kunadha

If someone can abide even one word of Truth in his heart,

dr buin hr mUie aU h`k jw kund ] 229 ]

dhar bun har mooe oo hak jaa kunadh || 229 ||

Then, Truth but nothing but the Truth gets assimilated to the roots of each of his hair. (229)

hr ik ^ud rw sUie h`k mI-AwdrS

har k khudh raa sooe hak mee-aadharasha

Anyone who can direct himself towards the divine path of Waaheguru,

Az rui^ aU nUir-h`k mI-bwrdS ] 230 ]

az rukh oo noori-hak mee-baaradhash || 230 ||

God's glory and splendor radiates from his face. (230)

eIN hmw &Yj Az qu&Yil suhbq Asq

ee hamaa faij az thufail suhabath asatha

All this benevolence and benignity is because of them and their blessings,

suhbiq mrdwin h`k ^uS dOlq Asq ] 231 ]

suhabath maradhaan hak khush dhaaualath asath || 231 ||

The company of saintly persons (of God) is one priceless asset. (231)

hIc ks Az hwil SW Awgwh nIsq

heech kas az haal shaan aagaah neesatha

No one really understands or appreciates the state of mind of these noble royalties;

hr ik E imh rw drWjw rwh nIsq ] 232 ]

har k ou mih raa dharaanjaa raah neesath || 232 ||

Every Tom, Dick or Harry does not have the wherewithal to reach there (them). (232)

dr nzr AwieMd cUM zwiq A`lwh

dhar nazar aaeindh choon zaath alaaha

In appearance, they look just like an embodiment of the specie of Akaalpurakh,

dr hkIkq hr do Awlm Apnwh ] 233 ]

dhar hakeekath har dho aalam apanaah || 233 ||

In reality, they are the refuge for everyone in both the worlds. (233)

dr ksb bwSMd Awzwd Az ksb

dhar kasab baashandh aazaadh az kasaba

While engaged in their professions or trades, they are still unattached and unduly engrossed in them;

aumr guzrwnMd AMdr Xwid r`b ] 234 ]

oumar guzaraanandh andhar yaadh rab || 234 ||

They spend their lives in remembering the Provident (day and night). (234)

^yS rw cUM mUr ibSnwsMd SW

khaesh raa choon moor bishanaasandh shaan

They, the noble souls, consider themselves (out of humility) just like an ant,

dr hkIkq ibhqr Az pIil dmW ] 235 ]

dhar hakeekath bihathar az peel dhamaan || 235 ||

Even though they, in fact, might be more powerful than a ferocious and dangerous elephant. (235)

hr ic mI-bInI hmw hYrwin SwN

har ch mee-beenee hamaa hairaan shaa

Whatever you are seeing in this world is simply astonished and confounded about them;

Swin SW ibhqr bvd Az iemiqhW ] 236 ]

shaan shaan bihathar bavadh az eimathihaan || 236 ||

Their splendor and aura is far superior than even that of the examinations. (236)

suhbiq mrdwin h`k bwSd krm

suhabath maradhaan hak baashadh karama

The company of the true devotees of Waaheguru is a great boon;

dOlqy kAwN rw nBbwSd hIc Zm ] 237 ]

dhaaualathae kaaa raa nabhabaashadh heech gham || 237 ||

Such a wealth and virtuosity does not suffer from any anxiety or grief. (237)

^ud bzurgo hr ksy SW inSsq

khudh bazurago har kasae shaan nishasatha

They, themselves, are elevated, mature and blessed; anyone who happens to be bestowed with their company;

aU bzurgI Xw&q qW hr jw ik hsq ] 238 ]

oo bazuragee yaafath thaan har jaa k hasath || 238 ||

He, too, becomes elevated, mature and blessed, and receives laurels everywhere. (238)

hr ksy kU ^yS rw ibSnw^qw

har kasae koo khaesh raa bishanaakhathaa

Anyone who has recognized his own reality;

dr qrIik bMdgI prdw^qw ] 239 ]

dhar thareek bandhagee paradhaakhathaa || 239 ||

Consider that he has adopted the mode or the method of meditation. (239)

eIN zmIno AwsmW pur Az ^udw-sq

ee zameeno aasamaan pur az khudhaa-satha

This earth and the skies are saturated with (the creations of ) God,

Awlmy hr sU dvW kAwN Sih kujw-sq ] 240 ]

aalamae har soo dhavaan kaaa shehi kujaa-sath || 240 ||

But this world keeps wandering and straying in all directions to find out as to where He is. (240)

dIdw br dIdwir h`k gr mubqlw-sq

dheedhaa bar dheedhaar hak gar mubathalaa-satha

If you can aim your eyes fixedly on a glimpse of Akaalpurakh,

hr ich mI bInI bcSmq h`k-numw-sq ] 241 ]

har chih mee beenee bachashamath haka-numaa-sath || 241 ||

Then, whatever you see will be a vision of the Almighty Waaheguru. (241)

hr ik SW rw dId h`k rw dIdw Asq

har k shaan raa dheedh hak raa dheedhaa asatha

Anyone who has seen that noble soul, consider that he has got a glimpse of the Omnipotent;

aU qrIik bMdgI &ihmIdw Asq ] 242 ]

oo thareek bandhagee fehimeedhaa asath || 242 ||

And, that person has perceived and realized the path of meditation. (242)

qriz X`k-rMgI Ajb rMg AwrdS

tharaz yaka-rangee ajab rang aaradhasha

The focus on devotion for God brings in with it an unusual complexion of disposition,

kz bdn nUir ^udw mI-bwrdS ] 243 ]

kaz badhan noor khudhaa mee-baaradhash || 243 ||

The splendor and radiance of Akaalpurakh then oozes out from each and every aspect of such a dedicated devotion. (243)

aU brMig swihbI eIN hsqo bUd

oo barang saahibee ee hasatho boodha

He is the Master of all this illusion (of materialism), this is His own form;

bMdgI dwiem b-Awdwb sjUd ] 244 ]

bandhagee dhaaeim ba-aadhaab sajoodh || 244 ||

And, His meditation, with respect and prostrations, always seems apt. (244)

aU brMig swihbI ArSwid aU

oo barang saahibee arashaadh oo

He is the shape and form of the Master and only His command prevails;

bMdgI qw sr kdm bubXwid aU ] 245 ]

bandhagee thaa sar kadham bubayaadh oo || 245 ||

The meditation from head to toe also emerges out of (because of) Him. (245)

swihby bw swihbW zybd mudwm

saahibae baa saahibaan zaebadh mudhaama

A Master looks graceful and befitting only among the Masters,

bMdw rw dr bMdgI bwSd ikAwm ] 246 ]

bandhaa raa dhar bandhagee baashadh kiaam || 246 ||

A person should, therefore, continue to stay in meditation all the times. (246)

swihbW rw swihbI bwSd SuAwr

saahibaan raa saahibee baashadh shuaara

The character of Masters is to be master-like,

bMdw rw dr bMdgI &sil bhwr ] 247 ]

bandhaa raa dhar bandhagee fasal behaar || 247 ||

And, a man has the spring season around him only when he meditates. (247)

swihbW rw swihbI dwiem bvd

saahibaan raa saahibee dhaaeim bavadha

The master-ship character, His praises, of the Master is eternal,

bMdw hm dr bMdgI kwiem bvd ] 248 ]

bandhaa ham dhar bandhagee kaaeim bavadh || 248 ||

And, the meditation of a human being is permanent. (248)

Az brwie AwN ik qU sr-gSqweI

az baraae aa k thoo sara-gashathaaee

For this, you have turned your head away from Him, you have strayed;

Az pey duinAw iz h`k br-gSqweI ] 249 ]

az peae dhuniaa z hak bara-gashathaaee || 249 ||

That you have turned your face away from Him just for the sake of this material world. (249)

dOliq gIqI n bwSd pwiedwr

dhaaualath geethee n baashadh paaeidhaara

The worldly riches are not going to last for ever,

X`k n&s ^ud rw bsUie h`k ibAwr ] 250 ]

yak nafas khudh raa basooe hak biaar || 250 ||

(Therefore) You should turn yourself towards Waaheguru even for just one moment. (250)

cUM idil qU mwieil Xwid ^udw-sq

choon dhil thoo maaeil yaadh khudhaa-satha

When your heart and soul becomes inclined towards remembering Waaheguru,

AwN ^udwie pwk kY Az qU judw-sq ] 251 ]

aa khudhaae paak kai az thoo judhaa-sath || 251 ||

Then, how and when would that pious and chaste Waaheguru be separated from you? (251)

gr qU Zwi&l-bwSI Az i&kir bulMd

gar thoo ghaafila-baashee az fikar bulandha

If you remain negligent about paying close attention to the remembrance of lofty Akaalpurakh,

qU kujw E aU kujw AY hoSmMd ] 252 ]

thoo kujaa ou oo kujaa ai hoshamandh || 252 ||

Then, you mentally alert person! How can there be a meeting between you and Him (You are here and He is somewhere else)? (252)

Xwid aU drid do Awlm rw dvw-sq

yaadh oo dharadh dho aalam raa dhavaa-satha

Memory of Waaheguru is the cure-all for all pains and agonies of both the worlds;

Xwid aU hr gum-Sudw rw rwhnumw sq ] 253 ]

yaadh oo har guma-shudhaa raa raahanumaa sath || 253 ||

His memory also directs all lost and strayed ones to the correct path. (253)

Xwid aU eIN jumlw rw lwzm bvd

yaadh oo ee jumalaa raa laazam bavadha

His remembrance is absolutely imperative for everyone,

hr ik Zwi&l Sud Azo mulzm Svd ] 254 ]

har k ghaafil shudh azo mulazam shavadh || 254 ||

And, anyone who becomes negligent and forgets Him is indeed guilty. (254)

Xw ielwhI bMdw rw qO&Ik idh

yaa eilaahee bandhaa raa thaauafeek dhiha

O Akaalpurakh ! Kindly bless me with such a courage and strength,

qw b-Xwdq ibguzrd eIN aumr ibh ] 255 ]

thaa ba-yaadhath biguzaradh ee oumar bih || 255 ||

So that this life of mine is spent in a worthwhile manner in remembering You. (255)

aumr AwN bwSd ik dr Xwid ^udw

oumar aa baashadh k dhar yaadh khudhaa

That life is worth living that is spent in remembering Akaalpurakh,

ibguzrd dIgr nBbwSd mudAw ] 256 ]

biguzaradh dheegar nabhabaashadh mudhaaa || 256 ||

Any part of it spent without His memory, is simply a waste and useless. (256)

mudAw ibhqr juz Xwd nIsq

mudhaaa bihathar juz yaadh neesatha

There is no purpose (of life) better than the remembrance of Akaalpurakh,

ZYr XwdS eIN idil mw Swd nIsq ] 257 ]

ghair yaadhash ee dhil maa shaadh neesath || 257 ||

And, our hearts and minds can never be pleased without remembering Him. (257)

SwdIie dwiem bvd Xwid ^udw

shaadheee dhaaeim bavadh yaadh khudhaa

The nostalgia about Waaheguru bestows upon us an eternal elation;

AY zhy dOlq ik bwSd rwhnumw ] 258 ]

ai zehae dhaaualath k baashadh raahanumaa || 258 ||

How fortunate we are that it shows us the direction (in our lives)!(258)

gr ic h`k dr jumlwie idlhw bvd

gar ch hak dhar jumalaae dhilehaa bavadha

Even though Akaalpurakh abides in the hearts of everyone,

lyk Awir& swihib eImW bvd ] 259 ]

laek aarif saahib eemaan bavadh || 259 ||

Still, only an enlightened persons can be called 'a man of faith and religion'. (259)

cSim Awir& kwbil dIdwr hsq

chasham aarif kaabal dheedhaar hasatha

Only the eye of an enlightened person deserves a glimpse of the Almighty;

mrid AwirP vwiki& Asrwr hsq ] 260 ]

maradh aarif vaakif asaraar hasath || 260 ||

And, it is only the heart of a knowledgeable person who is familiar with His mysteries. (260)

suhbiq mrdwin h`k rw dUsq dwr

suhabath maradhaan hak raa dhoosath dhaara

You should develop friendship with the noble souls and should keep their company;

qw qU hm grdI iz XmnS rusqgwr ] 261 ]

thaa thoo ham garadhee z yamanash rusathagaar || 261 ||

So that, with the Providential blessings, you may be redeemed from the cycles of transmigration. (261)

hr ich hsq Az suhbiq eISW bvd

har chih hasath az suhabath eeshaan bavadha

Whatever is visible in this world is all due to company of saintly persons;

zW ik ijsmo jw srwpw jW bvd ] 262 ]

zaan k jisamo jaa saraapaa jaan bavadh || 262 ||

Because our bodies and souls are, in fact, the soul of the Provident. (262)

murdumwin dIdw roSn Sud Azo

muradhumaan dheedhaa roshan shudh azo

The pupils of my eyes are fully lighted only because of their company;

^wik ijsmm jumlw gulSn Sud Azo ] 263 ]

khaak jisamam jumalaa gulashan shudh azo || 263 ||

And, the dirt of my body, for the same reason, is transformed into a lush garden. (263)

AY zhy shubq ik ^wk AksIr krd

ai zehae sahubath k khaak akaseer karadha

Blessed is that association that has transformed a dirt into a cure-all;

nwksy rw swihib qdbIr krd ] 264 ]

naakasae raa saahib thadhabeer karadh || 264 ||

And, converted every lowly uniformed person into knowledgeable and intelligent. (264)

gohro lwlo jvwhr pyiS SW

goharo laalo javaahar paesh shaan

I present myself in the form of pearls, rubies and gems to my Beloved,

hr dmy kU ibguzrd dr Xwid AW ] 265 ]

har dhamae koo biguzaradh dhar yaadh aaan || 265 ||

When I spend every moment of my life in His memory. (265)

eIN jvwhr-hw hmw &wnI bvd

ee javaahara-haa hamaa faanee bavadha

All these worldly diamonds and pearls are perishable;

Xwid h`k br bMdw ArzwnI bvd ] 266 ]

yaadh hak bar bandhaa arazaanee bavadh || 266 ||

The remembrance of Waaheguru, however, is extremely valuable for a human being. (266)

rsim mrdwin ^udw dwnI ik cIsq

rasam maradhaan khudhaa dhaanee k cheesatha

Do you know what is the custom and tradition of the devotees of Omnipotent?

&wirZ AMd Az kYdhwie mrjo zIsq ] 267 ]

faarigh andh az kaidhehaae marajo zeesath || 267 ||

They are redeemed and are free from the imprisonment of the cycles of births and deaths for ever. (267)

X`k n&s by Xwid h`k nBguzwSqMd

yak nafas bae yaadh hak nabhaguzaashathandha

They do not spend even one moment without remembering Akaalpurakh,

^uS Awlm br nhu qbk APrwSqMd ] 268 ]

khush aalam bar nahu thabak afaraashathandh || 268 ||

They unfurl their beautiful flag (of meditation) over all the nine skies. (268)

^Yr^wih julgI pYdwieS AMd

khairakhaahi julagee paidhaaeish andha

They wish and pray for the well-being of the entire created world,

zyb b^iS eIN hmw AwrwieS AMd ] 269 ]

zaeb bakhash ee hamaa aaraaeish andh || 269 ||

It is them who bless all these creations and natural beauties with grace and elegance. (269)

nwim h`k mrdwin h`k rw zyvr Asq

naam hak maradhaan hak raa zaevar asatha

The Naam of Waaheguru is an ornament for His noble and saintly devotees,

cSim SW Az nUir h`k pur gOhr Asq ] 270 ]

chasham shaan az noor hak pur gaauehar asath || 270 ||

And, the eye of these nobilities is always full of pearls and gems because of the refulgent glow of the Almighty. (270)

hri& SW qwAlIim aumir jwivdW

haraf shaan thaaaleem oumar jaavidhaan

Their words are a lessons for a permanent life,

Xwid h`k dwrMd dwiem br zubW ] 271 ]

yaadh hak dhaarandh dhaaeim bar zubaan || 271 ||

And, the memory of Akaalpurakh abides on their lips/tongue for ever. (271)

hr ich mIgoieMd ArSwdsqo bs

har chih meegoeindh arashaadhasatho basa

Their utterances have the status of the words of Divine,

br nmI AwrMd ZYr Az h`k n&s ] 272 ]

bar namee aarandh ghair az hak nafas || 272 ||

And, not even one breath of theirs is spent without remembering Him. (272)

eIN hmw muSqwik dIdwir ^udw-sq

ee hamaa mushathaak dheedhaar khudhaa-satha

All these saintly persons are really seekers of a Divine glimpse,

bosqwin dihr gulzwir ^udw-sq ] 273 ]

bosathaan dhehir gulazaar khudhaa-sath || 273 ||

And, this delightful worldly spread is, in fact, a heavenly flower bed. (273)

hr ik bw-mrdwin h`k Sud AwSnw

har k baa-maradhaan hak shudh aashanaa

Whosoever developed a friendship with the devotees of Waaheguru,

swieAwie aU ibhqr Az bwil humw ] 274 ]

saaeiaae oo bihathar az baal humaa || 274 ||

Take it that his shadow (on them) will be many times more blessed than the shadow of the feathers of the Humaa bird (It is said that a shadow of Humaa bird can bestow the kingdom of the world). (274)

Xwid h`k XwAnI iz ^ud ibZuzSqn Asq

yaadh hak yaaanee z khudh bighuzashathan asatha

We should take it that getting absorbed in Waaheguru's meditation is to give up self-ego,

Az i^Awil ZYir h`k vwrusqn Asq ] 275 ]

az khiaal ghair hak vaarusathan asath || 275 ||

And, not thinking about Him would get us stuck in every other worldly attraction. (275)

rsqgI Az ^ySqn vwrsqgI-sq

rasathagee az khaeshathan vaarasathagee-satha

To redeem ourselves from our egos is the real emancipation,

bw ^udwie ^ySqn idl-bsqgI-sq ] 276 ]

baa khudhaae khaeshathan dhila-basathagee-sath || 276 ||

And, to tie up our minds with Waaheguru's devotion is also real deliverance. (276)

hr ks kU bw ^udw idl bsqw Asq

har kas koo baa khudhaa dhil basathaa asatha

Whosoever has linked and attached his mind to the Almighty,

aU z cri^ nhu qbk br-jsqw Asq ] 277 ]

oo z charakh nahu thabak bara-jasathaa asath || 277 ||

Take it that he has easily leaped over a sky equipped even with nine locks. (277)

suhbiq idl-bsqgwin bw ^udw

suhabath dhila-basathagaan baa khudhaa

The company of such God-attached devotees,

kY muX`sr Awiedq eIN kImIAw ] 278 ]

kai muyasar aaeidhath ee keemeeaa || 278 ||

Take it that it is the cure-all; however, how can we be fortunate enough to obtain it? (278)

dIno duinAw hr do hYrW mWdw AMd

dheeno dhuniaa har dho hairaan maandhaa andha

Both the faith and the religion are amazed,

bs z hYrwnI pRISW mWdw AMd ] 279 ]

bas z hairaanee preeshaan maandhaa andh || 279 ||

And in this amazement beyond limits they are perplexed. (279)

hr ikh rw eIN AwrzUey pwk hsq

har kih raa ee aarazooeae paak hasatha

Whosoever imbibes such a chaste and divine desire,

murSid aU swihib Adrwk hsq ] 280 ]

murashadh oo saahib adharaak hasath || 280 ||

His Guru (teacher) is the master of innate and intrinsic knowledge. (280)

vwislwin-h`k qurw vwisl kunMd

vaasilaani-hak thuraa vaasil kunandha

God connected noble saints can make your connection with Him,

dOliq jwvId rw hwisl kunMd ] 281 ]

dhaaualath jaaveedh raa haasil kunandh || 281 ||

They can also help you to obtain the eternal treasure, the Naam. (281)

dOliq jwvId pyiS Awir& Asq

dhaaualath jaaveedh paesh aarif asatha

This is an immortal achievement for an enlightened person,

eIN s^un mShUr bs muqAwir& Asq ] 282 ]

ee sakhun mashehoor bas muthaaarif asath || 282 ||

This adage is commonly well known, and everyone is well acquainted with it. (282)

Awir&wno kwimlwno vwislW

aarifaano kaamilaano vaasilaan

The enlightened, perfect and submerged into the love of God devotees;

nwim aU dwrd dwiem br zubW ] 283 ]

naam oo dhaaradh dhaaeim bar zubaan || 283 ||

They always have His Naam on their tongues and lips in meditation. (283)

bMdgIie SW bvd izkir ^udw

bandhageee shaan bavadh zikar khudhaa

To continually meditate on His Naam is their worship;

dOliq jwvId bwSd h`k-numw ] 284 ]

dhaaualath jaaveedh baashadh haka-numaa || 284 ||

And, the eternal treasure blessed by Akaalpurakh directs one towards His path. (284)

cUM numwied dOliq jwvId rU

choon numaaeidh dhaaualath jaaveedh roo

When the divine eternal treasure shows Its face,

qU z h`k bwSI vw h`k bwSd z qU ] 285 ]

thoo z hak baashee vaa hak baashadh z thoo || 285 ||

You would then belong to Waaheguru and He would belong to you. (285)

br idlq gr prqvy h`k br&gMd

bar dhilath gar parathavae hak barafagandha

If the shadow of Akaalpurakh falls on someone's heart and soul,

^wir ihjrq rw z pwie idl kunMd ] 286 ]

khaar hijarath raa z paae dhil kunandh || 286 ||

Then take it that the painful thorn of separation has been extracted out of the foot (depth) of our mind. (286)

^wir ihjr Az pwie idl cUM dUr Sud

khaar hijar az paae dhil choon dhoor shudha

When the thorn of separation has been removed from the feet of the heart,

^wnwie idl Az ^udw mwmUr Sud ] 287 ]

khaanaae dhil az khudhaa maamoor shudh || 287 ||

Take it then that the Akaalpurakh has made the temple of our heart as His abode. (287)

hmcU kqrw kU bdirAw dr &qwd

hamachoo katharaa koo badhariaa dhar fathaadha

Like that drop of water that fell into a river or ocean, giving up its own identity (showing humility),

AYn dirAw gSqo vslS dsqdwd ] 288 ]

ain dhariaa gashatho vasalash dhasathadhaadh || 288 ||

It itself became the river and the ocean; (thus falling on the feet of Aakaalpurakh), and convergence with Him took place. (288)

kqrw cUM Sud bdirAw AwSnw

katharaa choon shudh badhariaa aashanaa

Once the drop merges into the ocean,

bwAd AzW q&rIk nqvW Sud z jw ] 289 ]

baaadh azaan thafareek nathavaan shudh z jaa || 289 ||

After that, it cannot be separated from the ocean. (289)

kqrw cUM jwinib dirAw Sqw&q

katharaa choon jaanib dhariaa shathaafatha

When the drop started to rush in the direction of the ocean,

Az rih q&rIk ^ud rw kqrw Xw&q ] 290 ]

az rehi thafareek khudh raa katharaa yaafath || 290 ||

It, then, realized the significance of being just a drop of water. (290)

kqrw rw eIN dOliq cUM dsqdwd

katharaa raa ee dhaaualath choon dhasathadhaadha

When the drop was bestowed with this eternal meeting,

kqrw Sud AMdr hkIkq bw-murwd ] 291 ]

katharaa shudh andhar hakeekath baa-muraadh || 291 ||

The reality dawned on it, and its long-cherished desire was fulfilled. (291)

gu&q mn X`k kqrw AwbI bUdw Am

gufath man yak katharaa aabee boodhaa ama

The droplet said, Even though I am a small drop of water,

pYhin dirAw rw cunW pYmUdw Am ] 292 ]

paihan dhariaa raa chunaan paimoodhaa am || 292 ||

I have been able to measure the expanse of this huge ocean. (292)

gr mrw dr bwz rwih luqi& ^yS

gar maraa dhar baaz raahi luthaf khaesha

If the ocean, out of its extreme kindness, would agree to take me in,

vwisl ^ud krd Az AMdwzw byS ] 293 ]

vaasil khudh karadh az andhaazaa baesh || 293 ||

And, it agreed to merge me into itself even beyond its capacity; (293)

hmcU mOj Az pYhin dirAw rU nmUd

hamachoo maauaj az paihan dhariaa roo namoodha

And, it rose like a tidal wave out of the span of the ocean,

mOj gSq vw krd dirAw rw sjUd ] 294 ]

maauaj gashath vaa karadh dhariaa raa sajoodh || 294 ||

It became another wave, and then bowed in reverence to the ocean. (294)

hm cunW hr bMdw ku vwisl Asq

ham chunaan har bandhaa k vaasil asatha

In the same manner, every such person who had a confluence with the Almighty,

dr qrIik bMdgI bs kwiml Asq ] 295 ]

dhar thareek bandhagee bas kaamil asath || 295 ||

Became complete and perfect on the path of meditation. (295)

mOjO dirAw gr ic dr mwAnI Xkysq

maauajaau dhariaa gar ch dhar maaanee yakaesatha

In reality, a wave and the ocean are one and the same,

lyk AMdr eIno AwN &rky bsysq ] 296 ]

laek andhar eeno aa farakae basaesath || 296 ||

But still there is a vast difference between them. (296)

mn Xky mOjm qU bihir bykrW

man yakae maauajam thoo behir baekaraan

I am just a simple wave, while you are an enormously large ocean,

&rk bwSd Az zmIno AwsmW ] 297 ]

farak baashadh az zameeno aasamaan || 297 ||

Thus, there is a big difference between you and me like that between the earth and the sky. (297)

mn nIA`m eIN jumlw Az Alqwi& qU

man neeam ee jumalaa az alathaaf thoo

I am nothing; all this (that I am) is only because of your blessings,

mn X`k mOjm z qbAwie swi& qU ] 298 ]

man yak maauajam z thabaaae saaf thoo || 298 ||

I am, too, one wave in Your vast manifest world. (298)

bw bzurgW suhbqy mI bwiedq

baa bazuragaan suhabathae mee baaeidhatha

You would need the association with the noble persons,

Az humw A`vl hmIN mI bwiedq ] 299 ]

az humaa aval hamee mee baaeidhath || 299 ||

This will be the first and the foremost thing that you will need. (299)

kwdir muqilk bkudrq zwihr Asq

kaadhar muthalik bakudharath zaahir asatha

That perfect and complete Creator is visible through His own creations,

drimAwin kudriq ^ud kwdr Asq ] 300 ]

dharamiaan kudharath khudh kaadhar asath || 300 ||

The Creator, in fact, abides amidst His own Nature and manifestations. (300)

kwdro kudrq bhm Awmy^qMd

kaadharo kudharath beham aamaekhathandha

The Creator and His creations are one and the same,

AwN mqwie ZYr h`k rw ry^qMd ] 301 ]

aa mathaae ghair hak raa raekhathandh || 301 ||

They, the noble persons, renounce all material distractions except the Provident. (301)

ps qurw hm bwied AY Xwir AzIz

pas thuraa ham baaeidh ai yaar azeeza

O my dear friend! Then you should also make a judgement and conclude,

h`k kudwm vw qU kudwmI kun qmIz ] 302 ]

hak kudhaam vaa thoo kudhaamee kun thameez || 302 ||

As to who is God, and who you are, and how to distinguish between the two. (302)

gr qU vwisl gSqweI dr zwiq aU

gar thoo vaasil gashathaaee dhar zaath oo

If, in your pursuits, you happen to have a meeting with the Akaalpurakh.

ZYr hri& bMdgI dIgr mgU ] 303 ]

ghair haraf bandhagee dheegar magoo || 303 ||

Then you should not utter any other word except the word of worship and meditation. (303)

eIN hmw Az dOliq eIN bMdgIsq

ee hamaa az dhaaualath ee bandhageesatha

All this tangible and non-tangible boons are because of the meditation,

izMdgI by-bMdgI SrimMdgisq ] 304 ]

zindhagee bae-bandhagee sharamindhagasith || 304 ||

Without meditation, this life of ours is only mortification and humiliation. (304)

h`k qwAlw bMdgI &rmUdw Asq

hak thaaalaa bandhagee faramoodhaa asatha

The Almighty God has also said,

hr ksy kU bMdw Sud AwsUdw Asq ] 305 ]

har kasae koo bandhaa shudh aasoodhaa asath || 305 ||

Anyone who transformed himself into a man of God is redeemed. (305)

cUM AnAlh`k br zubW iezhwr krd

choon anaalehak bar zubaan eizehaar karadha

Anyone who proclaimed through his own mouth that he was God,

SrAw AwN mnsUr rw br-dwr krd ] 306 ]

sharaaa aa manasoor raa bara-dhaar karadh || 306 ||

The Islamic religious law crucified him just like Mansoor. (306)

msqIey h`k mwAnIie huiSAwrI Asq

masatheeeae hak maaaneee hushiaaree asatha

Inebriated with God is, in fact, to be always in a state of alertness,

Awir&W rw ^wb hm bydwrI Asq ] 307 ]

aarifaan raa khaab ham baedhaaree asath || 307 ||

Even dreaming while asleep for the knowledgeable is indeed like staying awake. (307)

dr hkIkq by-Adb Xwbd szw

dhar hakeekath bae-adhab yaabadh sazaa

In reality, a disrespectful faces the consequences (reaps the fruits) of his own actions,

cUM Awdb Amd hmw rw rhwnumw ] 308 ]

choon aadhab amadh hamaa raa rehaanumaa || 308 ||

Because, it is the 'respect' and 'civility' that is capable of showing all the direction of the right path. (308)

gr qU sr qw pw hmw h`k gSqweI

gar thoo sar thaa paa hamaa hak gashathaaee

If you have transformed yourself from head to toe into Akaalpurakh's form,

vwisil by-cUin muqilk gSqweI ] 309 ]

vaasil bae-choon muthalik gashathaaee || 309 ||

And, If you have merged into that unparalleled and matchless Waaheguru, (309)

bwz rwih bMdgI dr pyS gIr

baaz raahi bandhagee dhar paesh geera

Then you should adopt the path of meditation,

bMdwie aU bwS vw rwih KyS gIr ] 310 ]

bandhaae oo baash vaa raahi khaesh geer || 310 ||

And, become His (favorite) person by holding on to the divine spiritual passage of meditation. (310)

dr hmw hwlq ^udw hwzr bbIN

dhar hamaa haalath khudhaa haazar babee

One should assume His presence under all circumstances,

hwizro nwizr hmwN nwizr bbIN ] 311 ]

haaziro naazir hamaa naazir babee || 311 ||

Considering Him Omnipresent and Immanent, and also take it that He is capable of seeing everything everywhere. (311)

dr rwih h`k juz Adb qwAlIm nIsq

dhar raahi hak juz adhab thaaaleem neesatha

There is no education except that of respect and civility in the path of God,

qwilib aU rw bjuz qslIm nIsq ] 312 ]

thaalib oo raa bajuz thasaleem neesath || 312 ||

It is not prudent for His seeker-devotee to accept anything but His Order. (312)

qwilbwin h`k hmySw bw Adb

thaalibaan hak hamaeshaa baa adhaba

The seekers of the Divine Spirit are always respectful,

bw Adb bwSMd AMdr Xwid r`b ] 313 ]

baa adhab baashandh andhar yaadh rab || 313 ||

They are also satiated with reverence while remembering Him. (313)

byAdb rw kY iz rwih SW ^br

baeadhab raa kai z raahi shaan khabara

What does an apostate know about the tradition of those noble persons?

byAdb Az h`k hmySW by-Asr ] 314 ]

baeadhab az hak hamaeshaan bae-asar || 314 ||

The efforts of an atheist to get a glimpse of Akaalpurakh will always be ineffective. (314)

byAdb hrigz b-h`k rwih nXw&q

baeadhab haragiz ba-hak raahi nayaafatha

A disrespectful can never find the path leading towards the Divine Spirit;

rwih h`k rw rIc gumrwhy nXw&q ] 315 ]

raahi hak raa reech gumaraahae nayaafath || 315 ||

No strayed person has ever been able to find the path of God and much less to reach Him. (315)

hwdIey rwih ^udw Awmd Adb

haadheeeae raahi khudhaa aamadh adhaba

It is reverence that is the guide to the path of Waaheguru;

by-Adb ^wlI-sq Az Alqwi& r`b ] 316 ]

bae-adhab khaalee-sath az alathaaf rab || 316 ||

And, an atheist remains blank from receiving His blessings. (316)

by-Adb rwih ^udw kY dwndS

bae-adhab raahi khudhaa kai dhaanadhasha

How can an atheist find the way to the Almighty,

hr ikrw kihir ^udw mIrwndS ] 317 ]

har kiraa kehir khudhaa meeraanadhash || 317 ||

Who has been condemned due to the anger of Waaheguru?(317)

dr pnwih swieAwie mrdwin h`k

dhar panaahi saaeiaae maradhaan haka

If you care to seek the shelter (and agree to function in their shadow) of the noble souls of God,

gr rvI AwN jw Adb XwbI sbk ] 318 ]

gar ravee aa jaa adhab yaabee sabak || 318 ||

You will receive teachings and instructions about respectability there. (318)

by Adb eINjw Adb Awmoz Sud

bae adhab eejaa adhab aamoz shudha

Coming to this place (of noble persons), even the apostates become capable to teach lessons of reverence,

eIN crwiZ gul jhW A&roz Sud ] 319 ]

ee charaagh gul jehaan afaroz shudh || 319 ||

Here, even extinguished lamps begin to spread light throughout the world. (319)

AY ^udw hr by Adb rw idh Adb

ai khudhaa har bae adhab raa dhih adhaba

O Akaalpurakh! Kindly bestow reverence even on the irreverent,

qw guzwrd aumr rw dr Xwid r`b ] 320 ]

thaa guzaaradh oumar raa dhar yaadh rab || 320 ||

So that they can spend their lives in Your remembrance. (320)

gr bXwbI l`zqy Az Xwid aU

gar bayaabee lazathae az yaadh oo

If you can relish the savor (sweet taste) of Waaheguru's remembrance,

izMdw bwSI dwiemw AY nyk-KU ] 321 ]

zindhaa baashee dhaaeimaa ai naeka-khoo || 321 ||

Then O good man! You can become immortal. (321)

eIN vjUid ^wk rw kwiem bdW

ee vajoodh khaak raa kaaeim badhaan

Consider this body of dirt as permanent for this reason

kwiem Awmd SOik aU dr ihriz jW ] 322 ]

kaaeim aamadh shaauak oo dhar hiraz jaan || 322 ||

Because the devotion for Him have established permanently in the fortress of your heart. (322)

SOik mOlw izMdgIey jW bvd

shaauak maaualaa zindhageeeae jaan bavadha

The love and elation for Akaalpurakh are the life-line of the soul,

Xwid aU srmwAwie eImW bvd ] 323 ]

yaadh oo saramaaaae eemaan bavadh || 323 ||

There is a wealth of faith and religion in His memory. (323)

SOik aU dr hr idly kY jw kund

shaauak oo dhar har dhilae kai jaa kunadha

How can the euphoria and elation for Waaheguru abide in every heart,

dr vjUid ^wk kY mwvw kund ] 324 ]

dhar vajoodh khaak kai maavaa kunadh || 324 ||

And, how can He take refuge in the body made up of dirt. (324)

SOik mOlw mr qurw cUM dsqdwd

shaauak maaualaa mar thuraa choon dhasathadhaadha

When your fondness for Akaalpurakh supported you,

dOliq dwiem bdsqq dr-&qwd ] 325 ]

dhaaualath dhaaeim badhasathath dhara-fathaadh || 325 ||

Then, take it for granted that you will obtain control and have the divine eternal wealth. (325)

^wik rwhS surmwie sr Asq

khaak raahash suramaae sar asatha

The dust of His path is like a collyrium for our eyes and head,

Awir&W rw ibh z qwzo A&sr Asq ] 326 ]

aarifaan raa bih z thaazo afasar asath || 326 ||

This dust is much more valuable than the crown and the thrones for the enlightened. (326)

dOliq duinAw nBbwSd pwiedwr

dhaaualath dhuniaa nabhabaashadh paaeidhaara

This worldly wealth is not ever lasting,

dr qrIik Awir&win h`k guzwr ] 327 ]

dhar thareek aarifaan hak guzaar || 327 ||

You should accept this according to the verdict of the true devotees of God. (327)

Xwid aU lwizm bvd dwiem qurw

yaadh oo laazim bavadh dhaaeim thuraa

Meditation of Waaheguru is always absolutely essential for you,

izkir aU kwiem kund kwiem qurw ] 328 ]

zikar oo kaaeim kunadh kaaeim thuraa || 328 ||

And, the discourse about Him makes you steady and immovable forever. (328)

Awir&W dwrMd bw ier&win ^yS

aarifaan dhaarandh baa eirafaan khaesha

The devotees of Akaalpurakh are intimately connected to the divine knowledge,

hwsil ier&W drUin jwin ^yS ] 329 ]

haasal eirafaan dharoon jaan khaesh || 329 ||

And, the achievement of divine knowledge is completely absorbed inside their souls. (329)

msnid SOik ielwhI by-zvwl

masanadh shaauak eilaahee bae-zavaala

The throne of devotion for Akaalpurakh is permanent and indestructible,

vrnw bInI pur zvwly hr kmwl ] 330 ]

varanaa beenee pur zavaalae har kamaal || 330 ||

Although every peak has a trough. (330)

by-zvwl Awmd kmwil zOik h`k

bae-zavaal aamadh kamaal zaauak haka

The marvel of the zest for God's love is eternal and non-destructible,

qw ik Xwbd z`rw Az SOik h`k ] 331 ]

thaa k yaabadh zaraa az shaauak hak || 331 ||

Wish were it that we can get just one particle of His devotion. (331)

hr ksy kU Xw&q aU jwvId Sud

har kasae koo yaafath oo jaaveedh shudha

Whosoever is lucky enough to obtain such a particle, he becomes immortal,

dr hkIkq swihib aumId Sud ] 332 ]

dhar hakeekath saahib oumeedh shudh || 332 ||

In reality, his desire (to meet with Akaalpurakh) is fulfilled. (332)

cUM aumIdS sUriq hwsl igR&q

choon oumeedhash soorath haasal grifatha

When he reached the stage of fulfillment,

z`rw Az SOk jw dr idl igR&q ] 333 ]

zaraa az shaauak jaa dhar dhil grifath || 333 ||

That particle of the strong desire for His devotion gets seeded into his heart. (333)

Awib hYvW mIckd Az mUie aU

aab haivaan meechakadh az mooe oo

The divine nectar oozes out of his every hair,

izMdw mIgrdd jhW Az bUie aU ] 334 ]

zindhaa meegaradhadh jehaan az booe oo || 334 ||

And the whole world, with his aroma, becomes alive and rises up. (334)

AY zhy iemswn ik h`k rw Xw&qw

ai zehae eimasaan k hak raa yaafathaa

Fortunate is that person who has attained the Provident;

rU z Xwid gYir h`k br-qw&qw ] 335 ]

roo z yaadh gair hak bara-thaafathaa || 335 ||

And, who has turned himself away (detached) from every worldly items except the memory of God. (335)

dr ilbwis duinXvI &wirZ AzW

dhar libaas dhuniyavee faarigh azaan

Even while living in worldly guise, he is detached from every materialistic thing,

hmcU zwiqS AwiSkW rw aU inhW ] 336 ]

hamachoo zaathish aashikaan raa oo nihaan || 336 ||

Like the Entity of God, he maintains a hidden profile. (336)

zwihirS dr kYid muSiq ^wk hsq

zaahirish dhar kaidh mushath khaak hasatha

Outwardly he might be appearing to be in the grip of a fistful of dust,

bwqin aU bw ^udwie pwk hsq ] 337 ]

baathan oo baa khudhaae paak hasath || 337 ||

Inwardly, he is always engaged in talking about the chaste Akaalpurakh and abides with Him. (337)

zwihr AMdr mwieil PrzMdo zn

zaahir andhar maaeil farazandho zana

Outwardly, he might appear to be immersed in love for his child and wife,

dr hkIkq bw ^udwie ^ySqn ] 338 ]

dhar hakeekath baa khudhaae khaeshathan || 338 ||

In reality, he always abides (in thought and action) with his God. (338)

zwihr AMdr mwieil ihrso hvw

zaahir andhar maaeil hiraso havaa

Outwardly, he might seem to be inclined towards 'desires and greed',

bwqin aU pwk Az Xwid ^udw ] 339 ]

baathan oo paak az yaadh khudhaa || 339 ||

But inwardly, he remains chaste and sacred in the memory of Waaheguru. (339)

zwihr AMdr mwieil Aspo Suqr

zaahir andhar maaeil asapo shuthara

Outwardly, he might appear to be paying attention to horses and camels,

bwqnS &wirZ z kYid Soro Sr ] 340 ]

baathanash faarigh z kaidh shoro shar || 340 ||

But inwardly, he remains detached from the worldly hub-hub and noises. (340)

zwihr AMdr mwieil sImo zr Asq

zaahir andhar maaeil seemo zar asatha

He might appear to be involved in gold and silver outwardly,

bwqn AMdr swihib bihro br Asq ] 341 ]

baathan andhar saahib behiro bar asath || 341 ||

But he is, in fact, master of land and water inwardly. (341)

r&qw r&qw bwqnS zwihr Sudw

rafathaa rafathaa baathanash zaahir shudhaa

His intrinsic worth gets revealed slowly and gradually,

dr hkIkq iqblwie AMbr Sudw ] 342 ]

dhar hakeekath thibalaae anbar shudhaa || 342 ||

In fact, he becomes a casket of fragrance. (342)

zwihro bwqn Sudw Xkswin aU

zaahiro baathan shudhaa yakasaan oo

His internal and external selves become one and the same,

hr do Awlm bMdwie &rmwin aU ] 343 ]

har dho aalam bandhaae faramaan oo || 343 ||

Both the worlds become followers of his command. (343)

hm bidl Xwid ^udw vw rw zubW

ham badhil yaadh khudhaa vaa raa zubaan

His heart and tongue are completely immersed in Akaalpurkh's remembrance at all times and for ever,

eIN zubwnS idl Sudw idl Sud zubW ] 344 ]

ee zubaanash dhil shudhaa dhil shudh zubaan || 344 ||

His tongue becomes his heart, and his heart his tongue. (344)

vwislwin h`k cunIN &rmUdw AMd

vaasilaan hak chunee faramoodhaa andha

Those saintly souls who have converged with God have said clearly,

bMdw hw dr bMdgI AwsUdw AMd ] 345 ]

bandhaa haa dhar bandhagee aasoodhaa andh || 345 ||

That persons of God remain comfortable and happy while they are in meditation. (345)

swihbI bwSd mus`lm Swh rw

saahibee baashadh musalam shaah raa

The mastery and splendor of our True King, the Waaheguru, is well known,

kurniS mn swilik eIN rwh rw ] 346 ]

kuranash man saalik ee raah raa || 346 ||

I bow before the pedestrian who is walking on this path. (346)

swlwik eIN rwh bmMzl rwh Xw&q

saalaak ee raah bamanzal raah yaafatha

The traveler on this path arrived at his destination,

hwisil aumir idl Awgwh Xw&q ] 347 ]

haasil oumar dhil aagaah yaafath || 347 ||

And, his heart became familiar with the real purpose and attainment of life. (347)

bMdw hw rw bMdgI drkwr hsq

bandhaa haa raa bandhagee dharakaar hasatha

Persons of God really need only His meditation,

jwim SOik bMdgI srSwr hsq ] 348 ]

jaam shaauak bandhagee sarashaar hasath || 348 ||

And, the cup of the pleasure and elation of meditation continues to overflow for ever. (348)

swihbI zybd ^udwie pwk rw

saahibee zaebadh khudhaae paak raa

The Mastery (of all creations in this world) is befitting and looks elegant only for the true and the chaste Master, the Akaalpurakh;

AwN ik zInq dwd muSiq ^wk rw ] 349 ]

aa k zeenath dhaadh mushath khaak raa || 349 ||

And, it is Him alone who has blessed this fistful of dust the gaiety and prosperity. (349)

SOk Az Xwid h`kS mumqwz krd

shaauak az yaadh hakash mumathaaz karadha

The fondness to remember the Waaheguru blessed him with prominence,

sr &rwzo swihib hr rwz krd ] 350 ]

sar faraazo saahib har raaz karadh || 350 ||

And, this tendency also blessed him with honor and eminence and made him familiar with His mysteries. (350)

muSiq ^wk Az Xwid h`k rONk igR&q

mushath khaak az yaadh hak raauanak grifatha

This fistful of dust, with the remembrance of Akaalpurakh, became bright and shiny,

bsik dr idl SOik Xwid h`k igR&q ] 351 ]

basak dhar dhil shaauak yaadh hak grifath || 351 ||

And, the fondness to remember Him began to surge like a storm in his heart. (351)

AY zhy kwdr ik Az X`k kqrw Awb

ai zehae kaadhar k az yak katharaa aaba

May we express our deep devotion for the Omnipotent who from just one drop of water

^wk rW rOSn kund cUM Aw&qwb ] 352 ]

khaak raan raauashan kunadh choon aafathaab || 352 ||

Gave this lowly fistful of dust the brightness and shine of the sun. (352)

AY zhy ^wky ik nUr-A&roz Sud

ai zehae khaakae k noora-afaroz shudha

May we sacrifice ourselves for that dust that became enlightened and radiant,

eIN sAwdq hw nsIb AMdoz Sud ] 353 ]

ee saaadhath haa naseeb andhoz shudh || 353 ||

And, which was fortunate enough to deserve such boons and blessings. (353)

AY zhy kudrq ik h`k bwr Awvurd

ai zehae kudharath k hak baar aavuradha

Wonderful is the Nature that brings in the fruits of truth,

muSiq ^wkI rw bgu&qwr Awvurd ] 354 ]

mushath khaakee raa bagufathaar aavuradh || 354 ||

And, which blesses the humble fistful of dust the power to speak. (354)

hwsil eIN izMdgI Xwid ^udw-sq

haasal ee zindhagee yaadh khudhaa-satha

It is the meditation of Waaheguru that is the achievement of this life;

AY zhy cSmy ik br h`k mubqlw-sq ] 355 ]

ai zehae chashamae k bar hak mubathalaa-sath || 355 ||

May we sacrifice ourselves for the eye that becomes overawed and gets obsessed with the Truth (God). (355)

AY zhy idl ik AMdrS SOkS bvd

ai zehae dhil k andharash shaauakash bavadha

How blessed is the heart that has an innocent eagerness for the love of God!

dr hkIkq swihib zOkS bvd ] 356 ]

dhar hakeekath saahib zaauakash bavadh || 356 ||

In fact, he becomes a fervent and fascinated devotee for His love. (356)

AwN zhy sr kU brwihS dr sjUd

aa zehae sar koo baraahish dhar sajoodha

Blessed is the head that bows to the real path of Truth, the God;

hm cUM cOgW guey SOkS dr rbUd ] 357 ]

ham choon chaauagaan gueae shaauakash dhar raboodh || 357 ||

And, who like the crooked stick with a grip, ran away with the ball of elation. (357)

AY zhy dsqy ik vs&S aU nivSq

ai zehae dhasathae k vasafash oo navishatha

Wonderful are those hands that have written His praises and lauds;

AY zhy pwey kU dr kUieS guzSq ] 358 ]

ai zehae paaeae koo dhar kooeish guzashath || 358 ||

Blessed are those feet that have passed through His street. (358)

AwN zbwny ibh ik izkir aU kund

aa zabaanae bih k zikar oo kunadha

Noble is the tongue that meditates on His Naam;

^wqry AwN ibh ik i&kir aU kund ] 359 ]

khaatharae aa bih k fikar oo kunadh || 359 ||

And, virtuous is the mind that concentrates its thoughts on Waaheguru. (359)

dr hmw auzvy ik aU AMdr qnsq

dhar hamaa ouzavae k oo andhar thanasatha

Akaalpurakh abides in every limb of our bodies,

SOik aU AMdr sir mrdo zn Asq ] 360 ]

shaauak oo andhar sar maradho zan asath || 360 ||

And, the zeal and ardor for His love is assimilated in the heads of all men and women. (360)

AwrzUey jumlw SUie aU bvd

aarazooeae jumalaa shooe oo bavadha

All desires and wishes are concentrated in His direction,

SOik aU AwguSqw dr hr mU bvd ] 361 ]

shaauak oo aagushathaa dhar har moo bavadh || 361 ||

And, fondness for Him is absorbed in every hair of our bodies. (361)

gr qU ^whI swihib ier&W SvI

gar thoo khaahee saahib eirafaan shavee

If you want that you become master of divine thought,

jW b-jwnW idh ik qw jwnW NSvI ] 362 ]

jaan ba-jaanaan dhih k thaa jaanaan ashavee || 362 ||

Then, you should sacrifice your life for your Beloved Waaheguru, so that you will acquire the same shape and form that He has. (362)

hric dwrI kun hmw kurbwin aU

harach dhaaree kun hamaa kurabaan oo

You should sacrifice all that you have for your true Beloved,

ryzw-cInI kun dmy Az ^win aU ] 363 ]

raezaa-cheenee kun dhamae az khaan oo || 363 ||

And, pick up scraps of food from His dining table just for a moment. (363)

SOik ier&wnS Agr kwiml bvd

shaauak eirafaanash agar kaamil bavadha

If you become completely desirous of His true knowledge and enlightenment,

gOhir mksUd qU hwisl Svd ] 364 ]

gaauehar makasoodh thoo haasil shavadh || 364 ||

Then, you will, inevitably, achieve your purpose. (364)

qU hm Az eIN aumr XwbI bihrwie

thoo ham az ee oumar yaabee behiraae

You will receive your life's fruits,

imhir ier&wnS cU b^Sd z`rwie ] 365 ]

mihar eirafaanash choo bakhashadh zaraae || 365 ||

When the sun of divine knowledge would bless you with just one ray of its radiance. (365)

nwim qU AMdr jhW grdd bulMd

naam thoo andhar jehaan garadhadh bulandha

Your name would become famous and illuminated;

SOik ier&wnq kund bs ArzmMd ] 366 ]

shaauak eirafaanath kunadh bas arazamandh || 366 ||

And, your ardor for divine knowledge would make you extremely popular in this world. (366)

SOik ier&winS ksy rw dsqbwd

shaauak eirafaanish kasae raa dhasathabaadha

Whosoever developed special affection and fondness for divine love,

kz kulIdS ku&il idlhw rw kuSwd ] 367 ]

kaz kuleedhash kufal dhilehaa raa kushaadh || 367 ||

With his key, all locks of the hearts got opened up (realities became known). (367)

ku&l rw ibkuSw vw mwil bykrW

kufal raa bikushaa vaa maal baekaraan

You should, too, open up the lock of your heart, and from the hidden

dr ki& ^ud Awr Az gMij inhW ] 368 ]

dhar kaf khudh aar az ganj nihaan || 368 ||

treasure, should derive unlimited pleasure and elation. (368)

kMdrW lwlo guhr ibsIAwr hsq

kandharaan laalo guhar biseeaar hasatha

In the nooks of your heart, numerous gems and diamonds are lying hidden;

Az mqwie lulUey Sihvwr hsq ] 369 ]

az mathaae lulooeae shehivaar hasath || 369 ||

And, your treasure and wealth contain many royal pearls. (369)

hr ich mI^whI iz gMij bySumwr

har chih meekhaahee z ganj baeshumaara

Then whatever you would desire to obtain from this infinite treasure,

Awiedq dr dsq AY AwwlI qbwr ] 370 ]

aaeidhath dhar dhasath ai aaaalee thabaar || 370 ||

O person of high status! You would be able to get. (370)

ps b^wnI swihbwin SOk rw

pas bakhaanee saahibaan shaauak raa

Therefore you should call upon the faithful devotees of Akaalpurakh,

qw iz hwisl kunIN eIN zOk rw ] 371 ]

thaa z haasil kunee ee zaauak raa || 371 ||

So that you would be able to inculcate such an ardor and zeal for Him. (371)

zOik SOik h`k gr bwSd qurw

zaauak shaauak hak gar baashadh thuraa

If you can acquire the strong desire for the love of Waaheguru,

&Yiz eIN suhbq Asr b^Sd qurw ] 372 ]

faiz ee suhabath asar bakhashadh thuraa || 372 ||

Then, the blessing of their company is bound to influence you and your personality. (372)

gr ich bwSd idlhw nBbwSd juz ^udw

gar chih baashadh dhilehaa nabhabaashadh juz khudhaa

Even though, there is nothing else but the Almighty abides in the hearts of every one,

Awir&W rw mMzly bwSd aUlw ] 373 ]

aarifaan raa manzalae baashadh oolaa || 373 ||

Still, the true and sincere enlightened persons have a high status and elevated destination. (373)

ZYr Awir& vwiki& eIN hwl nIsq

ghair aarif vaakif ee haal neesatha

No one other than the knowledgeable is aware of the condition(s) of Akaalpurakh,

Awir&W rw ZYr izkrS kwl nIsq ] 374 ]

aarifaan raa ghair zikarash kaal neesath || 374 ||

The enlightened do not speak any words other than the discourses and meditation of the Naam of Waaheguru. (374)

bwdSwhW slqnq ib-guzwSqd

baadhashaahaan salathanath bi-guzaashathadha

The kings abdicated their thrones, luxurious living and royal powers,

cU gdwXW kU bkU ibSqw&qMd ] 375 ]

choo gadhaayaan koo bakoo bishathaafathandh || 375 ||

And they kept roaming around from street to street like beggars. (375)

Az brwie AwN ik Xwid kunMd

az baraae aa k yaadh kunandha

For all of them, it is essential to continue to get engaged in the true memory of the Omnipotent;

Az mkw&wiq do Awlm vw rhMd ] 376 ]

az makaafaath dho aalam vaa rehandh || 376 ||

And, thus, get redemption from the cycles of births and deaths in both the worlds. (376)

vwki& eIN rwh Agr dsq Awmdy

vaakaf ee raah agar dhasath aamadhae

If ever one can come across some one who is familiar with this path and tradition,

mksdS dr slqnq dsq Awmdy ] 377 ]

makasadhash dhar salathanath dhasath aamadhae || 377 ||

Then, all aims and objectives of government administration would be fulfilled. (377)

jumlw lSkr qwilbwin h`k Sudy

jumalaa lashakar thaalibaan hak shudhae

If all forces of the army were to becomes seekers of Divine Power,

dr hkIkq Awwri& muqilk Sudy ] 378 ]

dhar hakeekath aaaaraf muthalik shudhae || 378 ||

Then, in fact, they all can become enlightened persons indeed. (378)

swilik eIN rwh Agr drXw&qy

saalik ee raah agar dharayaafathae

If we can run into a fellow traveler of this path, and ask him about its true tradition;

idl AzIN SwhI kujw brqw&qy ] 379 ]

dhil azee shaahee kujaa barathaafathae || 379 ||

Then, how can his mind turn away from this royal kingdom? (379)

qu^im h`k dr mzrwie idl kwSqy

thukham hak dhar mazaraae dhil kaashathae

If the seed of Truth can be cultivated in the fields of mind,

qw Zubwir idl iz idl brdwSqy ] 380 ]

thaa ghubaar dhil z dhil baradhaashathae || 380 ||

Then, all suspicions and illusions of our mind will be eliminated. (380)

br sir q^iq ngIn kwiem budy

bar sar thakhath nageen kaaeim budhae

They can sit on a diamond studded throne for good

izkir mOlw gr bidl kwiem Sudy ] 381 ]

zikar maaualaa gar badhil kaaeim shudhae || 381 ||

If they can inculcate the meditation of Akaalpurakh in their minds, (381)

bUie h`k mIAwied Az hr muie SW

booe hak meeaaeidh az har mue shaan

Fragrance of Truth is emitting from their each and every hair,

izMdw mI Sud hr ksy Az bUie SW ] 382 ]

zindhaa mee shudh har kasae az booe shaan || 382 ||

In fact, every one is becoming alive and getting invigorated with the aroma of the company of such people. (382)

nwim h`k bIrUM n bUd Az ijsim SW

naam hak beeroon n boodh az jisam shaan

Waaheguru's Naam would not have been outside their bodies,

murSid kwiml Agr dwdy inSW ] 383 ]

murashadh kaamil agar dhaadhae nishaan || 383 ||

If the perfect Guru had indicated to them with the information about His whereabouts and location. (In stead of looking outside, they could have attained His convergence from within their own hearts.)(383)

Awib hYvW AMdrUin ^wnw hsq

aab haivaan andharoon khaanaa hasatha

The elixir of life is, in fact, inside the heart's so called abode,

lyk by-hwdI jhW byZwnW hsq ] 384 ]

laek bae-haadhee jehaan baeghaanaan hasath || 384 ||

But the world would not know about this fact without a perfect Guru. (384)

cUM z SihrZ hsq Swh nzdIk qr

choon z shehiragh hasath shaah nazadheek thara

When the True Master is nearer than even your main artery,

cUM bsihrw mIrvI AY by-^br ] 385 ]

choon basehiraa meeravee ai bae-khabar || 385 ||

O ignorant and amateur person! Then why are you roaming around jungles and wilderness. (385)

vwki& eIN rwh cU grdd rwhnumw

vaakaf ee raah choo garadhadh raahanumaa

When someone familair and well conversant with this path becomes your guide,

^lvqy dr AMjumn bwSd qurw ] 386 ]

khalavathae dhar anjuman baashadh thuraa || 386 ||

You will be able to achieve solitude within the company of noble persons. (386)

hr ic SW AMdr i^lw&q dwSqMd

har ch shaan andhar khilaafath dhaashathandha

Whatever worldly possessions they have,

jmlw rw X`k bwrogI ibguzwSqMd ] 387 ]

jamalaa raa yak baarogee biguzaashathandh || 387 ||

They are willing to relinquish them in one instalment instantly. (387)

Az brwie AwN ik h`k hwisl kunMd

az baraae aa k hak haasil kunandha

So that they could achieve the Ultimate Entity,

pYrvIie Awiri& kwiml kunMd ] 388 ]

pairaveee aarif kaamil kunandh || 388 ||

For this reason, they follow completely the perfectly enlightened persons. (388)

Awiri& kwiml qurw kwiml kunMd

aarif kaamil thuraa kaamil kunandha

Perfect saints can transform you also into perfect saints;

hr ich mI^whI qurw hwisl kunMd ] 389 ]

har chih meekhaahee thuraa haasil kunandh || 389 ||

And, they can fulfill all your desires and wishes. (389)

rwsqI eInsq rwih h`k bgIr

raasathee eenasath raahi hak bageera

The truth in it is that you should adopt the path leading towards the Lord,

qw qU hm grdI cU ^urSIid munIr ] 390 ]

thaa thoo ham garadhee choo khurasheedh muneer || 390 ||

So that you, too, can shine like the brilliance of the sun. (390)

h`k drUin idl ik idldwrI kund

hak dharoon dhil k dhiladhaaree kunadha

The true Akaalpurakh, abiding in your heart, extends His love to you;

murSid kwiml qurw XwrI kund ] 391 ]

murashadh kaamil thuraa yaaree kunadh || 391 ||

And, the perfect and complete Guru like a true friend assists you in this process. (391)

vwki& eIN rwh Agr AwrI bdsq

vaakaf ee raah agar aaree badhasatha

If you can run into someone who is familiar with this (divine) path,

AMdrUM XwbI mqwie hr ic hsq ] 392 ]

andharoon yaabee mathaae har ch hasath || 392 ||

Then, you will discover all types of material and non-material wealth and treasures inside you. (392)

murSid kwiml ksy rw dsq dwd

murashadh kaamil kasae raa dhasath dhaadha

Whosoever has come across a true Guru,

qwij ier&W rw b&rik aU inhwd ] 393 ]

thaaj eirafaan raa bafarak oo nihaadh || 393 ||

The true Guru will put on the crown of true divine knowledge on his head. (393)

mihrim h`k murSid kwiml kund

mehiram hak murashadh kaamil kunadha

The true and perfect Guru can make one conversant with the mysteries and love of Waaheguru,

dOliq jwvId rw hwisl kund ] 394 ]

dhaaualath jaaveedh raa haasil kunadh || 394 ||

And, helps in achieving the eternal divine wealth. (394)

hr do Awlm bMdwie &rmwin aU

har dho aalam bandhaae faramaan oo

Persons from both the worlds obey his (the Guru's) command spontaneously,

eIN jhwno AwN jhW kurbwin aU ] 395 ]

ee jehaano aa jehaan kurabaan oo || 395 ||

And, both the worlds are willing to lay their lives for him. (395)

mwAnIiey iehswn ier&win ^udw-sq

maaaneeeiae eihasaan eirafaan khudhaa-satha

The real gratitude for Akaalpurakh is the (achievement of) true divine knowledge,

Awir&W rw dOliq ^uS rU numw sq ] 396 ]

aarifaan raa dhaaualath khush roo numaa sath || 396 ||

And, the immortal wealth emerges showing its face to the enlightened persons. (396)

qw ^udwie ^ySqn ibSnw^qS

thaa khudhaae khaeshathan bishanaakhathasha

When, by abiding the All-powerful in his heart, recognized His Entity,

nkid aumir jwivdW drXw&qS ] 397 ]

nakadh oumar jaavidhaan dharayaafathash || 397 ||

Take it that he achieved the treasure of eternal life. (397)

aU drUin idl qU bIrUM mI-rvI

oo dharoon dhil thoo beeroon mee-ravee

He, the Almighty Lord, abides inside your heart, but you keep running around outside,

aU b^wnw qU bh`j cUM mI-rvI ] 398 ]

oo bakhaanaa thoo behaj choon mee-ravee || 398 ||

He is right inside your home, but you keep going (outside) for Hadj in search of Him. (398)

aU sq Az hr mUie qU cUM AwSkwr

oo sath az har mooe thoo choon aashakaara

When He manifests Himself from each and every hair of your body,

qU kujw bIrUM rvI bihir iSkwr ] 399 ]

thoo kujaa beeroon ravee behir shikaar || 399 ||

Where do you stray outside to track Him out (to hunt for Him). (399)

AMdrUin ^wnw-Aq nUir A`lwh

andharoon khaanaa-ath noor alaaha

The splendor of Akaalpurakh radiates in your home-like-heart in such a way,

qw&q cUM br AwsmW r^iSMdw mwh ] 400 ]

thaafath choon bar aasamaan rakhashindhaa maah || 400 ||

Just like the bright moon shines (during moonlit nights) in the sky. (400)

AMdrUin cSim qr bInw Sudw

andharoon chasham thar beenaa shudhaa

It is the Provident who enables you to see through your tearful eyes,

br zbwnq hukim h`k goXw Sudw ] 401 ]

bar zabaanath hukam hak goyaa shudhaa || 401 ||

And, it is His command that speaks from your tongue. (401)

eIN vjUdq rOSn Az nUir h`k Asq

ee vajoodhath raauashan az noor hak asatha

This body of yours is radiant because of the splendor of Akaalpurakh,

rOSn Az nUir ^udwie muqilk Asq ] 402 ]

raauashan az noor khudhaae muthalik asath || 402 ||

This entire world is shining with His refulgence. (402)

lyk vwik& nIsqI Az hwil ^yS

laek vaakif neesathee az haal khaesha

But you are not aware of your inside situation and condition,

rUzo Sb hYrwnI Az A&Awil ^yS ] 403 ]

roozo shab hairaanee az afaaal khaesh || 403 ||

You are distraught day and night because of your own actions and deeds. (403)

murSid kwiml qurw mihrm kund

murashadh kaamil thuraa mehiram kunadha

The perfect true Guru makes you Waaheguru's confidant,

drid ryiS ihzr rw mrhm kund ] 404 ]

dharadh raesh hizar raa mareham kunadh || 404 ||

He provides ointment and dressing for the pain of the wounds of separation. (404)

qw qU hm Az vwislwin aU SvI

thaa thoo ham az vaasilaan oo shavee

So that you can also become one of Waaheguru's close companions,

swihib idl grdI vw ^uSbU SvI ] 405 ]

saahib dhil garadhee vaa khushaboo shavee || 405 ||

And, you could become the master of your heart with a noble character. (405)

Az brwie AwN ik sr-grdW SvI

az baraae aa k sara-garadhaan shavee

You have ever been perplexed and confused about the Akaalpurakh,

aumr hw AMdr qlb hYrW SvI ] 406 ]

oumar haa andhar thalab hairaan shavee || 406 ||

Because, you have been troubled for ages searching for Him. (406)

qU ich bwSI Awlmy hYrwin aU

thoo chih baashee aalamae hairaan oo

What to speak of you alone! The whole world is perplexed indeed for Him,

ArSo kursI jumlw sr-grdwin aU ] 407 ]

arasho kurasee jumalaa sara-garadhaan oo || 407 ||

This sky and the fourth firmament are all distressed about Him. (407)

cr^ mI grdd bigrid AwN ik aU

charakh mee garadhadh bagiradh aa k oo

This sky revolves around Him for the reason

dwrd Az SOik ^udw &r^Mdw ^U ] 408 ]

dhaaradh az shaauak khudhaa farakhandhaa khoo || 408 ||

That it, too, can adopt noble virtues because of its fondness for Him. (408)

jumlw hYrwnMd sr-grdwin aU

jumalaa hairaanandh sara-garadhaan oo

The people of the whole world are amazed and confused about Waaheguru,

cUM gdw joied aU rw kU b-kU ] 409 ]

choon gadhaa joeidh oo raa koo ba-koo || 409 ||

Just like the beggars are looking for Him from street to street. (409)

bwdSwih hr do Awlm dr idl Asq

baadhashaahi har dho aalam dhar dhil asatha

The king of both the worlds is abiding inside the heart,

lYkn eIN AwiZSqwie Awbo ig`l Asq ] 410 ]

laikan ee aaghishathaae aabo gl asath || 410 ||

But this body of our is mired in water and mud. (410)

dr idil qU nkiS h`k cUM nkS bsq

dhar dhil thoo nakash hak choon nakash basatha

When the True Image of Waaheguru definitely made a stern image and abode in your heart.

jumlw n&is SOk Sud AY h`k-pRsq ] 411 ]

jumalaa nafas shaauak shudh ai haka-prasath || 411 ||

Then O devotee of True Akaalpurakh! Your entire family, out of elation and euphoria, will be transformed itself into His image. (411)

nkiS h`k XwAnI inSwin nwim h`k

nakash hak yaaanee nishaan naam haka

The form of Akaalpurakh is really the symbol of His Naam,

Awib hYvW rw bnoS Az jwim h`k ] 412 ]

aab haivaan raa banosh az jaam hak || 412 ||

Therefore, you should drink the nectar from the cup of Truth. (412)

AwN ik aU rw jusqm Az hr ^wnwie

aa k oo raa jusatham az har khaanaaei

The Lord that I have been looking for from home to home,

Xw&qm nwgwh dr kwSwnwie ] 413 ]

yaafatham naagaah dhar kaashaanaae || 413 ||

Suddenly, I discovered Him inside my own home (body). (413)

eIN qu&Yil murSid kwiml bvd

ee thufail murashadh kaamil bavadha

This blessing is from the true and perfect Guru,

hr ich mI ^whI Azo hwisl Svd ] 414 ]

har chih mee khaahee azo haasil shavadh || 414 ||

Whatever I wanted or needed, I could get that from Him. (414)

eIN murwid idl ksy by AwN n Xw&q

ee muraadh dhil kasae bae aa n yaafatha

No one else can fulfill his heart's desire,

hr gdwie dOliq sulqW n Xw&q ] 415 ]

har gadhaae dhaaualath sulathaan n yaafath || 415 ||

And, every beggar is not able to acquire royal riches. (415)

nwm by murSd imAw vr br zubW

naam bae murashadh miaa var bar zubaan

Do not bring any name other than that of the Guru on your tongue,

murSid kwiml idhd Az h`k inSW ] 416 ]

murashadh kaamil dhihadh az hak nishaan || 416 ||

In fact, a perfect Guru alone can give us the correct whereabouts of Akaalpurakh. (416)

murSid hr cIz mI bwSd bsy

murashadh har cheez mee baashadh basae

There may be numerous teachers and instructors for every item (in this world),

murSid kwiml kujw Xwbd ksy ] 417 ]

murashadh kaamil kujaa yaabadh kasae || 417 ||

However, when can one meet a perfect Guru? (417)

AW ^udwie pwk idl rw kwm dwd

aaan khudhaae paak dhil raa kaam dhaadha

The chaste Waaheguru fulfilled the keen desire of my heart,

eIN idil ibSksqw rw Awrwm dwd ] 418 ]

ee dhil bishakasathaa raa aaraam dhaadh || 418 ||

And provided succor to the heart-broken. (418)

hwisil h`k murSid kwiml bvd

haasil hak murashadh kaamil bavadha

To meet a perfect Guru is the real attainment of Akaalpurakh,

zW ik aU Awrwim jwno idl bvd ] 419 ]

zaan k oo aaraam jaano dhil bavadh || 419 ||

Because it is him (Him) who can bestow tranquility to the mind and the soul. (419)

A`vln AY idl &nwie ^yS SO

avalan ai dhil fanaae khaesh shaaua

O my heart! Firstly, you must get rid of your vanity and ego,

qw bXwbI rwih h`k dr kUie E ] 420 ]

thaa bayaabee raahi hak dhar kooe ou || 420 ||

So that you could get the correct direction from His street to the path of Truth. (420)

vwik& Ar Az murSid kwiml SvI

vaakif ar az murashadh kaamil shavee

If you can get to know the perfect and complete true Guru,

by qk`l& swihib eIN idl SvI ] 421 ]

bae thakalaf saahib ee dhil shavee || 421 ||

Then, you can be the master of this heart without any (ritual) problems. (421)

hr ik aU ^ud &nwie aU n krd

har k oo khudh fanaae oo n karadha

Whosoever has not been able to eradicate his self ego,

h`k mr aU rw swihib ier&W n krd ] 422 ]

hak mar oo raa saahib eirafaan n karadh || 422 ||

The Akaalpurakh does not divulge His mysteries to him. (422)

hr ich hsq AW AMdrUin ^wnw Asq

har chih hasath aaan andharoon khaanaa asatha

Whatever is there, is inside the house, the human body,

sYr kun dr ikSiq idl eIN dwnw hsq ] 423 ]

sair kun dhar kishath dhil ee dhaanaa hasath || 423 ||

You should walk around your heart's field of crops; the grain of enlightenment is there only inside it. (423)

murSid kwiml cU bwSd rwhnumw

murashadh kaamil choo baashadh raahanumaa

When the complete and perfect true Guru becomes your guide and mentor,

bw ^udwie ^yS grdI AwSnw ] 424 ]

baa khudhaae khaesh garadhee aashanaa || 424 ||

You would then become very well informed and conversant about your Waaheguru. (424)

gr idil qU jwnib h`k Awrdq

gar dhil thoo jaanab hak aaradhatha

If your heart can be motivated and inspired towards the Omnipotent,

Az buin hr mUie h`k mI bwrdq ] 425 ]

az bun har mooe hak mee baaradhath || 425 ||

Then, there would be a pouring showers of His Naam in every hair of your body. (425)

hm drIN duinAw b-XwbI kwm rw

ham dharee dhuniaa ba-yaabee kaam raa

Then, all your desires in this world would be fulfilled,

^wk br sr kun Zim A`Xwm rw ] 426 ]

khaak bar sar kun gham ayaam raa || 426 ||

And, you will bury all the worries and apprehensions of the time. (426)

bIrUM Az ijsim qU nBbvd hIc cIz

beeroon az jisam thoo nabhabavadh heech cheeza

Nothing exists in this world outside your body,

X`k dmy hm ^ySqn qw kun qmIz ] 427 ]

yak dhamae ham khaeshathan thaa kun thameez || 427 ||

You should introspect just for a moment to realize your own self. (427)

qw b-XwbI eIN sAwdq rw mdwm

thaa ba-yaabee ee saaadhath raa madhaama

You will be bestowed with the Waaheguru's true boon for ever,

gr ibdwnI h`k kudwmo mn kudwm ] 428 ]

gar bidhaanee hak kudhaamo man kudhaam || 428 ||

If you can appreciate (the stark distinction) as to who you are and who God is? (428)

mn ich z`rw muSqy Az ^wik ZrIb

man chih zaraa mushathae az khaak ghareeba

Who am I? I am just one particle of one fistful of dust of top-layer,

eIN hmw dOlq z murSd Sud nsIb ] 429 ]

ee hamaa dhaaualath z murashadh shudh naseeb || 429 ||

All this blessing, due to my good fortune, was bestowed upon me by my true Guru. (429)

AY zhy murSd ik nwim pwk rw

ai zehae murashadh k naam paak raa

Great is the true Guru who has blessed me with Akaalpurakh's sacred Naam,

Az krm b^SId muSiq ^wk rw ] 430 ]

az karam bakhasheedh mushath khaak raa || 430 ||

With his enormous kindness and compassion to this fistful of dust. (430)

AY zhy murSd cU mw qIrw idlW

ai zehae murashadh choo maa theeraa dhilaan

Great is the true Guru who has, blind minds like mine,

krd rOSn dr zmInoN AwsmW ] 431 ]

karadh raauashan dhar zameeno aasamaan || 431 ||

Made them refulgent on both the earth and the sky. (431)

AY zhy murSd ik idl rw SOk dwd

ai zehae murashadh k dhil raa shaauak dhaadha

Great is the true Guru who has blessed my heart with a keen desire and fondness,

AY zhy murSd ik bMid idl kuSwd ] 432 ]

ai zehae murashadh k bandh dhil kushaadh || 432 ||

Blessed is the true Guru who has broken all the limitations and shackles of my heart. (432)

AY zhy murSd ik bw h`k AwSnw

ai zehae murashadh k baa hak aashanaa

Great is the true Guru, Guru Gobind Singh, who introduced me to the Lord,

krd &wirZ Az Zim rMjo blw ] 433 ]

karadh faarigh az gham ranjo balaa || 433 ||

And, got me redeemed from worldly worries and griefs. (433)

AY zhy murSd ik aumir jwivdW

ai zehae murashadh k oumar jaavidhaan

Great is the true Guru who has blessed persons like me the eternal life only

b^Sd Az nwim ^udwie by-inSW ] 434 ]

bakhashadh az naam khudhaae bae-nishaan || 434 ||

because of the Naam of the Untraceable Akaalpurakh. (434)

AY zhy murSd ik aU Az kqrw Awb

ai zehae murashadh k oo az katharaa aaba

Great is the perfect and true Guru, who has

krd rOSn hmcU mwho Aw&qwb ] 435 ]

karadh raauashan hamachoo maaho aafathaab || 435 ||

Illuminated just a drop of water like the brightness of moon and the sun. (435)

AY zhy murSd zhy iehswin aU

ai zehae murashadh zehae eihasaan oo

Blessed is that true Guru and blessed are his numerous boons and bestowals,

sd hzwrW hmcU mn kurbwin aU ] 436 ]

sadh hazaaraan hamachoo man kurabaan oo || 436 ||

For whom millions of people like me are willing to sacrifice themselves. (436)

dr zmIno AwsmW nwmS bvd

dhar zameeno aasamaan naamash bavadha

His Naam pervades and is prevalent over the earth and the sky,

hr murIdy swihib kwmS bvd ] 437 ]

har mureedhae saahib kaamash bavadh || 437 ||

It is Him who fulfills all the strong desires of His disciples. (437)

hr ik ^uS bwSd iz gu&qo gUie aU

har k khush baashadh z gufatho gooe oo

Whosoever is elated and satisfied on hearing His conversation,

h`k hmySw bwSd aU rw rU-brU ] 438 ]

hak hamaeshaa baashadh oo raa roo-baroo || 438 ||

Take it that he will be face to face with the Almighty for ever. (438)

h`k hmySW bwSd aU rw dr hzUr

hak hamaeshaan baashadh oo raa dhar hazoora

The Akaalpurakh is always present before him,

izkir aU bwSd mr aU rw dr sdUr ] 439 ]

zikar oo baashadh mar oo raa dhar sadhoor || 439 ||

And, the meditation and remembrance of Waaheguru always abides in his heart. (439)

gr hzUrI bw ^udw bwied b-qO

gar hazooree baa khudhaa baaeidh ba-thaaua

If you have the yearning to be face to face to the Omnipotent,

dr hzUir murSid kwiml ibrO ] 440 ]

dhar hazoor murashadh kaamil biraau || 440 ||

Then, you should try to be face to face to the perfect and complete Guru. (440)

sUriq h`k murSid kwiml bvd

soorath hak murashadh kaamil bavadha

A perfect Guru is, in fact, the image of the Omnipresent,

dIdnS Awrwim jwno idl bvd ] 441 ]

dheedhanash aaraam jaano dhil bavadh || 441 ||

A glimpse of such a perfect Guru provides succor and serenity to the heart and soul. (441)

suriq h`k mwAnI Az murSd bvd

surath hak maaanee az murashadh bavadha

The perfect and true Guru is, indeed, an image of Akaalpurakh,

hr ik br-grdd AzW murqd bvd ] 442 ]

har k bara-garadhadh azaan murathadh bavadh || 442 ||

Anyone who has turned himself away from him, was discarded and thrown away like a trash. (442)

murSid kwiml bZYr Az h`k nBgu&q

murashadh kaamil baghair az hak nabhagufatha

The perfect and the true Guru does not utter anything but the truth,

du`ir eIN mwAnI bgYr Az AW n gu&q ] 443 ]

dhur ee maaanee bagair az aaan n gufath || 443 ||

No one else but him has been able to pierce the pearl of this spiritual idea. (443)

qw kujw Sukry z iehswnS kunm

thaa kujaa shukarae z eihasaanash kunama

How far and how much can I thank Him for His bestowals ?

hr ich Awied br zubW eIN muZqnm ] 444 ]

har chih aaeidh bar zubaan ee mughathanam || 444 ||

Whatever comes on my lips and tongue, I would consider that as a boon. (444)

Az iZlwziq idl ^udw cUM pwk krd

az ghilaazath dhil khudhaa choon paak karadha

When Akaalpurakh cleansed the heart from filth, profanity and muck

murSid kwiml b-eIN iedrwk krd ] 445 ]

murashadh kaamil ba-ee eidharaak karadh || 445 ||

The complete and perfect Guru bestowed the good sense to it. (445)

vrnw eIN rwih ^udw kY jwndy

varanaa ee raahi khudhaa kai jaanadhae

Otherwise, how could we find out the true path of God ?

Az ikqwib h`k sbk kY ^wndy ] 446 ]

az kithaab hak sabak kai khaanadhae || 446 ||

And, when and how could we learn a lesson from the book of Truth? (446)

eIN hmw cUM Az qu&Yil murSd Asq

ee hamaa choon az thufail murashadh asatha

If all this is the bestowal of the true Guru out of his compassion and kindness,

hr ikh murSd rw nw-dwnd murqd Asq ] 447 ]

har kih murashadh raa naa-dhaanadh murathadh asath || 447 ||

Then, those who do not know or appreciate the Guru, are, indeed, apostates. (447)

murSid kwiml ielwij idl kund

murashadh kaamil eilaaj dhil kunadha

The perfect and true Guru removes the maladies of the heart,

kwim idl AMdr idlq hwisl kund ] 448 ]

kaam dhil andhar dhilath haasil kunadh || 448 ||

In fact, all your cravings are fulfilled within your heart itself (448)

nbiz idl cUM murSid kwiml Snw^q

nabaz dhil choon murashadh kaamil shanaakhath

When the perfect Guru correctly diagnosed the pulse of the heart,

izMdgIie aumr rw hwisl Snw^q ] 449 ]

zindhageee oumar raa haasil shanaakhath || 449 ||

Then the life attained the purpose of its existence. (449)

izMdgIie aumr hwisl mI Svd

zindhageee oumar haasil mee shavadha

Because of the perfect and true Guru, the human being gets an eternal life,

Az qu&YlS swihib idl mI Svd ] 450 ]

az thufailash saahib dhil mee shavadh || 450 ||

With his grace and kindness, one attains the mastery and control of the heart. (450)

Az brwie AwN ik eIN pYdw Sudw

az baraae aa k ee paidhaa shudhaa

This human being came into this world only to attain the Akaalpurakh,

dr i&rwkS vwlw E SYdw Sudw ] 451 ]

dhar firaakash vaalaa ou shaidhaa shudhaa || 451 ||

And, keeps wandering in His separation as a lunatic. (451)

eIN mqwA AMdr dukwin h`k bvd

ee mathaaa andhar dhukaan hak bavadha

This true deal is available only at the shop of Truth,

murSid kwiml inSwin h`k bvd ] 452 ]

murashadh kaamil nishaan hak bavadh || 452 ||

The complete and perfect Guru is the symbolic image of Akaalpurakh Himself. (452)

murSid kwiml idhd pwkI qurw

murashadh kaamil dhihadh paakee thuraa

The perfect Guru, reference here is to Guru Gobind Singh Ji, bestows chastity and holiness upon you;

mI kSd Az cwih ZmnwkI qurw ] 453 ]

mee kashadh az chaahi ghamanaakee thuraa || 453 ||

And, drags you out of the well (depths) of grief and sorrow. (453)

murSid kwiml ielwij idl kund

murashadh kaamil eilaaj dhil kunadha

The perfect and true Guru removes the maladies of the heart,

eIN murwid idl bidl hwisl kund ] 454 ]

ee muraadh dhil badhil haasil kunadh || 454 ||

With which, all the heart's desires are achieved (fulfilled) within the heart itself. (454)

suhbiq Awir& Ajb dOlq bvd

suhabath aarif ajab dhaaualath bavadha

The company of noble souls is, by itself, an extraordinary wealth,

eIN hmw mOkU& br suhbq bvd ] 455 ]

ee hamaa maauakoof bar suhabath bavadh || 455 ||

All this (these) is attained only through the support of the noble persons' company. (455)

AY AzIiz mn iSnO Az mn s^un

ai azeez man shinaau az man sakhuna

O my dear ! Please listen to what I have to say,

qw bXwbI rwh AMdr jwno qn ] 456 ]

thaa bayaabee raah andhar jaano than || 456 ||

So that you can realize the secret and mystery of life and the body. (456)

qwilib mrdwin h`k rw dUsqdwr

thaalib maradhaan hak raa dhoosathadhaara

You should become friendly to the seekers of the Waaheguru's devotees,

ZYr izkrS br zubW hr&y mXwr ] 457 ]

ghair zikarash bar zubaan harafae mayaar || 457 ||

And should not bring any word other than the meditation of the Naam of Akaalpurakh on your tongue and lips. (457)

^wk SO mrdwin h`k rw ^wk bwS

khaak shaau maradhaan hak raa khaak baasha

You should become and act like dust, i.e., be humble, and become the dust of the passage of the holy men,

ny pey dunIAwie dUM Zmnwk bwS ] 458 ]

nae peae dhuneeaae dhoon ghamanaak baash || 458 ||

And, do not worry about this frivolous and undignified world. (458)

Zr qU ^wnI nus^w Az Swin ieSk

ghar thoo khaanee nusakhaa az shaan eishaka

If you can read the book of glory of romance,

mISvI sr d&qir dIvwin ieSk ] 459 ]

meeshavee sar dhafathar dheevaan eishak || 459 ||

Then, you could become the address and headline of the book of love. (459)

ieSik mOlw mr qurw mOlw kund

eishak maaualaa mar thuraa maaualaa kunadha

Love for Waaheguru transforms you into the very image of Waaheguru Himself,

dr do Awlm imhqro AOlw kund ] 460 ]

dhar dho aalam mihatharo aaualaa kunadh || 460 ||

And, makes you lofty and famous in both the worlds. (460)

Xw ielwhI eIN idlm rw SOk idh

yaa eilaahee ee dhilam raa shaauak dhiha

O my Akaalpurakh! Kindly bless this heart of mine with Your devotion and love,

lzqy Az SOik ^wso zOk idh ] 461 ]

lazathae az shaauak khaaso zaauak dhih || 461 ||

And, also bestow upon me the savor of the euphoria of Your love. (461)

qw b-Xwdq ibguzrd rUzo Sbm

thaa ba-yaadhath biguzaradh roozo shabama

So that, I can spend my days and nights remembering You,

idh rhweI bMdw rw Az bMid Zm ] 462 ]

dhih rehaaee bandhaa raa az bandh gham || 462 ||

And, You bless me with redemption from the shackles of worries and griefs of this world. (462)

dOlqy AwN idh ik bwSd pwiedwr

dhaaualathae aa dhih k baashadh paaeidhaara

Kindly bless me with such a treasure that should be permanent and everlasting,

suhbqy AwN idh ik bwSd ZmZuswr ] 463 ]

suhabathae aa dhih k baashadh ghamaghusaar || 463 ||

Also bless me with the company (of such persons) that can dispel all my worries and griefs. (463)

nIAqy AwN idh ik bwSd h`k guzwr

neeathae aa dhih k baashadh hak guzaara

Kindly bless me with such intentions and purposes that should worship the Truth,

ihMmqy AwN idh ik bwSd jW inswr ] 464 ]

hinmathae aa dhih k baashadh jaan nisaar || 464 ||

Kindly bless me with such a courage and fortitude that I should be prepared to sacrifice my life to venture to go on the road to God. (464)

hr ich dwrd dr rihq kurbW kund

har chih dhaaradh dhar rehith kurabaan kunadha

Whatever there is, he should be prepared to sacrifice on Your account,

jwno idl kurbW rih subhW kund ] 465 ]

jaano dhil kurabaan rehi subehaan kunadh || 465 ||

Should also be prepared to sacrifice both the life and the soul on the path of Akaalpurakh. (465)

dIdw-Am rw l`ziq dIdwr b^S

dheedhaa-am raa lazath dheedhaar bakhasha

Bless my eyes with the sweet taste of Your glimpse,

sInw-Am rw m^zin Asrwr b^S ] 466 ]

seenaa-am raa makhazan asaraar bakhash || 466 ||

And, bless my heart with the treasures of Your mysteries and secrets. (466)

eIN idil ibrXwin mw rw SOk idh

ee dhil birayaan maa raa shaauak dhiha

Kindly bless our charred hearts with the fervor (of Your love)

dr Zuleym bMdgI rw qOk idh ] 467 ]

dhar ghuleaem bandhagee raa thaauak dhih || 467 ||

And, bless us with a strap (dog-collar) of meditation in our necks. (467)

ihjir mw rw AwrzUie vsl b^S

hijar maa raa aarazooe vasal bakhasha

Please bless our separation (from you) with a strong yearning to meet with You,

eIN i^zwin ijsim mw rw &jl b^S ] 468 ]

ee khizaan jisam maa raa fajal bakhash || 468 ||

And, bestow Your beneficence on the autumn-like-state of our bodies. (468)

hr sir mUeym zubW kun Az krm

har sar mooeaem zubaan kun az karama

Kindly transform, with your Benefaction, each hair on my body into a tongue,

qw bgoeym vsi& h`k rw dm bdm ] 469 ]

thaa bagoeaem vasaf hak raa dham badham || 469 ||

So that I could keep uttering and singing Your kudos in my every breath after breath. (469)

vsi& h`k bIrM bvd Az gu&qgU

vasaf hak beeran bavadh az gufathagoo

The eclat and glories of Akaalpurakh are beyond any words or conversation,

eIN hdIis Swh bwSd kU b kY ] 470 ]

ee hadhees shaah baashadh koo b kai || 470 ||

This discourse and tale of the true King can be heard in every street after street. (470)

mwAnIie eIN kU b-kU dwnI ik cIsq

maaaneee ee koo ba-koo dhaanee k cheesatha

Do you know as to what is the essence of this street?

hmd go dIgr mgo eInsq zIsq ] 471 ]

hamadh go dheegar mago eenasath zeesath || 471 ||

You should utter only His approbations and nothing else. This is life. (471)

zIsqn dr bMdgI aUlw bvd

zeesathan dhar bandhagee oolaa bavadha

It is superb to live with His constant meditation,

gr ich sr qw pw hmw mUlw bvd ] 472 ]

gar chih sar thaa paa hamaa moolaa bavadh || 472 ||

Even though we may be the masters of the body from head to toes. (472)

gr idhd qO&Ik &jil zuljlwl

gar dhihadh thaauafeek fajal zulajalaala

If the all Truth Akaalpurakh blesses someone with courage and capability,

bMdw rw Az bMdgI bwSd kmwl ] 473 ]

bandhaa raa az bandhagee baashadh kamaal || 473 ||

Then that person can earn laurels because of meditation. (473)

bMdgI bwSd kmwil bMdgI

bandhagee baashadh kamaal bandhagee

Meditation is the marvel and cornerstone of being a human being,

bMdgI bwSd inSwin izMdgI ] 474 ]

bandhagee baashadh nishaan zindhagee || 474 ||

And, meditation is the real sign of being alive. (474)

izMdgIie bMdw rw eIN bMdgIsq

zindhageee bandhaa raa ee bandhageesatha

The (purpose of) life of a human being is indeed the meditation of Akaalpurakh,

bMdgIie h`k ik AYn izMdgIsq ] 475 ]

bandhageee hak k ain zindhageesath || 475 ||

The remembrance of Waaheguru is the real (purpose of) life. (475)

gr inSwin izMdgI mI-bwiedq

gar nishaan zindhagee mee-baaeidhatha

If you are looking for some signs and symbols of life for yourself,

bMdgIie h`k qurw mI-Swiedq ] 476 ]

bandhageee hak thuraa mee-shaaeidhath || 476 ||

Then, it is absolutely appropriate for you to keep on meditating(on the Naam of Akaalpurakh). (476)

qw qvwnI bMdw SO swihb mbwS

thaa thavaanee bandhaa shaau saahib mabaasha

As far as possible, you should become an humble person like a servant, and not an arrogant master,

bMdw rw juz bMdgI nbvd qlwS ] 477 ]

bandhaa raa juz bandhagee nabavadh thalaash || 477 ||

A person should not be looking for anything in this world except meditation of the Almighty. (477)

eIN vjUid ^wk pwk Az bMdgIsq

ee vajoodh khaak paak az bandhageesatha

This body of dust becomes sacred only due to the remembrance of the Provident,

gu&qgUhwie idgr SrimMdgIsq ] 478 ]

gufathagoohaae dhigar sharamindhageesath || 478 ||

To get involved in any conversation other than the meditation will be nothing but an utter shame. (478)

bMdgI kun zW ik aU bwSd kbUl

bandhagee kun zaan k oo baashadh kaboola

You should meditate so that you become acceptable in His court,

ibguzr Az ^ud-bInI E qriz zhUl ] 479 ]

biguzar az khudha-beenee ou tharaz zehool || 479 ||

And, give up the pattern of self ego and the way of life of that of an apostate. (479)

dr idil swihib-idlW Awied psMd

dhar dhil saahibi-dhilaan aaeidh pasandh

The meditation is extremely pleasing to the heart of the Master of all hearts,

ruqbw-Aq grdd AzW hrdm bulMd ] 480 ]

ruthabaa-ath garadhadh azaan haradham bulandh || 480 ||

Your status in this world remains high at all times only because of meditation. (480)

murSid kwiml ik aU ArSwd krd

murashadh kaamil k oo arashaadh karadha

The perfect and true Guru said like this,

eIN idlq Az Xwid h`k Awbwd krd ] 481 ]

ee dhilath az yaadh hak aabaadh karadh || 481 ||

He has inhabited you desolate heart with the remembrance of Waaheguru. (481)

eIN hmw ArSwd dr idl nkS-bMd

ee hamaa arashaadh dhar dhil nakasha-bandha

You should etch this command of the perfectly true Guru in your heart,

qw SvI dr hr do Awlm sr bulMd ] 482 ]

thaa shavee dhar har dho aalam sar bulandh || 482 ||

So that you can have your head high in both the worlds. (482)

eIN vjUid ims qurw swzd iqlw

ee vajoodh mis thuraa saazadh thilaa

This command of the perfect and true Guru transforms your body of copper into that of gold,

eIN iqlw mwAlUm Az Xwid ^udw ] 483 ]

ee thilaa maaaloom az yaadh khudhaa || 483 ||

And, this gold is realized only through the memory of Akaalpurakh. (483)

AW iqlw &wnI vw sd mOiz blw

aaan thilaa faanee vaa sadh maauaz balaa

This materialistic gold is destructible and is the root cause and whirlpool of numerous problems and conflicts,

eIN iqlw bwkI cU zwiq ikbrIAw ] 484 ]

ee thilaa baakee choo zaath kibareeaa || 484 ||

The gold of meditation, however, like the Entity of Omnipresent and True Waaheguru is permanent. (484)

dOlq AMdr ^wik pwie mukblW

dhaaualath andhar khaak paae mukabalaan

The (true) wealth is in the dust of the feet of the noble and accepted souls,

dOlqy kW rw nmI AwXd izAwN ] 485 ]

dhaaualathae kaan raa namee aayadh ziaa || 485 ||

It is such a true wealth that it is above and beyond any damage or loss. (485)

Awkbq dIdI i^zW Awvurd bhwr

aakabath dheedhee khizaan aavuradh behaara

You must have noticed that every spring brings in the autumn,

vrnw dr duinAw hmw &sil bhwr ] 486 ]

varanaa dhar dhuniaa hamaa fasal behaar || 486 ||

Although the spring keeps coming into this world again and again. (486)

eIN bhwir qwzw bwSd qw Abd

ee behaar thaazaa baashadh thaa abadha

However, this meditational form of spring remains fresh and new till the doomsday,

Xw ielwhI dUr dwr Az NcSim bd ] 487 ]

yaa eilaahee dhoor dhaar az achasham badh || 487 ||

O Akaalpurakh! Kindly keep the influence of the evil eye far away from this spring . (487)

hr ik ^wik pwie SW rw surmw Xw&q

har k khaak paae shaan raa suramaa yaafatha

Anyone who happens to obtain the collyrium of the dust of the feet of the holy persons,

br ru^S qihkIk nUir imhr qw&q ] 488 ]

bar rukhash thehikeek noor mihar thaafath || 488 ||

Rest assured that his face will shine like the brilliance and radiance of the divine sun. (488)

Awiri& A`lwh dr dunIAwN bvd

aarif alaah dhar dhuneeaa bavadha

Even though spiritually enlightened person lives in this world,

dr hkIkq qwilib mOlw bvd ] 489 ]

dhar hakeekath thaalib maaualaa bavadh || 489 ||

He, in fact, is always a seeker-devotee of the Waaheguru. (489)

izkir mOlw dm b-dm dr jwin aU

zikar maaualaa dham ba-dham dhar jaan oo

He meditates and describes His virtues every breath of his life,

Awieiq nwim ^udw dr Swin aU ] 490 ]

aaeith naam khudhaa dhar shaan oo || 490 ||

And, he recites verses of His Naam every moment in His honor. (490)

hr n&s dwrMd idl rw sUie h`k

har nafas dhaarandh dhil raa sooe haka

They keep directing their hearts and concentrating towards thoughts about Him,

Sud muA`qr mZiz SW Az bUie h`k ] 491 ]

shudh muathar maghaz shaan az booe hak || 491 ||

They make their intellect fragrant with the aroma of the memory of Akaalpurakhb in every breath. (491)

hr dmy kU bw ^udw vwisl bvd

har dhamae koo baa khudhaa vaasil bavadha

He always concentrates and is united with the Almighty at all times,

hwisil eIN aumr rw hwisl bvd ] 492 ]

haasil ee oumar raa haasil bavadh || 492 ||

And, he has been able to achieve the real fruits of this life. (492)

hwisil eIN aumr pyiS muriSd Asq

haasil ee oumar paesh murashidh asatha

The real fruits of this life lies with the Guru,

nwim h`k cUM br zubwnS vwird Asq ] 493 ]

naam hak choon bar zubaanash vaaridh asath || 493 ||

And, silent repetition and meditation of His Naam is always on his tongue and the lips. (493)

murSid kwiml bvd dIdwir h`k

murashadh kaamil bavadh dheedhaar haka

The true Guru is the apparent glimpse of Akaalpurakh,

kz zubwinS ibSnvI Asrwir h`k ] 494 ]

kaz zubaanish bishanavee asaraar hak || 494 ||

Therefore, you should listen to His mysteries from his tongue. (494)

sUriq h`k murSid kwiml bvd

soorath hak murashadh kaamil bavadha

A true Guru is indeed a perfect personification of the image of God,

nkiS aU dwiem drUin idl bvd ] 495 ]

nakash oo dhaaeim dharoon dhil bavadh || 495 ||

And, the image of Akaalpurakh always abides in his heart. (495)

nkiS aU dr idil ks jw kund

nakash oo dhar dhil kas jaa kunadha

When His image resides permanently in someone's heart,

hri& h`k AMdr idlS mwvw kund ] 496 ]

haraf hak andhar dhilash maavaa kunadh || 496 ||

Then, just one word of Akaalpurakh settles down in the depths of his heart. (496)

^wsqm qrqIib eIN du`r dwnw rw

khaasatham tharatheeb ee dhur dhaanaa raa

I have threaded these grains of pearls into a necklace,

ik AwSnw swzd idil bygwnw rw ] 497 ]

k aashanaa saazadh dhil baegaanaa raa || 497 ||

So that this arrangement may make the ignorant hearts aware of the secrets of Waaheguru. (497)

Awib hYvW pur Sudw cU jwim aU

aab haivaan pur shudhaa choo jaam oo

(This compilation) Like a cup is filled to the brim with the divine elixir,

izMdgI nwmw Sudw zW nwim aU ] 498 ]

zindhagee naamaa shudhaa zaan naam oo || 498 ||

That is why, it has been given the name 'Zindagee Naamaa'. (498)

kz qk`lum bUie ier&W AwiedS

kaz thakalum booe eirafaan aaeidhasha

From his speeches emerges the fragrance of divine knowledge,

vz idil Awlm igrwh ibkuSwiedS ] 499 ]

vaz dhil aalam giraah bikushaaeidhash || 499 ||

With it, the knot (mysteries and suspicions) of the heart of the world is untangled. (499)

hr ik ^wnd Az rih luq&o krm

har k khaanadh az rehi luthafo karama

Whosoever recites this with the grace and compassion of Waaheguru,

grddS dr rwih ier&W muhqirm ] 500 ]

garadhadhash dhar raahi eirafaan muhatharim || 500 ||

He receives laurels among the enlightened persons. (500)

hsq izkir Awir&win pwk rw

hasath zikar aarifaan paak raa

This volume contains description and delineation of sacred and divine men;

AwN ik aU rOSn kund iedrwk rw ] 501 ]

aa k oo raauashan kunadh eidharaak raa || 501 ||

This description lightens up the intelligence and the wisdom. (501)

nIsq dr vY muMdrj AY bw-^br

neesath dhar vai mundharaj ai baa-khabara

O informed person! In this volume,

ZYr hri& bMdgI hri& idgr ] 502 ]

ghair haraf bandhagee haraf dhigar || 502 ||

there is no other word or expression except the words or expressions of remembrance and meditation of Akaalpuralkh. (502)

Xwid h`k srmwXw-ie rOSn idlIsq

yaadh hak saramaayaa-e raauashan dhileesatha

Remembrance of Waaheguru is the treasure of the enlightened minds,

ZYr Xwid h`k hmw by-hwslIAq ] 503 ]

ghair yaadh hak hamaa bae-haasaleeath || 503 ||

Everything else other than the meditation of Waaheguru is (absolutely) useless. (503)

hri& dIgr nIsq ZYr Az Xwid h`k

haraf dheegar neesath ghair az yaadh haka

Do not read or even look at any word or expression except the ones about meditation of the Omnipotent,

Xwid h`k hW Xwid h`k hW Xwid h`k ] 504 ]

yaadh hak haan yaadh hak haan yaadh hak || 504 ||

Remembrance of God, yes remembrance of God, and only remembrance of God. (504)

Xw ielwhI hr idil pzmurdw rw

yaa eilaahee har dhil pazamuradhaa raa

O Akaalpurakh! Kindly make every withered and disheartened mind green and confident again,

sbz kun hr ^wiqir A&surdw rw ] 505 ]

sabaz kun har khaathir afasuradhaa raa || 505 ||

And, refresh and rejuvenate every wilted and languishing mind. (505)

Xw ielwhI XwvrI kun bMdw rw

yaa eilaahee yaavaree kun bandhaa raa

O Waaheguru! Kindly help this person, yours truly,

sur^urU kun hr idil SrimMdw rw ] 506 ]

surakhuroo kun har dhil sharamindhaa raa || 506 ||

And, make every ashamed and timid person successful and triumphant. (506)

dr idil goXw hvwie SOk b^S

dhar dhil goyaa havaae shaauak bakhasha

O Akaalpurakh! (Kindly) bless the heart of Goyaa with the yearning of love (for You),

br zubwnS z`rw-ie Az zOk b^S ] 507 ]

bar zubaanash zaraa-e az zaauak bakhash || 507 ||

And, bestow upon the tongue of Goyaa just one particle of the fondness for Your love. (507)

qwN n bwSd ivrid AW juz Xwid h`k

thaa n baashadh viradh aaan juz yaadh haka

So that he would not meditate or remember anyone other than the Lord,

qW n ^wnd ZYr h`k dIgr sb`k ] 508 ]

thaan n khaanadh ghair hak dheegar sabak || 508 ||

And, so that he would not learn or recite any other lesson except that of the love and devotion for Waaheguru. (508)

qw n gIrd ZYr nwim izkir h`k

thaa n geeradh ghair naam zikar haka

So that he would not speak any other word except the meditation and remembrance of Akaalpurakh,

qw n goied hri& ZYr Az i&kir h`k ] 509 ]

thaa n goeidh haraf ghair az fikar hak || 509 ||

So that he would not recite or read any other word or expression except that the one(s) on the concentration of spiritual thought. (509)

dIdw Az dIdwir-h`k pur-nUr kun

dheedhaa az dheedhaari-hak pura-noor kuna

(O Akaalpurakh!) Kindly make my eyes refulgent with glow by blessing me with a glimpse of the Almighty,

ZYr h`k Az ^wqir idil dUr kun ] 510 ]

ghair hak az khaathar dhil dhoor kun || 510 ||

Kindly remove everything from my heart except the entity of God. (510)