rwgu gauVI pUrbI bwvn AKrI kbIr jIau kI
raag gourree poorabee baavan akharee kabeer jeeo kee
Raag Gauree Poorbee, Baawan Akhree Of Kabeer Jee:
<> siqnwmu krqw purKu gurpRswid ]
aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr
ik oankaar sathinaam karathaa purakh guraprasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified. By Guru's Grace:
bwvn ACr lok qRY sBu kCu ien hI mwih ]
baavan ashhar lok thrai sabh kashh ein hee maahi ||
Through these fifty-two letters, the three worlds and all things are described.
ey AKr iKir jwihgy Eie AKr ien mih nwih ]1]
aucwrx AKr: pihlw nUµ A`Kr, dUsry nUµ AK`r bolo
eae akhar khir jaahigae oue akhar ein mehi naahi ||1||
These letters shall perish; they cannot describe the Imperishable Lord. ||1||
jhw bol qh ACr Awvw ]
aucwrx A`Cr
jehaa bol theh ashhar aavaa ||
Wherever there is speech, there are letters.
jh Abol qh mnu n rhwvw ]
jeh abol theh man n rehaavaa ||
Where there is no speech, there, the mind rests on nothing.
bol Abol miD hY soeI ]
bol abol madhh hai soee ||
He is in both speech and silence.
js Ehu hY qs lKY n koeI ]2]
jas ouhu hai thas lakhai n koee ||2||
No one can know Him as He is. ||2||
Alh lhau qau ikAw khau khau q ko aupkwr ]
aucwrx A`lh
aleh leho tho kiaa keho keho th ko oupakaar ||
If I come to know the Lord, what can I say; what good does it do to speak?
btk bIj mih riv rihE jw ko qIin lok ibsQwr ]3]
battak beej mehi rav rehiou jaa ko theen lok bisathhaar ||3||
He is contained in the seed of the banyan-tree, and yet, His expanse spreads across the three worlds. ||3||
Alh lhµqw Byd CY kCu kCu pwieE Byd ]
aucwrx A`lh
aleh lehanthaa bhaedh shhai kashh kashh paaeiou bhaedh ||
One who knows the Lord understands His mystery, and bit by bit, the mystery disappears.
aulit Byd mnu byiDE pwieE ABµg ACyd ]4]
oulatt bhaedh man baedhhiou paaeiou abhang ashhaedh ||4||
Turning away from the world, one's mind is pierced through with this mystery, and one obtains the Indestructible, Impenetrable Lord. ||4||
qurk qrIkiq jwnIAY ihMdU byd purwn ]
aucwrx q-rIkiq
thurak thareekath jaaneeai hindhoo baedh puraan ||
The Muslim knows the Muslim way of life; the Hindu knows the Vedas and Puraanas.
mn smJwvn kwrny kCUAk pVIAY igAwn ]5]
man samajhaavan kaaranae kashhooak parreeai giaan ||5||
To instruct their minds, people ought to study some sort of spiritual wisdom. ||5||
EAMkwr Awid mY jwnw ]
ouankaar aadh mai jaanaa ||
I know only the One, the Universal Creator, the Primal Being.
iliK Aru mytY qwih n mwnw ]
likh ar maettai thaahi n maanaa ||
I do not believe in anyone whom the Lord writes and erases.
EAMkwr lKY jau koeI ]
ouankaar lakhai jo koee ||
If someone knows the One, the Universal Creator,
soeI liK mytxw n hoeI ]6]
aucwrx liK: polw bolo
soee lakh maettanaa n hoee ||6||
He shall not perish, since he knows Him. ||6||
kkw ikrix kml mih pwvw ]
kakaa kiran kamal mehi paavaa ||
KAKKA: When the rays of Divine Light come into the heart-lotus,
sis ibgws sµpt nhI Awvw ]
sas bigaas sanpatt nehee aavaa ||
The moon-light of Maya cannot enter the basket of the mind.
Aru jy qhw kusm rsu pwvw ]
ar jae thehaa kusam ras paavaa ||
And if one obtains the subtle fragrance of that spiritual flower,
Akh khw kih kw smJwvw ]7]
aucwrx A-kh
akeh kehaa kehi kaa samajhaavaa ||7||
He cannot describe the indescribable; he could speak, but who would understand? ||7||
KKw iehY KoiV mn Awvw ]
khakhaa eihai khorr man aavaa ||
KHAKHA: The mind has entered this cave.
KoVy Cwif n dh ids Dwvw ]
khorrae shhaadd n dheh dhis dhhaavaa ||
It does not leave this cave to wander in the ten directions.
Ksmih jwix iKmw kir rhY ]
khasamehi jaan khimaa kar rehai ||
Knowing their Lord and Master, people show compassion;
qau hoie iniKAau AKY pdu lhY ]8]
aucwrx in-iKAau
tho hoe nikhiao akhai padh lehai ||8||
Then, they become immortal, and attain the state of eternal dignity. ||8||
ggw gur ky bcn pCwnw ]
gagaa gur kae bachan pashhaanaa ||
GAGGA: One who understands the Guru's Word
dUjI bwq n DreI kwnw ]
dhoojee baath n dhharee kaanaa ||
Does not listen to anything else.
rhY ibhµgm kqih n jweI ]
aucwrx ib-hµgm
rehai bihangam kathehi n jaaee ||
He remains like a hermit and does not go anywhere,
Agh ghY gih ggn rhweI ]9]
aucwrx Agh: polw bolo (ASuD: A-gh)
ageh gehai gehi gagan rehaaee ||9||
When he grasps the Ungraspable Lord and dwells in the sky of the Tenth Gate. ||9||
GGw Git Git inmsY soeI ]
aucwrx inmsY: polw bolo (ASuD: in-msY)
ghaghaa ghatt ghatt nimasai soee ||
GHAGHA: He dwells in each and every heart.
Gt PUty Git kbih n hoeI ]
aucwrx Gt: polw bolo; G`it
ghatt foottae ghatt kabehi n hoee ||
Even when the body-pitcher bursts, he does not diminish.
qw Gt mwih Gwt jau pwvw ]
aucwrx Gt: polw bolo
thaa ghatt maahi ghaatt jo paavaa ||
When someone finds the Path to the Lord within his own heart,
so Gtu Cwif AvGt kq Dwvw ]10]
aucwrx Gtu: polw bolo
so ghatt shhaadd avaghatt kath dhhaavaa ||10||
Why should he abandon that Path to follow some other path? ||10||
|M|w ingRih snyhu kir inrvwro sMdyh ]
n(g)ann(g)aa nigrehi sanaehu kar niravaaro sandhaeh ||
NGANGA: Restrain yourself, love the Lord, and dismiss your doubts.
nwhI dyiK n BwjIAY prm isAwnp eyh ]11]
naahee dhaekh n bhaajeeai param siaanap eaeh ||11||
Even if you do not see the Path, do not run away; this is the highest wisdom. ||11||
ccw ricq icqR hY BwrI ]
chachaa rachith chithr hai bhaaree ||
CHACHA: He painted the great picture of the world.
qij icqRY cyqhu icqkwrI ]
thaj chithrai chaethahu chithakaaree ||
Forget this picture, and remember the Painter.
icqR bicqR iehY AvJyrw ]
chithr bachithr eihai avajhaeraa ||
This wondrous painting is now the problem.
qij icqRY icqu rwiK icqyrw ]12]
thaj chithrai chith raakh chithaeraa ||12||
Forget this picture and focus your consciousness on the Painter. ||12||
CCw iehY CqRpiq pwsw ]
shhashhaa eihai shhathrapath paasaa ||
CHHACHHA: The Sovereign Lord of the Universe is here with you.
Cik ik n rhhu Cwif ik n Awsw ]
shhak k n rehahu shhaadd k n aasaa ||
Why are you so unhappy? Why don't you abandon your desires?
ry mn mY qau iCn iCn smJwvw ]
rae man mai tho shhin shhin samajhaavaa ||
O my mind, each and every moment I try to instruct you,
qwih Cwif kq Awpu bDwvw ]13]
thaahi shhaadd kath aap badhhaavaa ||13||
But you forsake Him, and entangle yourself with others. ||13||
jjw jau qn jIvq jrwvY ]
jajaa jo than jeevath jaraavai ||
JAJJA: If someone burns his body while he is still alive,
jobn jwir jugiq so pwvY ]
joban jaar jugath so paavai ||
And burns away the desires of his youth, then he finds the right way.
As jir pr jir jir jb rhY ]
as jar par jar jar jab rehai ||
When he burns his desire for his own wealth, and that of others,
qb jwie joiq aujwrau lhY ]14]
thab jaae joth oujaaro lehai ||14||
Then he finds the Divine Light. ||14||
JJw auriJ suriJ nhI jwnw ]
jhajhaa ourajh surajh nehee jaanaa ||
JHAJHA: You are entangled in the world, and you do not know how to get untangled.
rihE JJik nwhI prvwnw ]
rehiou jhajhak naahee paravaanaa ||
You hold back in fear, and are not approved by the Lord.
kq JiK JiK Aaurn smJwvw ]
kath jhakh jhakh aouran samajhaavaa ||
Why do you talk such nonsense, trying to convince others?
Jgru kIey Jgrau hI pwvw ]15]
jhagar keeeae jhagaro hee paavaa ||15||
Stirring up arguments, you shall only obtain more arguments. ||15||
\M\w inkit ju Gt rihE dUir khw qij jwie ]
njannjaa nikatt j ghatt rehiou dhoor kehaa thaj jaae ||
NYANYA: He dwells near you, deep within your heart; why do you leave Him and go far away?
jw kwrix jgu FUiFAau nyrau pwieAau qwih ]16]
jaa kaaran jag dtoodtiao naero paaeiao thaahi ||16||
I searched the whole world for Him, but I found Him near myself. ||16||
ttw ibkt Gwt Gt mwhI ]
aucwrx ttw: QoVw Bwrw krky; ibkt: polw bolo (ASuD: ibk`t)
ttattaa bikatt ghaatt ghatt maahee ||
TATTA: It is such a difficult path, to find Him within your own heart.
Koil kpwt mhil ik n jwhI ]
aucwrx kpwt: polw bolo (ASuD: kp`wt)
khol kapaatt mehal k n jaahee ||
Open the doors within, and enter the Mansion of His Presence.
dyiK Atl til kqih n jwvw ]
aucwrx A-tl
dhaekh attal ttal kathehi n jaavaa ||
Beholding the Immovable Lord, you shall not slip and go anywhere else.
rhY lpit Gt prcau pwvw ]17]
aucwrx pr-cau
rehai lapatt ghatt paracho paavaa ||17||
You shall remain firmly attached to the Lord, and your heart will be happy. ||17||
TTw iehY dUir Tg nIrw ]
thathaa eihai dhoor thag neeraa ||
T'HAT'HA: Keep yourself far away from this mirage.
nIiT nIiT mnu kIAw DIrw ]
neeth neeth man keeaa dhheeraa ||
With great difficulty, I have calmed my mind.
ijin Tig TigAw sgl jgu Kwvw ]
jin thag thagiaa sagal jag khaavaa ||
That cheater, who cheated and devoured the whole world
so Tgu TigAw Taur mnu Awvw ]18]
so thag thagiaa thour man aavaa ||18||
- I have cheated that cheater, and my mind is now at peace. ||18||
ffw fr aupjy fru jweI ]
ddaddaa ddar oupajae ddar jaaee ||
DADDA: When the Fear of God wells up, other fears depart.
qw fr mih fru rihAw smweI ]
thaa ddar mehi ddar rehiaa samaaee ||
Other fears are absorbed into that Fear.
jau fr frY qw iPir fru lwgY ]
jo ddar ddarai thaa fir ddar laagai ||
When one rejects the Fear of God, then other fears cling to him.
infr hUAw fru aur hoie BwgY ]19]
aucwrx infr: polw bolo (ASuD: in-fr)
niddar hooaa ddar our hoe bhaagai ||19||
But if he becomes fearless, the fears of his heart run away. ||19||
FFw iFg FUFih kq Awnw ]
dtadtaa dtig dtoodtehi kath aanaa ||
DHADHA: Why do you search in other directions?
FUFq hI Fih gey prwnw ]
aucwrx FUFq: it`p rihq bolo
dtoodtath hee dtehi geae paraanaa ||
Searching for Him like this, the breath of life runs out.
ciV sumyir FUiF jb Awvw ]
charr sumaer dtoodt jab aavaa ||
When I returned after climbing the mountain,
ijh gVu giVE su gV mih pwvw ]20]
jih garr garriou s garr mehi paavaa ||20||
I found Him in the fortress - the fortress which He Himself made. ||20||
xwxw rix rUqau nr nyhI krY ]
naanaa ran rootho nar naehee karai ||
NANNA: The warrior who fights on the battle-field should keep up and press on.
nw invY nw Puin sµcrY ]
naa nivai naa fun sancharai ||
He should not yield, and he should not retreat.
Dµin jnmu qwhI ko gxY ]
dhhann janam thaahee ko ganai ||
Blessed is the coming of one
mwrY eykih qij jwie GxY ]21]
maarai eaekehi thaj jaae ghanai ||21||
Who conquers the one and renounces the many. ||21||
qqw Aqr qirE nh jweI ]
aucwrx A-qr
thathaa athar thariou neh jaaee ||
TATTA: The impassable world-ocean cannot be crossed over;
qn iqRBvx mih rihE smweI ]
than thribhavan mehi rehiou samaaee ||
The body remains embroiled in the three worlds.
jau iqRBvx qn mwih smwvw ]
jo thribhavan than maahi samaavaa ||
But when the Lord of the three worlds enters into the body,
qau qqih qq imilAw scu pwvw ]22]
tho thathehi thath miliaa sach paavaa ||22||
Then one's essence merges with the essence of reality, and the True Lord is attained. ||22||
QQw AQwh Qwh nhI pwvw ]
thhathhaa athhaah thhaah nehee paavaa ||
T'HAT'HA: He is Unfathomable; His depths cannot be fathomed.
Ehu AQwh iehu iQru n rhwvw ]
ouhu athhaah eihu thhir n rehaavaa ||
He is Unfathomable; this body is impermanent, and unstable.
QoVY Qil Qwnk AwrµBY ]
thhorrai thhal thhaanak aaranbhai ||
The mortal builds his dwelling upon this tiny space;
ibnu hI QwBh mMidru QMBY ]23]
bin hee thhaabheh mandhir thhanbhai ||23||
Without any pillars, he wishes to support a mansion. ||23||
ddw dyiK ju ibnsnhwrw ]
dhadhaa dhaekh j binasanehaaraa ||
DADDA: Whatever is seen shall perish.
js AdyiK qs rwiK ibcwrw ]
jas adhaekh thas raakh bichaaraa ||
Contemplate the One who is unseen.
dsvY duAwir kuµcI jb dIjY ]
dhasavai dhuaar kunchee jab dheejai ||
When the key is inserted in the Tenth Gate,
qau dieAwl ko drsnu kIjY ]24]
tho dhaeiaal ko dharasan keejai ||24||
Then the Blessed Vision of the Merciful Lord's Darshan is seen. ||24||
DDw ArDih aurD inbyrw ]
dhhadhhaa aradhhehi ouradhh nibaeraa ||
DHADHA: When one ascends from the lower realms of the earth to the higher realms of the heavens, then everything is resolved.
ArDih aurDh mMiJ bsyrw ]
aradhhehi ouradhheh manjh basaeraa ||
The Lord dwells in both the lower and higher worlds.
ArDh Cwif aurD jau Awvw ]
aradhheh shhaadd ouradhh jo aavaa ||
Leaving the earth, the soul ascends to the heavens;
qau ArDih aurD imilAw suK pwvw ]25]
tho aradhhehi ouradhh miliaa sukh paavaa ||25||
Then, the lower and higher join together, and peace is obtained. ||25||
nµnw inis idnu inrKq jweI ]
aucwrx inr-Kq
nannaa nis dhin nirakhath jaaee ||
NANNA: The days and nights go by; I am looking for the Lord.
inrKq nYn rhy rqvweI ]
aucwrx inr-Kq; r`qvweI
nirakhath nain rehae rathavaaee ||
Looking for Him, my eyes have become blood-shot.
inrKq inrKq jb jwie pwvw ]
aucwrx inr-Kq; inr-Kq
nirakhath nirakhath jab jaae paavaa ||
After looking and looking,when He is finally found,
qb ly inrKih inrK imlwvw ]26]
aucwrx inr-Kih
thab lae nirakhehi nirakh milaavaa ||26||
Then the one who was looking merges into the One who was looked for. ||26||
ppw Apr pwru nhI pwvw ]
aucwrx A-pr
papaa apar paar nehee paavaa ||
PAPPA: He is limitless; His limits cannot be found.
prm joiq isau prcau lwvw ]
aucwrx pr-cau
param joth sio paracho laavaa ||
I have attuned myself to the Supreme Light.
pWcau ieMdRI ingRh kreI ]
paancho eindhree nigreh karee ||
One who controls his five senses
pwpu puMnu doaU inrvreI ]27]
aucwrx inr-vreI
paap punn dhooo niravaree ||27||
Rises above both sin and virtue. ||27||
PPw ibnu PUlh Plu hoeI ]
fafaa bin fooleh fal hoee ||
FAFFA: Even without the flower, the fruit is produced.
qw Pl PMk lKY jau koeI ]
thaa fal fank lakhai jo koee ||
One who looks at a slice of that fruit
dUix n preI PMk ibcwrY ]
dhoon n paree fank bichaarai ||
And reflects on it, will not be consigned to reincarnation.
qw Pl PMk sBY qn PwrY ]28]
aucwrx s`BY
thaa fal fank sabhai than faarai ||28||
A slice of that fruit slices all bodies. ||28||
bbw ibMdih ibMd imlwvw ]
babaa bindhehi bindh milaavaa ||
BABBA: When one drop blends with another drop,
ibMdih ibMid n ibCurn pwvw ]
bindhehi bindh n bishhuran paavaa ||
Then these drops cannot be separated again.
bMdau hoie bµdgI ghY ]
bandho hoe bandhagee gehai ||
Become the Lord's slave, and hold tight to His meditation.
bµdk hoie bMD suiD lhY ]29]
bandhak hoe bandhh sudhh lehai ||29||
If you turn your thoughts to the Lord, the Lord will take care of you like a relative. ||29||
BBw Bydih Byd imlwvw ]
bhabhaa bhaedhehi bhaedh milaavaa ||
BHABHA: When doubt is pierced, union is achieved.
Ab Bau Bwin Brosau Awvw ]
ab bho bhaan bharoso aavaa ||
I have shattered my fear, and now I have come to have faith.
jo bwhir so BIqir jwinAw ]
jo baahar so bheethar jaaniaa ||
I thought that He was outside of me, but now I know that He is within me.
BieAw Bydu BUpiq pihcwinAw ]30]
bhaeiaa bhaedh bhoopath pehichaaniaa ||30||
When I came to understand this mystery, then I recognized the Lord. ||30||
mmw mUl gihAw mnu mwnY ]
mamaa mool gehiaa man maanai ||
MAMMA: Clinging to the source, the mind is satisfied.
mrmI hoie su mn kau jwnY ]
maramee hoe s man ko jaanai ||
One who knows this mystery understands his own mind.
mq koeI mn imlqw iblmwvY ]
aucwrx mq: polw bolo
math koee man milathaa bilamaavai ||
Let no one delay in uniting his mind.
mgn BieAw qy so scu pwvY ]31]
aucwrx mgn: polw bolo
magan bhaeiaa thae so sach paavai ||31||
Those who obtain the True Lord are immersed in delight. ||31||
mMmw mn isau kwju hY mn swDy isiD hoie ]
aucwrx is`iD
mamaa man sio kaaj hai man saadhhae sidhh hoe ||
MAMMA: The mortal's business is with his own mind; one who disciplines his mind attains perfection.
mn hI mn isau khY kbIrw mnsw imilAw n koie ]32]
man hee man sio kehai kabeeraa man saa miliaa n koe ||32||
Only the mind can deal with the mind; says Kabeer, I have not met anything like the mind. ||32||
iehu mnu skqI iehu mnu sIau ]
eihu man sakathee eihu man seeo ||
This mind is Shakti; this mind is Shiva.
iehu mnu pMc qq ko jIau ]
eihu man panch thath ko jeeo ||
This mind is the life of the five elements.
iehu mnu ly jau aunmin rhY ]
aucwrx au~nmin
eihu man lae jo ounaman rehai ||
When this mind is channeled, and guided to enlightenment,
qau qIin lok kI bwqY khY ]33]
tho theen lok kee baathai kehai ||33||
It can describe the secrets of the three worlds. ||33||
XXw jau jwnih qau durmiq hin kir bis kwieAw gwau ]
aucwrx XXw: X`eIAw bolo, pihly 'X' dI ApnI Avwj; kWieAW
yayaa jo jaanehi tho dhuramath han kar bas kaaeiaa gaao ||
YAYYA: If you know anything, then destroy your evil-mindedness, and subjugate the body-village.
rix rUqau BwjY nhI sUrau Qwrau nwau ]34]
aucwrx rU`qau
ran rootho bhaajai nehee sooro thhaaro naao ||34||
When you are engaged in the battle, don't run away; then, you shall be known as a spiritual hero. ||34||
rwrw rsu inrs kir jwinAw ]
aucwrx in-rs
raaraa ras niras kar jaaniaa ||
RARRA: I have found tastes to be tasteless.
hoie inrs su rsu pihcwinAw ]
aucwrx in-rs
hoe niras s ras pehichaaniaa ||
Becoming tasteless, I have realized that taste.
ieh rs Cwfy auh rsu Awvw ]
eih ras shhaaddae ouh ras aavaa ||
Abandoning these tastes, I have found that taste.
auh rsu pIAw ieh rsu nhI Bwvw ]35]
ouh ras peeaa eih ras nehee bhaavaa ||35||
Drinking in that taste, this taste is no longer pleasing. ||35||
llw AYsy ilv mnu lwvY ]
lalaa aisae liv man laavai ||
LALLA: Embrace such love for the Lord in your mind,
Anq n jwie prm scu pwvY ]
anath n jaae param sach paavai ||
That you shall not have to go to any other; you shall attain the supreme truth.
Aru jau qhw pRym ilv lwvY ]
ar jo thehaa praem liv laavai ||
And if you embrace love and affection for Him there,
qau Alh lhY lih crn smwvY ]36]
aucwrx A`lh
tho aleh lehai lehi charan samaavai ||36||
Then you shall obtain the Lord; obtaining Him, you shall be absorbed in His Feet. ||36||
vvw bwr bwr ibsn smHwir ]
aucwrx vvw: polw bolo (ASuD: v`vw jW vwvw)
vavaa baar baar bisan samhaar ||
WAWA: Time and time again, dwell upon the Lord.
ibsn sµmHwir n AwvY hwir ]
bisan sanmhaar n aavai haar ||
Dwelling upon the Lord, defeat shall not come to you.
bil bil jy ibsn qnw jsu gwvY ]
bal bal jae bisanathanaa jas gaavai ||
I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice to those, who sing the praises of the Saints, the sons of the Lord.
ivsn imly sB hI scu pwvY ]37]
visan milae sabh hee sach paavai ||37||
Meeting the Lord, total Truth is obtained. ||37||
vwvw vwhI jwnIAY vw jwny iehu hoie ]
vaavaa vaahee jaaneeai vaa jaanae eihu hoe ||
WAWA: Know Him. By knowing Him, this mortal becomes Him.
iehu Aru Ehu jb imlY qb imlq n jwnY koie ]38]
eihu ar ouhu jab milai thab milath n jaanai koe ||38||
When this soul and that Lord are blended, then, having been blended, they cannot be known separately. ||38||
ssw so nIkw kir soDhu ]
sasaa so neekaa kar sodhhahu ||
SASSA: Discipline your mind with sublime perfection.
Gt prcw kI bwq inroDhu ]
ghatt parachaa kee baath nirodhhahu ||
Refrain from that talk which attracts the heart.
Gt prcY jau aupjY Bwau ]
ghatt parachai jo oupajai bhaao ||
The heart is attracted, when love wells up.
pUir rihAw qh iqRBvx rwau ]39]
poor rehiaa theh thribhavan raao ||39||
The King of the three worlds is perfectly pervading and permeating there. ||39||
KKw Koij prY jau koeI ]
khakhaa khoj parai jo koee ||
KHAKHA: Anyone who seeks Him,
jo KojY so bhuir n hoeI ]
jo khojai so bahur n hoee ||
And by seeking Him, finds Him, shall not be born again.
Koj bUiJ jau krY bIcwrw ]
aucwrx bU`iJ
khoj boojh jo karai beechaaraa ||
When someone seeks Him, and comes to understand and contemplate Him,
qau Bvjl qrq n lwvY bwrw ]40]
tho bhavajal tharath n laavai baaraa ||40||
Then he crosses over the terrifying world-ocean in an instant. ||40||
ssw so sh syj svwrY ]
sasaa so seh saej savaarai ||
SASSA: The bed of the soul-bride is adorned by her Husband Lord;
soeI shI sµdyh invwrY ]
soee sehee sandhaeh nivaarai ||
Her skepticism is dispelled.
Alp suK Cwif prm suK pwvw ]
aucwrx Alp: polw bolo (ASuD: Al`p)
alap sukh shhaadd param sukh paavaa ||
Renouncing the shallow pleasures of the world, she obtains the supreme delight.
qb ieh qRIA Euhu kMqu khwvw ]41]
aucwrx Euhu: Ehu bolo
thab eih threea ouhu kanth kehaavaa ||41||
Then, she is the soul-bride; He is called her Husband Lord. ||41||
hwhw hoq hoie nhI jwnw ]
haahaa hoth hoe nehee jaanaa ||
HAHA: He exists, but He is not known to exist.
jb hI hoie qbih mnu mwnw ]
jab hee hoe thabehi man maanaa ||
When He is known to exist, then the mind is pleased and appeased.
hY qau shI lKY jau koeI ]
hai tho sehee lakhai jo koee ||
Of course the Lord exists, if one could only understand Him.
qb EhI auhu eyhu n hoeI ]42]
thab ouhee ouhu eaehu n hoee ||42||
Then, He alone exists, and not this mortal being. ||42||
ilµau ilµau krq iPrY sBu logu ]
lino lino karath firai sabh log ||
Everyone goes around saying, “I'll take this, and I'll take that.”
qw kwrix ibAwpY bhu sogu ]
thaa kaaran biaapai bahu sog ||
Because of that, they suffer in terrible pain.
liKmIbr isau jau ilau lwvY ]
aucwrx liKmI-br
lakhimee bar sio jo lio laavai ||
When someone comes to love the Lord of Lakhshmi,
sogu imtY sB hI suK pwvY ]43]
sog mittai sabh hee sukh paavai ||43||
His sorrow departs, and he obtains total peace. ||43||
KKw iKrq Kpq gey kyqy ]
khakhaa khirath khapath geae kaethae ||
KHAKHA: Many have wasted their lives, and then perished.
iKrq Kpq AjhUµ nh cyqy ]
khirath khapath ajehoon neh chaethae ||
Wasting away, they do not remember the Lord, even now.
Ab jgu jwin jau mnw rhY ]
aucwrx mnw: QoVw Bwrw krky
ab jag jaan jo manaa rehai ||
But if someone, even now, comes to know the transitory nature of the world and restrain his mind,
jh kw ibCurw qh iQru lhY ]44]
jeh kaa bishhuraa theh thhir lehai ||44||
He shall find his permanent home, from which he was separated. ||44||
bwvn AKr jory Awin ]
baavan akhar jorae aan ||
The fifty-two letters have been joined together.
sikAw n AKru eyku pCwin ]
aucwrx s`ikAw
sakiaa n akhar eaek pashhaan ||
But people cannot recognize the One Word of God.
sq kw sbdu kbIrw khY ]
sath kaa sabadh kabeeraa kehai ||
Kabeer speaks the Shabad, the Word of Truth.
pMifq hoie su AnBY rhY ]
aucwrx An-BY
panddith hoe s anabhai rehai ||
One who is a Pandit, a religious scholar, must remain fearless.
pMifq logh kau ibauhwr ]
panddith logeh ko biouhaar ||
It is the business of the scholarly person to join letters.
igAwnvµq kau qqu bIcwr ]
giaanavanth ko thath beechaar ||
The spiritual person contemplates the essence of reality.
jw kY jIA jYsI buiD hoeI ]
jaa kai jeea jaisee budhh hoee ||
According to the wisdom within the mind,
kih kbIr jwnYgw soeI ]45]
kehi kabeer jaanaigaa soee ||45||
Says Kabeer, so does one come to understand. ||45||