soriT mhlw 1 ]
aucwrx soriT mh`lw pihlw
sorath mehalaa 1 ||
Sorat'h, First Mehl:
AlK Apwr Agµm Agocr nw iqsu kwlu n krmw ]
aucwrx Al`K
alakh apaar aganm agochar naa this kaal n karamaa ||
He is unknowable, infinite, unapproachable and imperceptible. He is not subject to death or karma.
jwiq Ajwiq AjonI sMBau nw iqsu Bwau n Brmw ]1]
aucwrx sµ-Bau: 'B' dI ApnI Avwj
jaath ajaath ajonee sanbho naa this bhaao n bharamaa ||1||
His caste is casteless; He is unborn, self-illumined, and free of doubt and desire. ||1||
swcy sicAwr ivthu kurbwxu ]
saachae sachiaar vittahu kurabaan ||
I am a sacrifice to the Truest of the True.
nw iqsu rUp vrnu nhI ryiKAw swcY sbid nIswxu ] rhwau ]
naa this roop varan nehee raekhiaa saachai sabadh neesaan || rehaao ||
He has no form, no color and no features; through the True Word of the Shabad, He reveals Himself. ||Pause||
nw iqsu mwq ipqw suq bµDp nw iqsu kwmu n nwrI ]
naa this maath pithaa suth bandhhap naa this kaam n naaree ||
He has no mother, father, sons or relatives; He is free of sexual desire; He has no wife.
Akul inrµjn Apr prµpru sglI joiq qumwrI ]2]
aucwrx A-kul; Apr: polw bolo (ASuD: A-pr); p-rµpru
akul niranjan apar paranpar sagalee joth thumaaree ||2||
He has no ancestry; He is immaculate. He is infinite and endless; O Lord, Your Light is pervading all. ||2||
Gt Gt AMqir bRhmu lukwieAw Git Git joiq sbweI ]
aucwrx bRhmu: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
ghatt ghatt anthar breham lukaaeiaa ghatt ghatt joth sabaaee ||
Deep within each and every heart, God is hidden; His Light is in each and every heart.
bjr kpwt mukqy gurmqI inrBY qwVI lweI ]3]
aucwrx kpwt: polw bolo (ASuD: kp`wt); gurm`qI; inr-BY
bajar kapaatt mukathae guramathee nirabhai thaarree laaee ||3||
The heavy doors are opened by Guru's Instructions; one becomes fearless, in the trance of deep meditation. ||3||
jµq aupwie kwlu isir jµqw vsgiq jugiq sbweI ]
aucwrx vs-giq: sbµDk pwT hY
janth oupaae kaal sir janthaa vasagath jugath sabaaee ||
The Lord created all beings, and placed death over the heads of all; all the world is under His Power.
siqguru syiv pdwrQu pwvih CUtih sbdu kmweI ]4]
sathigur saev padhaarathh paavehi shhoottehi sabadh kamaaee ||4||
Serving the True Guru, the treasure is obtained; living the Word of the Shabad, one is emancipated. ||4||
sUcY BwfY swcu smwvY ivrly sUcwcwrI ]
soochai bhaaddai saach samaavai viralae soochaachaaree ||
In the pure vessel, the True Name is contained; how few are those who practice true conduct.
qMqY kau prm qMqu imlwieAw nwnk srix qumwrI ]5]6]
thanthai ko param thanth milaaeiaa naanak saran thumaaree ||5||6||
The individual soul is united with the Supreme Soul; Nanak seeks Your Sanctuary, Lord. ||5||6||