soriT mhlw 1 ]
aucwrx soriT mh`lw pihlw
sorath mehalaa 1 ||
Sorat'h, First Mehl:
hau pwpI piqqu prm pwKMfI qU inrmlu inrµkwrI ]
ho paapee pathith param paakhanddee thoo niramal nirankaaree ||
I am a wicked sinner and a great hypocrite; You are the Immaculate and Formless Lord.
AMimRqu cwiK prm ris rwqy Twkur srix qumwrI ]1]
aucwrx rwqy: Bwrw krky bolo
anmrith chaakh param ras raathae thaakur saran thumaaree ||1||
Tasting the Ambrosial Nectar, I am imbued with supreme bliss; O Lord and Master, I seek Your Sanctuary. ||1||
krqw qU mY mwxu inmwxy ]
karathaa thoo mai maan nimaanae ||
O Creator Lord, You are the honor of the dishonored.
mwxu mhqu nwmu Dnu plY swcY sbid smwxy ] rhwau ]
aucwrx mh`qu; p`lY
maan mehath naam dhhan palai saachai sabadh samaanae || rehaao ||
In my lap is the honor and glory of the wealth of the Name; I merge into the True Word of the Shabad. ||Pause||
qU pUrw hm aUry hoCy qU gaurw hm haury ]
thoo pooraa ham oorae hoshhae thoo gouraa ham hourae ||
You are perfect, while I am worthless and imperfect. You are profound, while I am trivial.
quJ hI mn rwqy Aihinis prBwqy hir rsnw jip mn ry ]2]
aucwrx rwqy: Bwrw krky bolo; pr-Bwqy: 'b-'B' dI sWJI Avwj
thujh hee man raathae ahinis parabhaathae har rasanaa jap man rae ||2||
My mind is imbued with You, day and night and morning, O Lord; my tongue chants Your Name, and my mind meditates on You. ||2||
qum swcy hm qum hI rwcy sbid Byid Puin swcy ]
thum saachae ham thum hee raachae sabadh bhaedh fun saachae ||
You are True, and I am absorbed into You; through the mystery of the Shabad, I shall ultimately become True as well.
Aihinis nwim rqy sy sUcy mir jnmy sy kwcy ]3]
aucwrx r`qy
ahinis naam rathae sae soochae mar janamae sae kaachae ||3||
Those who are imbued with the Naam day and night are pure, while those who die to be reborn are impure. ||3||
Avru n dIsY iksu swlwhI iqsih srIku n koeI ]
avar n dheesai kis saalaahee thisehi sareek n koee ||
I do not see any other like the Lord; who else should I praise? No one is equal to Him.
pRxviq nwnku dwsin dwsw gurmiq jwinAw soeI ]4]5]
pranavath naanak dhaasan dhaasaa guramath jaaniaa soee ||4||5||
Prays Nanak, I am the slave of His slaves; by Guru's Instruction, I know Him. ||4||5||