SGGSAng 829Raag BilavalMahalla 58 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

rwgu iblwvlu mhlw 5 dupdy Gru 9

aucwrx rwgu iblwvlu mh`lw pMjvw du-pdy Gru nwvw

raag bilaaval mehalaa 5 dhupadhae ghar 9

Raag Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl, Du-Padas, Ninth House:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

Awpih myil ley ]

aapehi mael leae ||

He Himself merges us with Himself.

jb qy srin qumwrI Awey qb qy doK gey ]1] rhwau ]

jab thae saran thumaaree aaeae thab thae dhokh geae ||1|| rehaao ||

When I came to Your Sanctuary, my sins vanished. ||1||Pause||

qij AiBmwnu Aru icMq ibrwnI swDh srn pey ]

thaj abhimaan ar chinth biraanee saadhheh saran peae ||

Renouncing egotistical pride and other anxieties, I have sought the Sanctuary of the Holy Saints.

jip jip nwmu qum@wro pRIqm qn qy rog Key ]1]

jap jap naam thumhaaro preetham than thae rog kheae ||1||

Chanting, meditating on Your Name, O my Beloved, disease is eradicated from my body. ||1||

mhw mugD Ajwn AigAwnI rwKy Dwir dey ]

mehaa mugadhh ajaan agiaanee raakhae dhhaar dheae ||

Even utterly foolish, ignorant and thoughtless persons have been saved by the Kind Lord.

khu nwnk guru pUrw ByitE Awvn jwn rhy ]2]1]126]

kahu naanak gur pooraa bhaettiou aavan jaan rehae ||2||1||126||

Says Nanak, I have met the Perfect Guru; my comings and goings have ended. ||2||1||126||