SGGSAng 829Raag BilavalMahalla 57 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx iblwvlu mh`lw pMjvw

bilaaval mehalaa 5 ||

Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:

ibnu BY BgqI qrnu kYsy ]

bin bhai bhagathee tharan kaisae ||

Without the Fear of God, and devotional worship, how can anyone cross over the world-ocean?

krhu AnugRhu piqq auDwrn rwKu suAwmI Awp Brosy ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx Anu`gRhu

karahu anugrahu pathith oudhhaaran raakh suaamee aap bharosae ||1|| rehaao ||

Be kind to me, O Saving Grace of sinners; preserve my faith in You, O my Lord and Master. ||1||Pause||

ismrnu nhI Awvq iPrq md mwvq ibiKAw rwqw suAwn jYsy ]

aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo

simaran nehee aavath firath madh maavath bikhiaa raathaa suaan jaisae ||

The mortal does not remember the Lord in meditation; he wanders around intoxicated by egotism; he is engrossed in corruption like a dog.

AauD ibhwvq AiDk mohwvq pwp kmwvq bufy AYsy ]1]

aucwrx bufy: polw bolo (ArQ: fub gey)

aoudhh bihaavath adhhik mohaavath paap kamaavath buddae aisae ||1||

Utterly cheated, his life is slipping away; committing sins, he is sinking away. ||1||

srin duK Bµjn purK inrµjn swDU sµgiq rvxu jYsy ]

saran dhukh bhanjan purakh niranjan saadhhoo sangath ravan jaisae ||

I have come to Your Sanctuary, Destroyer of pain; O Primal Immaculate Lord, may I dwell upon You in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

kysv klys nws AG KMfn nwnk jIvq drs idsy ]2]9]125]

kaesav kalaes naas agh khanddan naanak jeevath dharas dhisae ||2||9||125||

O Lord of beautiful hair, Destroyer of pain, Eradicator of sins, Nanak lives, gazing upon the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. ||2||9||125||