isrIrwgu mhlw 1 ]
aucwrx isrIrwgu mh`lw pihlw
sireeraag mehalaa 1 ||
Siree Raag, First Mehl:
siqguru pUrw jy imlY pweIAY rqnu bIcwru ]
sathigur pooraa jae milai paaeeai rathan beechaar ||
Meeting the Perfect True Guru, we find the jewel of meditative reflection.
mnu dIjY gur Awpxy pweIAY srb ipAwru ]
man dheejai gur aapanae paaeeai sarab piaar ||
Surrendering our minds to our Guru, we find universal love.
mukiq pdwrQu pweIAY Avgx mytxhwru ]1]
mukath padhaarathh paaeeai avagan maettanehaar ||1||
We find the wealth of liberation, and our demerits are erased. ||1||
BweI ry gur ibnu igAwnu n hoie ]
bhaaee rae gur bin giaan n hoe ||
O Siblings of Destiny, without the Guru, there is no spiritual wisdom.
pUChu bRhmy nwrdY byd ibAwsY koie ]1] rhwau ]
aucwrx bRhmy: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
pooshhahu brehamae naaradhai baedh biaasai koe ||1|| rehaao ||
Go and ask Brahma, Naarad and Vyaas, the writer of the Vedas. ||1||Pause||
igAwnu iDAwnu Duin jwxIAY AkQu khwvY soie ]
giaan dhhiaan dhhun jaaneeai akathh kehaavai soe ||
Know that from the vibration of the Word, we obtain spiritual wisdom and meditation. Through it, we speak the Unspoken.
sPilE ibrKu hrIAwvlw Cwv GxyrI hoie ]
safaliou birakh hareeaavalaa shhaav ghanaeree hoe ||
He is the fruit-bearing Tree, luxuriantly green with abundant shade.
lwl jvyhr mwxkI gur BµfwrY soie ]2]
aucwrx j-vyhr
laal javaehar maanakee gur bhanddaarai soe ||2||
The rubies, jewels and emeralds are in the Guru's Treasury. ||2||
gur BµfwrY pweIAY inrml nwm ipAwru ]
gur bhanddaarai paaeeai niramal naam piaar ||
From the Guru's Treasury, we receive the Love of the Immaculate Naam, the Name of the Lord.
swco vKru sµcIAY pUrY krim Apwru ]
saacho vakhar sancheeai poorai karam apaar ||
We gather in the True Merchandise, through the Perfect Grace of the Infinite.
suKdwqw duK mytxo siqguru Asur sµGwru ]3]
aucwrx A-sur
sukhadhaathaa dhukh maettano sathigur asur sanghaar ||3||
The True Guru is the Giver of peace, the Dispeller of pain, the Destroyer of demons. ||3||
Bvjlu ibKmu frwvxo nw kµDI nw pwru ]
bhavajal bikham ddaraavano naa kandhhee naa paar ||
The terrifying world-ocean is difficult and dreadful; there is no shore on this side or the one beyond.
nw byVI nw qulhVw nw iqsu vMJu mlwru ]
aucwrx qul-hVw
naa baerree naa thuleharraa naa this vanjh malaar ||
There is no boat, no raft, no oars and no boatman.
siqguru BY kw boihQw ndrI pwir auqwru ]4]
sathigur bhai kaa bohithhaa nadharee paar outhaar ||4||
The True Guru is the only boat on this terrifying ocean. His Glance of Grace carries us across. ||4||
ieku iqlu ipAwrw ivsrY duKu lwgY suKu jwie ]
eik thil piaaraa visarai dhukh laagai sukh jaae ||
If I forget my Beloved, even for an instant, suffering overtakes me and peace departs.
ijhvw jlau jlwvxI nwmu n jpY rswie ]
jihavaa jalo jalaavanee naam n japai rasaae ||
Let that tongue be burnt in flames, which does not chant the Naam with love.
Gtu ibnsY duKu Aglo jmu pkVY pCuqwie ]5]
ghatt binasai dhukh agalo jam pakarrai pashhuthaae ||5||
When the pitcher of the body bursts, there is terrible pain; those who are caught by the Minister of Death regret and repent. ||5||
myrI myrI kir gey qnu Dnu klqu n swiQ ]
aucwrx kl`qu
maeree maeree kar geae than dhhan kalath n saathh ||
Crying out, “Mine! Mine!”, they have departed, but their bodies, their wealth, and their wives did not go with them.
ibnu nwvY Dnu bwid hY BUlo mwrig AwiQ ]
aucwrx bwid: 'd' nwl bolo
bin naavai dhhan baadh hai bhoolo maarag aathh ||
Without the Name, wealth is useless; deceived by wealth, they have lost their way.
swcau swihbu syvIAY gurmuiK AkQo kwiQ ]6]
saacho saahib saeveeai guramukh akathho kaathh ||6||
So serve the True Lord; become Gurmukh, and speak the Unspoken. ||6||
AwvY jwie BvweIAY pieAY ikriq kmwie ]
aavai jaae bhavaaeeai paeiai kirath kamaae ||
Coming and going, people wander through reincarnation; they act according to their past actions.
pUrib iliKAw ikau mytIAY iliKAw lyKu rjwie ]
aucwrx rjwie: polw bolo
poorab likhiaa kio maetteeai likhiaa laekh rajaae ||
How can one's pre-ordained destiny be erased? It is written in accordance with the Lord's Will.
ibnu hir nwm n CutIAY gurmiq imlY imlwie ]7]
bin har naam n shhutteeai guramath milai milaae ||7||
Without the Name of the Lord, no one can be saved. Through the Guru's Teachings, we are united in His Union. ||7||
iqsu ibnu myrw ko nhI ijs kw jIau prwnu ]
this bin maeraa ko nehee jis kaa jeeo paraan ||
Without Him, I have no one to call my own. My soul and my breath of life belong to Him.
haumY mmqw jil blau loBu jlau AiBmwnu ]
houmai mamathaa jal balo lobh jalo abhimaan ||
May my egotism and possessiveness be burnt to ashes, and my greed and egotistical pride consigned to the fire.
nwnk sbdu vIcwrIAY pweIAY guxI inDwnu ]8]10]
naanak sabadh veechaareeai paaeeai gunee nidhhaan ||8||10||
O Nanak, contemplating the Shabad, the Treasure of Excellence is obtained. ||8||10||