SGGSAng 58Sri RaagMahalla 1 Astpadiyaa27 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

isrIrwgu mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx isrIrwgu mh`lw pihlw

sireeraag mehalaa 1 ||

Siree Raag, First Mehl:

ibnu ipr Dn sIgwrIAY jobnu bwid KuAwru ]

bin pir dhhan seegaareeai joban baadh khuaar ||

Without her Husband, the soul-bride's youth and ornaments are useless and wretched.

nw mwxy suiK syjVI ibnu ipr bwid sIgwru ]

aucwrx bwid: 'd' nwl bolo

naa maanae sukh saejarree bin pir baadh seegaar ||

She does not enjoy the pleasure of His Bed; without her Husband, her ornaments are absurd.

dUKu Gxo dohwgxI nw Gir syj Bqwru ]1]

dhookh ghano dhohaaganee naa ghar saej bhathaar ||1||

The discarded bride suffers terrible pain; her Husband does not come to the bed of her home. ||1||

mn ry rwm jphu suKu hoie ]

man rae raam japahu sukh hoe ||

O mind, meditate on the Lord, and find peace.

ibnu gur pRymu n pweIAY sbid imlY rMgu hoie ]1] rhwau ]

bin gur praem n paaeeai sabadh milai rang hoe ||1|| rehaao ||

Without the Guru, love is not found. United with the Shabad, happiness is found. ||1||Pause||

gur syvw suKu pweIAY hir vru shij sIgwru ]

gur saevaa sukh paaeeai har var sehaj seegaar ||

Serving the Guru, she finds peace, and her Husband Lord adorns her with intuitive wisdom.

sic mwxy ipr syjVI gUVw hyqu ipAwru ]

sach maanae pir saejarree goorraa haeth piaar ||

Truly, she enjoys the Bed of her Husband, through her deep love and affection.

gurmuiK jwix is\wxIAY guir mylI gux cwru ]2]

guramukh jaan sinjaaneeai gur maelee gun chaar ||2||

As Gurmukh, she comes to know Him. Meeting with the Guru, she maintains a virtuous lifestyle. ||2||

sic imlhu vr kwmxI ipir mohI rMgu lwie ]

sach milahu var kaamanee pir mohee rang laae ||

Through Truth, meet your Husband Lord, O soul-bride. Enchanted by your Husband, enshrine love for Him.

mnu qnu swic ivgisAw kImiq khxu n jwie ]

aucwrx ivg`isAw

man than saach vigasiaa keemath kehan n jaae ||

Your mind and body shall blossom forth in Truth. The value of this cannot be described.

hir vru Gir sohwgxI inrml swcY nwie ]3]

har var ghar sohaaganee niramal saachai naae ||3||

The soul-bride finds her Husband Lord in the home of her own being; she is purified by the True Name. ||3||

mn mih mnUAw jy mrY qw ipru rwvY nwir ]

man mehi manooaa jae marai thaa pir raavai naar ||

If the mind within the mind dies, then the Husband ravishes and enjoys His bride.

iekqu qwgY ril imlY gil moqIAn kw hwru ]

aucwrx iekqu: polw bolo (ASuD: iek`qu)

eikath thaagai ral milai gal motheean kaa haar ||

They are woven into one texture, like pearls on a necklace around the neck.

sMq sBw suKu aUpjY gurmuiK nwm ADwru ]4]

aucwrx sBw: polw bolo

santh sabhaa sukh oopajai guramukh naam adhhaar ||4||

In the Society of the Saints, peace wells up; the Gurmukhs take the Support of the Naam. ||4||

iKn mih aupjY iKin KpY iKnu AwvY iKnu jwie ]

khin mehi oupajai khin khapai khin aavai khin jaae ||

In an instant, one is born, and in an instant, one dies. In an instant one comes, and in an instant one goes.

sbdu pCwxY riv rhY nw iqsu kwlu sMqwie ]

sabadh pashhaanai rav rehai naa this kaal santhaae ||

One who recognizes the Shabad merges into it, and is not afflicted by death.

swihbu Aqulu n qolIAY kQin n pwieAw jwie ]5]

saahib athul n tholeeai kathhan n paaeiaa jaae ||5||

Our Lord and Master is Unweighable; He cannot be weighed. He cannot be found merely by talking. ||5||

vwpwrI vxjwirAw Awey vjhu ilKwie ]

vaapaaree vanajaariaa aaeae vajahu likhaae ||

The merchants and the traders have come; their profits are pre-ordained.

kwr kmwvih sc kI lwhw imlY rjwie ]

aucwrx rjwie: polw bolo

kaar kamaavehi sach kee laahaa milai rajaae ||

Those who practice Truth reap the profits, abiding in the Will of God.

pUMjI swcI guru imlY nw iqsu iqlu n qmwie ]6]

poonjee saachee gur milai naa this thil n thamaae ||6||

With the Merchandise of Truth, they meet the Guru, who does not have a trace of greed. ||6||

gurmuiK qoil quolwiesI scu qrwjI qolu ]

aucwrx qoulwiesI: qulwiesI bolo

guramukh thol thuolaaeisee sach tharaajee thol ||

As Gurmukh, they are weighed and measured, in the balance and the scales of Truth.

Awsw mnsw mohxI guir TwkI scu bolu ]

aasaa manasaa mohanee gur thaakee sach bol ||

The enticements of hope and desire are quieted by the Guru, whose Word is True.

Awip qulwey qolsI pUry pUrw qolu ]7]

aap thulaaeae tholasee poorae pooraa thol ||7||

He Himself weighs with the scale; perfect is the weighing of the Perfect One. ||7||

kQnY khix n CutIAY nw piV pusqk Bwr ]

kathhanai kehan n shhutteeai naa parr pusathak bhaar ||

No one is saved by mere talk and speech, nor by reading loads of books.

kwieAw soc n pweIAY ibnu hir Bgiq ipAwr ]

aucwrx kWieAW

kaaeiaa soch n paaeeai bin har bhagath piaar ||

The body does not obtain purity without loving devotion to the Lord.

nwnk nwmu n vIsrY myly guru krqwr ]8]9]

naanak naam n veesarai maelae gur karathaar ||8||9||

O Nanak, never forget the Naam; the Guru shall unite us with the Creator. ||8||9||