SGGSAng 411Raag AsaMahalla 98 linesGuru Tegh Bahadur Ji

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

rwgu Awsw mhlw 9 ]

aucwrx rwgu Awsw mh`lw nwvw

raag aasaa mehalaa 9 ||

Raag Aasaa, Ninth Mehl:

ibrQw khau kaun isau mn kI ]

birathhaa keho koun sio man kee ||

Who should I tell the condition of the mind?

loiB gRisE ds hU ids Dwvq Awsw lwigE Dn kI ]1] rhwau ]

lobh grasiou dhas hoo dhis dhhaavath aasaa laagiou dhhan kee ||1|| rehaao ||

Engrossed in greed, running around in the ten directions, you hold to your hopes of wealth. ||1||Pause||

suK kY hyiq bhuqu duKu pwvq syv krq jn jn kI ]

sukh kai haeth bahuth dhukh paavath saev karath jan jan kee ||

For the sake of pleasure, you suffer such great pain, and you have to serve each and every person.

duAwrih duAwir suAwn ijau folq nh suD rwm Bjn kI ]1]

aucwrx Bjn: polw bolo

dhuaarehi dhuaar suaan jio ddolath neh sudhh raam bhajan kee ||1||

You wander from door to door like a dog, unconscious of the Lord's meditation. ||1||

mwns jnm AkwrQ Kovq lwj n lok hsn kI ]

maanas janam akaarathh khovath laaj n lok hasan kee ||

You lose this human life in vain, and You are not even ashamed when others laugh at you.

nwnk hir jsu ikau nhI gwvq kumiq ibnwsY qn kI ]2]1]233]

aucwrx kum`iq

naanak har jas kio nehee gaavath kumath binaasai than kee ||2||1||233||

O Nanak, why not sing the Lord's Praises, so that you may be rid of the body's evil disposition? ||2||1||233||