rwgu Awsw mhlw 1 AstpdIAw Gru 2
aucwrx rwgu Awsw mh`lw pihlw Ast-pdIAw Gru dUjw
raag aasaa mehalaa 1 asattapadheeaa ghar 2
Raag Aasaa, First Mehl, Ashtapadees, Second House:
<> siqgur pRswid ]
aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr
ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
auqir AvGit srvir n@wvY ]
outhar avaghatt saravar nhaavai ||
He descends the treacherous precipice, to bathe in the cleansing pool;
bkY n bolY hir gux gwvY ]
bakai n bolai har gun gaavai ||
Without speaking or saying anything, he sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord.
jlu AwkwsI suµin smwvY ]
jal aakaasee sunn samaavai ||
Like water vapor in the sky, he remains absorbed in the Lord.
rsu squ Joil mhw rsu pwvY ]1]
ras sath jhol mehaa ras paavai ||1||
He churns the true pleasures to obtain the supreme nectar. ||1||
AYsw igAwnu sunhu AB mory ]
aisaa giaan sunahu abh morae ||
Listen to such spiritual wisdom, O my mind.
Birpuir Dwir rihAw sB Taury ]1] rhwau ]
bharipur dhhaar rehiaa sabh thourae ||1|| rehaao ||
The Lord is totally pervading and permeating all places. ||1||Pause||
scu bRqu nymu n kwlu sMqwvY ]
sach brath naem n kaal santhaavai ||
One who makes Truthfulness his fast and religious vows, does not suffer the pain of death.
siqgur sbid kroDu jlwvY ]
aucwrx jlwvY: polw bolo
sathigur sabadh karodhh jalaavai ||
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, he burns away his anger.
ggin invwis smwiD lgwvY ]
gagan nivaas samaadhh lagaavai ||
He dwells in the Tenth Gate, immersed in the Samaadhi of deep meditation.
pwrsu pris prmpdu pwvY ]2]
paaras paras param padh paavai ||2||
Touching the philosopher's stone, he obtains the supreme status. ||2||
scu mn kwrix qqu iblovY ]
sach man kaaran thath bilovai ||
For the benefit of the mind, churn the true essence of reality;
suBr srvir mYlun DovY ]
aucwrx su`Br: 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj; mYlun: iek`Tw bolo
subhar saravar mail n dhhovai ||
Bathing in the over-flowing tank of nectar, filth is washed away.
jY isau rwqw qYso hovY ]
aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo
jai sio raathaa thaiso hovai ||
We become like the One with whom we are imbued.
Awpy krqw kry su hovY ]3]
aapae karathaa karae s hovai ||3||
Whatever the Creator does, comes to pass. ||3||
gur ihv sIqlu Agin buJwvY ]
aucwrx buJwvY: polw bolo
gur hiv seethal agan bujhaavai ||
The Guru is cool and soothing like ice; He puts out the fire of the mind.
syvw suriq ibBUq cVwvY ]
aucwrx ibBUq: 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj
saevaa surath bibhooth charraavai ||
Smear your body with the ashes of dedicated service,
drsnu Awip shj Gir AwvY ]
dharasan aap sehaj ghar aavai ||
And live in the home of peace - make this your religious order.
inrml bwxI nwdu vjwvY ]4]
niramal baanee naadh vajaavai ||4||
Let the Immaculate Bani of the Word be your playing of the flute. ||4||
AMqir igAwnu mhw rsu swrw ]
anthar giaan mehaa ras saaraa ||
Spiritual wisdom within is the supreme, sublime nectar.
qIrQ mjnu gur vIcwrw ]
aucwrx m`jnu
theerathh majan gur veechaaraa ||
Contemplation of the Guru is one's bathing at holy places of pilgrimage.
AMqir pUjw Qwnu murwrw ]
anthar poojaa thhaan muraaraa ||
Worship and adoration within is the Lord's dwelling.
joqI joiq imlwvxhwrw ]5]
jothee joth milaavanehaaraa ||5||
He is the One who blends one's light with the Divine Light. ||5||
ris risAw miq eykY Bwie ]
aucwrx m`iq
ras rasiaa math eaekai bhaae ||
He delights in the delightful wisdom of loving the One Lord.
qKq invwsI pMc smwie ]
thakhath nivaasee panch samaae ||
He is one of the self-elect - he merges with the Lord, who occupies the throne.
kwr kmweI Ksm rjwie ]
aucwrx rjwie: polw bolo
kaar kamaaee khasam rajaae ||
He performs his works in obedience to the Will of his Lord and Master.
Aivgq nwQu n liKAw jwie ]6]
avigath naathh n lakhiaa jaae ||6||
The Unknowable Lord cannot be understood. ||6||
jl mih aupjY jl qy dUir ]
jal mehi oupajai jal thae dhoor ||
The lotus originates in the water, and yet it remains distinct from the water.
jl mih joiq rihAw BrpUir ]
jal mehi joth rehiaa bharapoor ||
Just so, the Divine Light pervades and permeates the water of the world.
iksu nyVY iksu AwKw dUir ]
kis naerrai kis aakhaa dhoor ||
Who is near, and who is far away?
iniD gux gwvw dyiK hdUir ]7]
aucwrx in`iD
nidhh gun gaavaa dhaekh hadhoor ||7||
I sing the Glories of the Lord, the treasure of virtue; I behold Him ever-present. ||7||
AMqir bwhir Avru n koie ]
anthar baahar avar n koe ||
Inwardly and outwardly, there is none other than Him.
jo iqsu BwvY so Puin hoie ]
jo this bhaavai so fun hoe ||
Whatever pleases Him, comes to pass.
suix BrQir nwnku khY bIcwru ]
sun bharathhar naanak kehai beechaar ||
Listen, O Bharthari Yogi - Nanak speaks after deliberation;
inrml nwmu myrw AwDwru ]8]1]
niramal naam maeraa aadhhaar ||8||1||
The Immaculate Name is my only Support. ||8||1||