pwrbRhm ky sgly Twau ]
aucwrx pwr-bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
paarabreham kae sagalae thaao ||
All places belong to the Supreme Lord God.
ijqu ijqu Gir rwKY qYsw iqn nwau ]
jith jith ghar raakhai thaisaa thin naao ||
According to the homes in which they are placed, so are His creatures named.
Awpy krn krwvn jogu ]
aapae karan karaavan jog ||
He Himself is the Doer, the Cause of causes.
pRB BwvY soeI Puin hogu ]
prabh bhaavai soee fun hog ||
Whatever pleases God, ultimately comes to pass.
psirE Awip hoie Anq qrµg ]
pasariou aap hoe anath tharang ||
He Himself is All-pervading, in endless waves.
lKy n jwih pwrbRhm ky rMg ]
aucwrx lKy: polw bolo; pwr-bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
lakhae n jaahi paarabreham kae rang ||
The playful sport of the Supreme Lord God cannot be known.
jYsI miq dyie qYsw prgws ]
aucwrx m`iq
jaisee math dhaee thaisaa paragaas ||
As the understanding is given, so is one enlightened.
pwrbRhmu krqw Aibnws ]
aucwrx pwr-bRhmu: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
paarabreham karathaa abinaas ||
The Supreme Lord God, the Creator, is eternal and everlasting.
sdw sdw sdw dieAwl ]
sadhaa sadhaa sadhaa dhaeiaal ||
Forever, forever and ever, He is merciful.
ismir ismir nwnk Bey inhwl ]8]9]
simar simar naanak bheae nihaal ||8||9||
Remembering Him, remembering Him in meditation, O Nanak, one is blessed with ecstasy. ||8||9||