Bhai Gurdas JiAng 27Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 277 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

8: s`cw kMm

The true business

vxju krY vwpwrIAw iqqu lwhw qotw ]

vanaju karai vaapaareeaa titu laahaa totaa.

The trader trades and he earns profits as well as loss.

ikrswxI ikrswxu kir hoie dublw motw ]

kirasaanee kirasaanu kari hoi doubalaa motaa.

The farmer cultivates and thus increases or decreases.

cwkru lgY cwkrI rix KWdw cotW ]

chaakaru lagai chaakaree rani khaandaa chotaan.

The servant serves and gets blows in the battlefield.

rwju jogu sMswru ivic vx KMf gV kotw ]

raaju jogu sansaaru vichi van khand garh kotaa.

The results of ruling, living as a yogi, residing in the world, forest

AMiq kwil jmjwlu pY pwey Pl Potw ]

anti kaali jam jaalu pai paaay phal dhotaa.

And forts are such that ultimately man is caught in the web of yama i.e. he goes on transmigrating.

pIr murIdW iprhVI huie kdy nw qotw ]8]

peer mureedaan piraharhee hui kaday n totaa ||8||

But such is love between the Sikh and his Guru that loss is never suffered.