Bhai Gurdas JiAng 27Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 277 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

9: s`cw Bog

True enjoyment

AKI vyiK n rjIAw bhu rMg qmwsy ]

akhee vaykhi n rajeeaa bahu rang tamaasay.

The eyes are not satisfied with beholding sights and exhibitions;

ausqiq inMdw kMin suix rovix qY hwsy ]

ousatati nidaa kanni souni rovani tai haasay.

The ears are not satisfied with hearing praise or blame, mourning or rejoicing;

swdIN jIB n rjIAw kir Bog iblwsy ]

saadeen jeebh n rajeeaa kari bhog bilaasay.

The tongue is not satisfied with eating what affords pleasure and delight;

nk n rjw vwsu lY durgMD suvwsy ]

nak n rajaa vaasu lai duragandh suvaasay.

The nose is not contented with good or evil odour;

rij n koeI jIivAw kUVy Brvwsy ]

raji n koee jeeviaa koorhay bharavaasay.

Nobody is satisfied with his span of life, and everyone entertains false hopes.

pIr murIdW iprhVI scI rhrwsy ]9]

peer mureedaan piraharhee sachee raharaasay ||9||

But the Sikhs are satisfied with the Guru and theirs is the true love and delight.